
Love ~ Peace ~ Joy

"Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind."

Eric Hoffer

This quote spoke to me this morning, I believe it's true.  This is difficult as when kind people are kind it is not always received the same way.  People that are not kind take it as an opportunity to use you; this used to bother me but now I feel that is their issue.   I am going to continue to be kind and loving.

Does this mean I will let someone walk all over me, NO!  I have boundaries.   Otherwise I'd just be a door mat, which I'm not.  I am a daughter of Heavenly Father who wants to give good out to the world no matter what it gives back.  I've been thrown huge curve balls, they do not make me who I am. 

Who I am is who I choose to be.  I choose to be kind, giving and loving regardless of what is thrown my way. When someone chooses to judge me (because that is a choice), I choose to love them.  I will always pick the road of love, otherwise I will just be a pain filled person that has only pain to offer the world. 

Doesn't the world have enough pain, why would we mirror that back?   Just because it's easy?  Even if it's hard, I want to project love.  Don't get me wrong, in no way do I think I'm perfect!  Far from it, I'm sure I will stumble, I am as human as the next person. What I'm saying is that when I stumble as I'm bound to do; I will pick myself up and choose to not let it destroy me.

If I can survive the challenges I have been thrown and still be standing; that shows me I have a massive amount of strength. It's not always easy being strong, it would be so much simpler of we could just lock the door and never come out or hide under a rock.

How would we ever feel the joy we've been promised "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy." 2 Nephi 2:25.  (I don't usually quote scripture but this one touches me a lot.  I also want you all to know that I respect all people's religions and thoughts, I make no judgments).    When I am given a choice between joy and pain, you think I would always choose joy, I haven't always made that choice in the past.  Mainly because I didn't think that I deserved it but I do, we all do

"Everything you want, also wants you" ~ Jack Canfield


  1. You just made me smile :) Your thoughts are sooo good and I love your spirituality!

    1. Thank you Susanna, I am glad I could make you smile:)

  2. Dear Launna, that's a great post! Again :)
    Kindness can help one open a lot of doors but sometimes others take advantage of your kindness and that's really not ok.


    1. Thank you Petro and you are right it is not okay for people to take advantage of kindness:)

  3. nareszcie zrozumiałam co napisałaś . :)
    bardzo podobają mi się twoje wypowiedzi . :)
    w niektórych momentach bardzo się uśmiałam . :)

    1. Dziękuję Natalka,

      Doceniam twoje słowa, wiem, co to jest wysiłek, aby przeczytać i zrozumieć innego języka. Śledzę kilka blogów, które uważam za warte wysiłku. Launna

  4. You are SO RIGHT!! You DO deserve it, we all do! I don't care how cliche it sounds but love really does make the world go round. When it isn't present there are distinct Universal stoppages in the fabric of time that throw everything way off kilter. So happy to read this!

    1. Thanks Jenn, I love cliche's because they are true. Love does make the world around and without it the world is most definitely off kilter.

  5. A few days ago I put on my blog picture quote of similar meaning: "Kill them with kindness" :) sometimes it's a better solution than mutual malice. You better at heart and the opponent is cooking ;) hihi

    xoxo from Poland :)

    1. You are so right Klarella, killing a person with kindness is so much better:)

  6. Finally, I can comment! I've been trying for the past several days and couldn't get anything to work. but I think I've got my computer fixed now . . .
    I loved this post. It made me think of my Mom. She always said that the most important thing was to be kind. She was always kind. Always. I love your sweet, positive attitude. You are an example to the rest of us!

    1. Thank you Diane for your very sweet comment, it means a lot to me.


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