
Don't Wait For Tomorrow, Dream It Today

Treat today like it was tomorrow. Think about what you want for tomorrow and manifest it today. No excuses... just live your dream now! ~ Colette Brown

I have given up on all the old excuses that I have had in the past, anytime I am afraid... I am just going to do it.  Every time I face a fear, I am going to get stronger... I'm stronger already.. I want to thank David for seeing that in me and not letting me hide under the fear... he never lets me say I can't do it, he tells me every time we talk that I can do it... he expects nothing but the best from me, so now I only expect the best from me too. 

I've lost 44 lbs since February, I know I am going to need another push to get me to the next mile stone, the weight is coming off slower.  I've be walking sporadically when the weather permits, I need something more reliable.  I'm questioning myself on how much I want to lose this weight. 

If I want to lose it, I'll put all my efforts into it without any excuses.  When I'm on my own, I have NO desire for junk food; yesterday was my Valentina's birthday and so I allowed myself a small (and I do mean small) piece of cheesecake and one Ferrier Roche Chocolate. I wouldn't even have that type of food in my house but I have to learn that it will be around and I have to say no. 

I also need to kick up the exercise, one of the girls at work is trying out a personal trainer for a week free.  I've asked her to have him contact me, the worst thing that could happen was that I could learn some new tactics for weight loss. At best I might be able to figure out how to keep him so that I can reach my goal that much quicker. 

It's time to live my dream fully and to start today!  I will have all that I hope and wish for, I am tenacious and I will never give up until I have attained each and everyone of my dreams!!


  1. Luanna, my dear! We must not waste time tomorrow will not come one day. We need to put into practice what we want for tomorrow, today. Bjoks

    1. Exactly Jaqueline... hence my last sentence, I agree totally with you:)

      It's time to live my dream fully and to start today! I will have all that I hope and wish for, I am tenacious and I will never give up until I have attained each and everyone of my dreams!!

  2. Forty four pounds???!!! You are amazing, girl! That is fantastic! Way to go! Seriously, you are an example to the rest of us. Have you hit a plateau? Just stick with your plan. Visualize your initial goal and re-cement it into your mind. You can do this!!! We'll all be cheering you on from the sidelines!

    1. Thanks Diane, I have kind of hit a plateau, I am not giving up though... I will lose it :)

  3. I've been starting to try to lose weight too (and plan on blogging about it soon, but I'm kinda nervous about it). It takes a strong person to admit their struggles with weight, and to talk about it with others.

    That's so awesome that you've lost 44 pounds! The first twenty or so, are the easiest to lose, and then you plateau a bit, and average losing 1-2 pounds per week (this was my experience). Just keep at it, and try not to get discouraged. *hugs*

    1. Thank you Sasha, I agree... the first 20 are easy, that is one of the reasons I am really thinking of using a personal trainer to get me over the next hump... I will let everyone know how it goes :)

  4. 44 pounds is're so strong and a good example for me!

    1. Thanks Susanna, I must say one thing, it is so much easier to lose the weight when you are in your young years... I won't give up though ;)

  5. Dear Launa

    Thank you for your answer in German. You did a great job written in German.

    Du bist die Beste !!!

    1. You are welcome Shelley, thank you for your comments :) Du bist die Beste ;)

  6. Congratulations on losing 44 pounds, that's amazing :) What's your secret? I used to be very overweight and still am a bit. I have also hit my plateau and you honestly have motivated me to get back out there and get back to exercising. This day next week I will be finished exams and will be able to focus better and get back to it. Best of luck with it in the future and I hope it all goes well for you :)

  7. Congratulations on losing so much since February! Wow, that's quite an achievement and just the fact that you're desiring to continue on means that you will do it when the time is right for you. Keep up updated!


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