
I Only Need To Give Love

I am of infinite worth, I deserved to be loved by my David, my David deserved to be loved by me.
We both had to know that,  for us to have worked, not just one of us.  I needed to remember that I am of infinite worth and I deserve to be loved. David doesn't have to love me for me to know that, I had to know that for myself. I have felt that before but not like I did tonight, I actually had chills from it.

I was reading a blog by a young woman that is a daughter of my very good friend from church which is titled Laura plus Jeremy: Our Little Life Together.  I was so moved by her honesty and openness about how she felt inadequate but that she had been touched by a very inspiring talk by one of our church members who talked about how we just needed to love Heavenly Father, love ourselves and don't compare ourselves to others. We are all deserving of infinite love, all the things we pick apart about ourselves is to keep us from remembering that Heavenly Father loves us, we should love ourselves and we should stop wondering if or why someone has it better or worse than us.

 Which only causes us to forget that we all deserve better and we shouldn't let the things we play in our head over and over, that somehow we are not good enough, for reasons we come up with where we think we don't deserve to be loved and from things we have been told throughout our lives by other people we know or have known.

I have not heard affirming affirmations most of my life... I have usually heard degrading things. Well as an adult I know they are not true but whenever I allow my mind to dwell on those thoughts, I am not allowing myself to see that I do deserve infinite love.  Just like we all do... Laura's blog so inspired me. I am seeing things from a different point of view, it is like I have done a one hundred and eighty degree turn.

I wanted, or rather I needed to write this tonight because I know the day may come that I will have a bad day where I allow my thoughts to dwell in those inadequate feelings,  I wanted this written blog post to remind me that they are not true.  They cannot be real if I don't give them part of my mind to dwell in... I am not even sure I can convey how much of an amazing feeling I had understanding this concept.

I am going to talk about something that I don't normally talk about because I do not like to come of as preachy.  I believe we all have the right to believe what we believe and that we should be respected for our beliefs.  I don't judge other people and I love all people, no matter what religion they are.

So when I read Laura's blog, I really felt the truth that Heavenly Father loves me, Jesus Christ loves me, I don't have to be perfect for Him to love me, I just have to be working at being a better me, a more loving and a nonjudgmental me.  I think I have come a long way in that department and for this I am grateful.

I am hoping I didn't come of too preachy because that is just not how I live my life, I am grateful for my knowledge and I believe strongly in my Faith but that doesn't mean I would profess to tell another how to live.  It is not my place to judge another, it is only my place to love.

 I cherish my past, I accept my present and I dream for my future


  1. Sigh.
    Yes, one of the most difficult things is learning to love yourself and to believe that you deserve to be loved for everything that you are.. and for everything that you are not. I am glad you came away on a positive in this department.

    Breakfast After 10

  2. It's not easy LuLu... I felt it and that is why I wrote about it... I want to remember it for the future :)

  3. I love what Bill Cosby said...it's not what we need to learn but unlearn. Laura's blog sounds awesome....Wishing you a beautiful rest of the weekend

  4. Thank you Nikki... I wish you a beautiful weekend too ;-)

  5. Love is never perfect, it shouldn't tear us down but build us up. I truly believe that we all deserve infinite love. On a side note. I nominated you for The Versatile Blog award. I love your introspection.

  6. Thank you Sara... I appreciate the award and the very kind words:-)

  7. Learing to love yourself is hard, I know that :( I hope you have a great weekend! :)


  8. Thank you Patriza... I think loving ourselves is one of the hardest things to do... put possible :)

    I hope you had a wonderful weekend too:)

  9. I would never imagine you to be preachy. You like to share things and that is great. I believe in reading about every faith, because to every one their faith is as important as my faith to me.

  10. Thank you Munir... I like to share without making people feel they are wrong... :)

  11. You don't sound to preachy. You just showed your worth by speaking your truth. WONDERFUL!!!
    Someone once said to me, that you never have to love because we are already love without having to believe. We are love and this can never be taken away.
    Beautiful post!!!

  12. Really love all words you said, first you have to love yourself than you can love from other people! love for you

  13. It's true we, all of us, deserve to be loved. We are all worthy of that. It's not always easy to believe it, but it's true. Hope you have a lovely Sunday. :-)

  14. My dear Launna, you are as inspiring as ever. Would you mind spreading your contagious positivism on a hop I'm hosting tomorrow? I'd love to see you there :)

  15. Jesus loves us as we are, Launna. Laura was happy in his blog with these words.
    We have to live trying to be better, but not stay sad for someone 'seem' to be better than us.
    Good week.

  16. Thank you Suzanne for your wonderful words... I adore what you wrote about us already being love without having to believe... we are love and this can never be taken away... thank you for sharing that thought with me <3

  17. Thank you Michelle, how very sweet of you to say, thank you again :)

  18. Thank you Daisy, I believe a lot of us do not believe we are worthy of love... by just being born, we are worthy!

  19. Thank you Petro... I have never been able to figure out a blog hop... I would love to join sometime though :)

  20. Thank you Jaqueline, I always appreciate each of your comments :)

  21. Thank you Irene, I followed you on Facebbook, Google, Bloglovin and GFC... I would love if you could follow back :)


I love and appreciate all genuine comments, to save a little time, I won't be commenting on the comments on my blog (unless you don't have a blog), I will just visit your blog and comment there, if you have left a meaningful comment for me... I would much rather spend the time reading and commenting on a few extra blogs ❤