
Doing What's Right

I just read a blog that made me think... many times people ask if I am willing to die for what I believe in, I would like to think that I could say yes but I wonder...  I certainly want to live for what I believe in.  I am not afraid of death, I don't think that death is the end, I know there is better even after this.  Honestly though I love my life, I love the opportunity I have been given to be on this earth and to figure out my purpose.

I feel like I was blessed to have the opportunities that I have had, I was talking with a friend tonight and I told her that I feel like I have learned so much in the past few months about how I have dealt with challenges in the past and how I am now dealing with them.   In the past I have dealt with challenges or changes by being depressed, wondering why me?  Really???  Why not me? Challenges help me to grow, they help all of us to grow.  When I start to feel even for a moment that my life is too difficult, I am reminded that many people have had it much harder than me.

There is no one on this earth who has not had difficult and challenging times, it really is all about how we deal with them.  I know that a story I have read and heard about for years about if we threw all of our problems in a pile with everyone else's, we would be quick to grab our own back. We only think other people have it easier, we really are only given the challenges we can handle in this life.   If we don't deal with it right, that is when we need to remember to have courage and strength the most.

The world is not against us, it doesn't hate us, it isn't trying to hurt us.  Unfortunately there are people that have these feelings towards us, that doesn't mean all people are like that, we need to ignore these people's feelings towards us and just love them from a far.  They are only afraid and they don't know any other way than this to deal with their lives.  That is sad, really sad... I actually feel bad for them but I just love them from a far and move on.

I just want to do what's right, I ponder this often... I want to be uplifting to people in my life, I want to touch people's hearts and show them that even though I have had devastating things happen to me, I am still here and I am stronger because of them.  These life changing events have actually helped me to become the person that I am now, the girl who does not think to judge another person, for if I do... I automatically stop myself and question as to why I think I have the right.


  1. Launna, tenha certeza que você é edificante para as pessoas, em minha vida você é especial!

    1. Thank you Jaqueline, that is so incredibly sweet of you to say I am special and that I am edifying to the people in my life. You are amazing, I love your poetry

  2. Very well thought out, thought upon and insightful piece.


  3. Hi SophieD, Thank you for the very kind comment, I truly appreciate the feedback:)

  4. I think each of us think so about this subject, but few succeed to really believe it

    1. I think you are right about that Sunshine... I actually think we hope we never have to answer the question for real:)

  5. I like how you bring up, there really is no one else we would rather be if given the chance. I am best suited to be me, not anyone else. Very sound realization. ;D Good wisdom.

    1. Thank you so much WilyBCool... I am grateful that I am me, we all should be happy to be who we are :)

  6. Hello!
    You did comment my Blog few days ago!!! Did you speak any portuguese??




    1. Hi Angelica, I don't speak Portuguese but I will try to translate my comments for you :) Thank you for dropping by:)


I love and appreciate all genuine comments, to save a little time, I won't be commenting on the comments on my blog (unless you don't have a blog), I will just visit your blog and comment there, if you have left a meaningful comment for me... I would much rather spend the time reading and commenting on a few extra blogs ❤