
I Want Happiness And Joy

I read a blog the other day... it was about how if we were in a relationship that broke up,  that for us to move on; we would need forgive the person who hurt us...  I thought about that in relation to my David and I questioned what I needed to forgive him for?

He didn't intentionally go out of his way to hurt me and he wasn't mean to me... what did I need to forgive him for so that I could move forward?  The only thing that came to mind was that he offered me my dreams and then shattered them by ending it with me. Still I don't feel that I need to forgive him for being honest with me...  Maybe I need to forgive myself ... it was okay for me to have that dream ... it was a sweet and beautiful dream..

The dream is so broken that I'm not sure it could ever be fixed again... I'm not even sure I want it to be sometimes.  It's much too sad to see it almost happen and then have it end for no reason.  At least no reason that I can see or none that I was given.  Then I wrote a post the other day about how I wasn't really happy but I also wasn't really sad either... I was in a state of limbo.  One of my lovely readers commented that she too was not happy but she was not sure that she really wanted to be...  This caused me to think... and deep in my heart I realized I want to be happy.

I say this because I know what true happiness feels like, I was over the moon with such joy and happiness when I was with my 'D' ... I know how it feels and I know it exists... The thought of never feeling that again really breaks my heart because although the fallout was and is extremely painful, I really was never so happy in my life.  It was so incredible to be filled with so much joy and love... I guess it is why I can never give up on wanting that feeling again. 

Although I know this will be a long road for me, I am willing to take that journey to try... I want that joy and happiness that I know exists...

I cherish my past, I accept my present and I dream for my future


  1. Sometimes when we are at what we call our happiest in a relationship, we feel that we could never ever have that with someone else if the relationship fails. That is not true. We may go through deep pain and hurt but as long as we are open to giving someone else a chance, we can find love again, or we can find something better than what we had.
    Of course it will never be the same because every person is unique and different, but we should not give up and close shop. We must continue in life with a fresh approach and a willingness to at least try again. Happiness comes in all different ways, so never let a past relationship determine what your happiness is!
    Forgiveness is always key because nobody wants to go into a relationship with baggage.

  2. Thank you Rum Punch... This is a bit hard for me as I have only been in love once before in my life and when I reconnected with my David... I never felt such love or joy...

    I honestly believe that it will never be as good with anyone else, he is my soul mate, my best friend... the person I share everything with..

    However; I do want to be happy, so I am open to loving again... just never with that intensity again... For I will never stop loving my David... I am hoping whoever comes along can handle that... he will always be a part of my life. I don't have to forgive him, he never meant to hurt me...

  3. You should forgive him no matter what he did. I'm sure forgetting is hard but it's what we are suppose to do.

    I'm happy with how life is but i'm not happy b/c there's a piece of me that's been missing for a long time. A piece of me I've been trying to find since I was 19 or so and no luck to finding that perfect person yet. God has other intentions.

  4. Thank you Laney... I don't think I need to forgive him... he didn't do anything to be mean... he was just honest..

    I still love him with all my heart... but I will move on... I want to feel happiness and joy again :)

  5. hey. you might wanna fix it so people can comment you back to the comments thru email. you have no reply blogger right now. What a bummer?

  6. How do I do that Laney... I have a subscribe button... I am learning everyday... I could always use a little help :)

  7. i hope you always be happy :D
    and thanks launna. I follow you back in everything too ^^ also add you in fb :D

    Invite you to enter
    **Luch Luch Craft x Persunmall International Giveaway**
    Win one piece clothe of your choice :)
    Hope you will Join :) it means alot.
    visit my blog ^^

  8. Thank you Inge... so nice you joined my FB... :)

  9. Forgiveness is difficult to remember it is more for yourself so you can find love again. Remember to first love yourself tho dear friend. If you love yourself it will radiate through. Regardless if a man, any man would dare to hurt you again, be confident that your love for yourself and knowing your worth will carry you through. I am sure it is most of the reason why you have been able to raise 2 strong daughters and be self-supported. Your strength is enviable!

  10. You are right about happiness. It is something we want and if we work at getting it we will get it. I am glad that you find it within your heart to be nice about David. He must be one special person.

