
A Belief Is Only A Thought You Continue To Think

"A belief is only a thought you continue to think. A belief is nothing more than a chronic pattern of thought, and you have the ability -if you try even a little bit- to begin a new pattern, to tell a new story, to achieve a different vibration, to change your point of attraction." - Esther Hicks

I know the quote or statement above is true, I have seen this work in my life on so many occasions.  Yet I am still stuck in some of my old beliefs, I am working on a new story... a new dream.  I don't want my old beliefs to win, I need to find things that inspire me to change my point of attraction.

When I read that quote, I think it sounds a bit simplistic... Can it really be that easy?  Just tell ourselves another story?  I can't deny that this hasn't worked in very important events in my life, since it has.  It doesn't or hasn't worked for me when it comes to emotional things though, emotions are ever changing and it isn't easy to pin them down.  They kind of have a mind of their own, especially when you first fall in love.  I lose all perspective and focus, I am in a bubble and nothing else exists.

What I need to do in the future is have a new belief... one in myself, one where I know I deserve good things and happiness as much as the next person.  If I don't start believing this for myself now, I will continually run in that old belief circle where I always end up disappointed in myself because I never took the chance to believe in me.

I am grateful for each hurtle that I reach and overcome as it teaches me more about myself and shows me where I want to go. Some changes are easier than others, some are down right painful... almost unbearable but needed if I am ever to change the beliefs I have.  I am ready....

I cherish my past, I accept my present and I dream for my future


  1. Change is always tough, but you can do it! Hang in there Launna. Praying that God continues to work on helping you see how worthy you are of His love, grace and mercy.

  2. Thank you, I really appreciate the kind words ;-)

  3. I really love the last sentence! :) You have an excellent attitude to life! :)

  4. Thank you Susanna... I am trying to keep a good attitude...;-)

  5. I LOVE these quotes you find. You find the most perfect quotes to accompany your posts. Keep spreading this positivity my friend...it's wonderfully infections :)

  6. Thank you Keith... I am a bit of a quote aholic... I love ones that inspire me... :)

  7. sometimes i just fake it till i make it.

  8. Thank you Stephanie... sometimes I fake it till I make it too... sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't... I never give up ;)

  9. Good post. I think we can change our lives by changing the way we think, but it isn't always easy. Have a nice weekend!

  10. Thank you Daisy... change with anything is never easy... have a nice weekend too :)


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