
I Have Flip Flops In My Belly

I'm wondering if I learned a lesson too late.  I'm in this odd state right now, my belly is doing flip flops and I can't get it to settle down.  I feel like I have lost a best friend through death and I haven't.  But you know that feeling?  Realizing you can't say what you want to them anymore and feeling at a loss to how you fill their void. 

It's a huge void, they filled up much of your day, you talked to them about your day, good and bad.  You used to wait excitedly to talk to them and now it's gone.  This isn't a death though, it's almost worse then a death.  Having someone who you just want to change the past with so you can get your life back to some normalcy. 

I miss my best friend, I miss being able to tell him about my day, telling him about my accomplishments.  I never in my life thought I would ever think, let alone say and definitely never write.  But never say never...  It's not that I regret my romantic time with David because I don't.  I just wish...  we hadn't got involved emotionally.

Why do I say this?  I may have  lost my best friend and that is so much worse.  I have been having such a difficult time this past couple of weeks when I've had so much to tell him and I haven't been able to.  That's what got me thinking, my sister asked me last night if it wasn't better that the fantasy was gone?  I said no, I would rather that the fantasy never happened if it meant losing my best friend. 

I was living with the fantasy for 33 years, I could have lived with that for the rest of my life but a friend, a best friend is so hard to come by.  I have some amazing friends but only one that I can be myself with.

I just needed to say this, it's been inside me for days and I finally breathed normally.  My tummy seems to be settling down, maybe I can sleep tonight, just maybe...

"Everything you want, also wants you" ~ Jack Canfield


  1. It is so good just to be honor your truth and let all that energy leave your body!!! Congrats!!!
    Hugs!!! :)

  2. Thanks Suzanne, I don't think it is healthy to leave inside. I may not have slept long last night but I really slept. I think it was because I finally wrote everything down that was bothering me.

  3. Awww, this hurts my heart. It is so hard to risk friendship love with romantic love. You were brave to be honest and do it. <3

    1. Thank you Jamie, I appreciate the kind words. I think if I had really thought about what I was losing, I never would have chanced it.

  4. You have more friends in the web and here is one that send you a big embrace.

    1. Thank you Armando, I'm really grateful for my friends on the web. ;)

  5. Launna~ My heart breaks for you. This is so honestly written and delves right into the reader's soul! Thank you for sharing and beng so open. I wish you good rest tonight and peace in your soul.

  6. Thank you Joy, that is so very sweet of you!

  7. Launna, it is hard to lose a great love, it's hard to lose a great friend, but the worst is you lose God and therefore is pereder himself.

  8. Thank you Jaqueline, I could have handled losing him as the great love of my life but losing him as a friend is too much for me to handle. I've already lost enough, if I'd really thought about what I could lose, I never would have taken a chance to lose his friendship.

    I know it's important to remember God first and I do but I MISS my best friend, love wasn't worth losing him.

  9. I'm sorry to hear you are missing your best friend. I can understand how hard that must be for you. Hugs to you.

  10. Thank you Daisy, he's not only my best friend, he is the man I have dreamt of for years and loved deeply for almost a year. Thank you for your kind words.


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