  11. Thank you Joy... I don't know about being with any other man but I do know that I want to be happy :)

  12. Thank you Munir, David is the very best... we are both lucky to have each other as our best friend :)

  13. We must work in order to have happiness, it's everything in our hand <3
    Xxx honey



  14. Awe... thank you Carolina, you always leave such lovely lovely and thoughtful comments;-)

  15. Thank you for your comment Irene ;-)

  16. Beautiful post! I love your blog!


  17. Thank you so much for your comment Fashion Lover :)

  18. While forgiveness and forgetting are two different things, I have always found forgiveness to be very cathartic. There's an old Buddha saying "holding onto anger is like drinking a poison and expecting the other peson to die". I love that quote.

  19. Thank you, I love that quote to Keith... it is so true... I totally believe in forgiving people... with my David... I just don't think he needs to be forgiven for anything but being honest. :)

  20. beautiful post ...happiness is some thing i always want in my life...thanks for sharing

  21. Awe, thank you for commenting Shafaq :) You are so sweet !

  22. You have to find and create your OWN happiness, not depend on someone else to bring it to you. I think if you can let go of this hurt you still feel that is the residue of an old relationship, THEN you'll be able to move forward and find your own happiness.

  23. Thanks Marcia... I'll never stop loving David.. I may and I mean I may love again someday but I will never stop loving David... no matter how long I live :-)

  24. Love it<3

    Let's follow each other via bloglovin/fb? Would mean a lot to me:) Let me know, add you back directly babe <3



  25. Sure K Jaspers... Thank you for the comment :)

  26. Grazie per il commento sul mio blog Reb voi ... Dovrò tradurre i miei commenti in italiano per voi :)

    Thank you for commenting on my blog Reb... I will have to translate my comments into Italian for you :)

  27. Happiness can be elusive, but as someone said above, you start your search within.

  28. Thank you Rick... I do love myself... I find it hard to see that others love me... that's just a part of life :)

  29. Hi Launna! It's the first time visiting your blog and I think is beautiful, I really do. I like the peaceful message you are giving here.
    I usually follow "fashion blogs" because I'm a fashion blogger but I'm following you now on Bloglovin and Facebook just beacuse your blog is very inspiratinal. Hope you can follow me back but if not, it 's okay <3
    Kisses and a big hug from Argentina!!


  30. Cheers, we all been there, got the bumpy road. From being a positive person, I find my way how to stay a healthy mind. find the happy ways to lives my life on! At the end of the day, your life is you! Cheers to a happiness and blessed with all the love dear! I have passion for fashion, I also have passion for life as well!

    Please welcome to visit my blog when you got the chance:)





  31. Thank you Deb, I am now following you as well... I appreciate the sweet comment :)

  32. Thank you for your comment Tanya... I did visit your blog and I am now following you on everything:)

  33. I hope you find that joy you are looking for, Launna. I think taking care of yourself is the first step.

  34. Thank you Laney, I am doing great... I have been super busy with my oldest daughter visiting and seeing my handsome grandson... he is almost two... I love him... :)

  35. Thank you Daisy... I really hope your move is going well... I will have to do that soon.. I know how time consuming it can be...

    Lots of opportunity to purge, I plan to do a ton of that... :)

  36. Enjoy the present. Live that magical moment to the fullest possible. Past is over; future is yet to come, we do not have a choice. What we have right now with us is only the present and we can make this moment beautiful. We have a choice here.
    Happiness is something that increases in quantity and quality when we share it with people. It is contagious like laughter.
    Thank you for the awesome comment you wrote about the laughter post in my blog. I have gone through most of the posts, recent as well as old, in your blog; all were cool ! Shared some on Google plus and twitter.
    I will certainly recommend your blog to my friends.
    Have a blessed holy week ahead !


I love and appreciate all genuine comments, to save a little time, I won't be commenting on the comments on my blog (unless you don't have a blog), I will just visit your blog and comment there, if you have left a meaningful comment for me... I would much rather spend the time reading and commenting on a few extra blogs ❤