
My Big 50th Birthday And My Mission

The only thing that matters now is my mission.  Nothing will stand in the way anymore. 

Well today I turned 50 and I can tell you this, I don't feel like it (except maybe in my knees, lol) but the more I walk the less I will even feel it there.  I don't look it and I can say that because everyone and I mean everyone tells me that.  I certainly don't dress like I am 50, nor do I want to... I rather enjoy the fact that I don't look or act my age.... nor do I plan to.  Above is my latest picture that my oldest daughter took of me about three weeks ago, she is quite the photographer as is her wonderful hubby Paul... 

I know that I have been a bit moody over the past few days and I will deal with that in time... for now I am extremely busy with staying on track with losing weight and getting as healthy as possible.  That is my main focus, I am hoping it will rub off on Valentina... if she sees there is no choice but eating healthy and walking to wherever we go, she will lose the weight and become healthy herself.  I just have to keep on that path and eventually she will follow.

I won't go into the reasons that I have been moody but last night I had a bit of an eye opener and it only made me want to eat better and exercise more... bring on the bike/elliptical/treadmill... no more words from me about how I hate them and how boring they are... who cares... I am going to use them and get healthy and keep myself fit.  Oh and I can't wait to try out Zumba, I am looking into classes tomorrow, I think it would be fun to dance/exercise.  I have said this before but I mean it and I think the past almost six weeks proves that I mean it, I am on a mission, a mission to become the best and healthiest me.

I could care less about cake/cookies/chips/chocolate/fried foods and anything with mayonnaise...  none of them appeal to me.  I was the girl who loved her cream sauces and thick salad dressings, I don't care if I ever eat them again.  You know what makes me really happy?  Walking further than I thought I could and following a great eating plan, then hopping on the scale and seeing my weight go down to a healthy one... Today I went to the doctors and she said it had been almost one month since I was in to see her, which was almost two weeks after I started the challenge at work, I had already lost 10 pounds, she said I have lost 12 pounds in four weeks... that made me feel so good.  She said I might want to slow down... I said nooooo... I have a challenge to win and then I have other goals I need to get to as well.

She realized that there was nothing she was going to say to change my mind so she told me good luck with the challenge.  I thanked her and reminded her that this won't stop with the challenge, that was the catalyst that started me on the right path... that and something my David said to me... I will have to thank him sometime... I couldn't be more thrilled that I finally put the two together and that I am SO committed  to looking after myself.  It might have taken me a while to get here but I am here and nothing will take me off this path. NOTHING!!!

I am happy to hear that I am inspiring people to walk, I know that nothing and nobody could get through all the excuses I had for not getting healthy until I was ready and boy... am I ready.  I feel like I am finally following the right path, the one I was always supposed to be on... As for feeling sad, that is because some things have not worked out as I had hoped or know that it should... but that is okay for now... I am putting all that on the back burner so that I can focus on the main plan right now.

I will eventually deal with the sadness and even that won't be completely overwhelming to me one day.  Maybe I will even be able to look back and smile at this time in my life, maybe I needed this to get me on the right path to become the healthiest me... I also think this is going to change the lives of some people that are close to me.  Maybe not the way they think but I know it will leave them with a lot of questions... I wonder if they will get the answers they are looking for... Time will tell...

I cherish my past, I accept my present and I dream for my future ♥ 


  1. But what is 50 suppose to look and feel like? Is there a set of rules traits and features?
    I am only in my 20s but these countless i do not look my age statements on the net confuse me...

    Best of luck and happy birthday

    1. Thank you Lou Lou... the reason I say I don't look 50 is because I have literally had people drop their jaws when I tell them I am that old... as well I have had doctors get close up to me in shock when I tell them.

      Plus I know women who are 50.. they don't look as young as I do... they have given up... I won't;-)

    2. But is that really this important or makes one a better person? Ageism scares me like all -isms. I think there are so many aspects that are much more important than this

    3. And so many wonderful qualities about you that really matter!

    4. You are right Loulou... there are more things that are important... I am grateful that I do look much younger than my years though... not everyone does :)

    5. Oh... also, thank you for saying I have so many wonderful qualities that really matter :)

  2. Awwwwwwwwwwwww Happy Birthday love!!! Full of happiness because you really deserve it <3
    Enjoy this fabulous and special day <3



    1. Thank you Carolina, I really love your birthday wish for me... you are the sweetest<3

  3. Hello Launna,
    i wish you a great and happy, sunny birthday with your family
    ♥ Isa

    1. Thank you Isa... that is very sweet of you to say :-)

  4. Happy birthday! I hope you get everything you want, you deserve it. =]

    1. Thank you Sara... trust me, I will get what I want <3

  5. Happy birthday!! So pleased you are getting fit! :)

  6. You look mahvelous, dahlink.

    Happy birthday! I still love your attitude. Age? What is age but a number? Our attitude about life is what defines us, not some random number. I'm old enough to be your moth... (ahem)... your big sister (there we go!) and I've never looked my age either. My sons may have gray hair and complain about their aches and pains, but I'll be doggone if I will!

    Have a wonderful day, kiddo.

  7. A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. You do not look your age at all. I could not believe my eyes when I saw the number 50 on your post today. I would like to know the secret of your great looks!

    1. Thank you Munir... I attribute it to awesome genes and great hair dyes ;-)

  8. Happy birthday Launna
    You do look amazing at 50 I never would have guessed it. Keep up the great work you are doing. You are inspiring me.

  9. Thank you for all your nice comments dear Luanna I love your words and I love this post also :D
    Today new post wearing my sporty dress by Bobi Los Angeles


  10. Happy birthday Launna, you look beautiful of your 50th, I wish you all the best and receives all your wishes and needs!

    Enjoy your day Launna!




    1. Thank you Tanya... you are so sweet with all your comments, I greatly appreciate them :)

  11. You look lovely in that photo, and HAPPY 50TH birthday to you. You really don't look your age at all and that's a compliment. Hope you had a good one.

    Yes, get into zumba, I've heard that it's brilliant. Nothing like dancing the cobwebs away and you get fit too. Keep to that mission mate, you sound so much more upbeat. I'm glad for you.

    1. I cannot wait to get into Zumba... dancing and exercising at the same time... sounds fun to me :)

      Thank you for the birthday wish Rum-Punch :)

  12. Keep working that diet - you look great@!


    1. Thank you Pearl, this isn't a diet though... it is a lifestyle change for the rest of my life :)

  13. Sua amizade para mim tem um valor enorme,
    e nada que eu possa dizer a você, pode ser tão especial ou
    mais significativo do que isso.
    Quantas vezes nos momentos de aflição
    ou de uma dor , que ultrapassa toda força ,
    que existe dentro de mim
    procuro nas mensagens de carinho ,
    que recebo nesse mundo virtual uma força suprema,
    pois reconheço mesmo na distancia uma amizade verdadeira.
    Sem duvidas nem todos entendem ou compreende a luta ,
    que tenho travado para vencer cada obstaculo ,
    que vem surgindo a cada Dia da minha vida.
    Quantas vezes digo a mim mesma , que tudo vou suportar
    quando na verdade me sinto fraca para continuar..
    Porém, quem crê e coloca a fé acima de tudo
    esforça sempre e continua a caminhada.
    Com muito carinho coloquei mais um livro
    para sorteio do Dia dos pais .
    A instrução esta na postagem
    ficarei feliz com sua participação.
    E quem desejar adquirir meu livro estará
    me ajudando para uma boa causa.
    O preço agora em uma promoção imperdível.
    Espero , que possa contar com sua colaboração.
    Que , Deus abençoe grandemente sua vida
    hoje e sempre .
    Beijos no coração afagos na sua alma ,Evanir.

  14. Happy happy Birthday Launna!!!! Wow, I'm so inspired by your post!!! Let us make it the best year ever. Way to go!!!

    1. Thank you Suzanne... we will make this an awesome year <3

  15. So sorry I'm so late in saying this but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I am so proud of you that you're getting your health into focus. It's really hard work (I'm doing it right now too so I can sympathize with what you're going through!) but so worth it when you start feeling better every day. Weight will come off but what I'm finding that I'm shedding most is mental weight. Like I just read in your most recent post - can't to CAN! All it takes sometimes is that shift and we're where we need to be. I'm so happy for you that you've discovered just where you need to be and are going after it full force.

    Sorry I've been absent lately in commenting, but just know that I'm thinking of you often and wishing you the happiest of vibes all the time my friend. Congrats!

    1. Awe thank you Jenn... I am so happy to hear you are losing the weight too... that is awesome. I plan to look amazing by Christmas. I will still a bit to lose but the majority of what I want to lose should be gone by then :)

  16. Happy birthday, Launna! That is such a beautiful photo of you. Congratulations on your goals and your determination in meeting them. I am here rooting for you! :)

    1. Thank you so much Daisy... I love getting comments from you <3... I'm rooting for you too :-D


I love and appreciate all genuine comments, to save a little time, I won't be commenting on the comments on my blog (unless you don't have a blog), I will just visit your blog and comment there, if you have left a meaningful comment for me... I would much rather spend the time reading and commenting on a few extra blogs ❤