
The Easier Path Is Always There

The only thing that matters now is my mission.  Nothing will stand in the way anymore.

Have you ever been so sad, frustrated or just feeling out of control?  It's not the best way to feel, I just said one of my new motto's, 'I'm done' ... what does this mean?  It means I am done with feeling this way and one way is changing some of those things that bring out those emotions.  Just keeping what is good, this week has been lax due to my not getting any sleep.  I had to go to great measures but I finally got a couple of good nights.   I had to turn off all electronics and I signed out of everything so that I couldn't just start surfing when my mind would start racing with thoughts.

Now since I finally had two decent nights together I can see things more clearly, I was so in the middle of the feelings that Monday night I was going up and down with moods as I had not slept in weeks properly.  I didn't exercise much last week, I felt the excuses coming on and they won out for most of the week... That is going to change, Monday I am back out with strength training, walking and swimming, at least three days of strength training, three of walking and two of swimming.  That way I will be out to the center 5 nights per week, Saturday will be for relaxing, cleaning, grocery shopping.. Sunday for church and lots of rest.
I have to focus on something and it might as well be my weight loss journey, I am sure it will take a fair bit long to get the last 25 pounds off, I am still very dedicated but now I am looking forward to becoming stronger and firmer... I love my body now but it will even look better once I tone it up some, losing the weight gave me a self confidence that I had unknowingly lacked.  Now people act differently with me and I think it is funny strange... I don't play their game.  If I am to ever date again, it will be iffy as I am not out actively pursuing  it, however; I did leave my profile up on the dating site.  So if some man wants to work hard and prove he is worth my time... I might give him a chance....

I am very busy, I don't have time to waste on guys that just come and go, if they are worth it they will realize I am worth it too... otherwise I am not willing to put in the time without seeing effort on their part.  It also means changing some other aspects, I am going to have to make a goal of writing for an hour each day, I am starting a second private blog It's where I will be able to write whatever I like, then can start organizing it into a book.  I am going to focus on the weight loss aspect but other things will be brought into it because issues in my life got me to the point I wanted to do something about my weight through both food and exercise.
The biggest point I want to get out there is that age means nothing at all, once you make the decision to get healthy it is  possible... you just have to become dedicated to yourself.  That's not a bad thing, if not our own selves then who? There isn't anyone that can get us to work out but us... I miss that commitment I had in the beginning, I have kept up but not to that degree.  That's why I am making some new changes this week. I have two paths in front of me, one looks easier than the other... I decided to take the more challenging path, the easier one is always there...


  1. I really like your goal of writing an hour each day. Writing is so good for the soul. I need to do this too :)

    1. Thank you Keith, I wrote two hours tonight and I still want to write more. I have so much I have been holding in and it feels good to just let it come out finally. I was opened completely, it felt freeing... Once I am done with writing what I need to write, I will have to pare this book down...

  2. I'm glad to hear you finally got some sleep. I hope that continues to improve for you. Good luck with your writing goal! I like that you are doing that too. Have a good week! :-)

    1. Thank you Daisy, so far I wrote for two hours and I take notes at odd times of the day, the writing there is not even thought through, just written...

  3. Launna! I sure had many times when I was a young girl, I'm no longer for those feeling. I am glad you do too. I hope your day and week is going to treat you beautifully! xx


    1. Thank you Tanya, I hope you have a an awesome week too... you are always sweet to me :)

  4. I think you are so amazing! I hope you are able to write your story. Do what makes your life better! Glad you were able to get some sleep. It is so hard to think clearly when you are sleep deprived! I bet you keep going and lose those extra 25 pounds. I really hope that at some point you find a guy who is worthy of you and will cherish you.

    1. Thank you Betty, I don't know about the guy but everything else will happen, I will lose the weight, write the book and get some sleep too :)

  5. I adore the theme of this post!


  6. Ciao Launna, good Luck with your goal of writing.... I love your posta, always interesting!!!!
    Have a lovely week my dear!!!

  7. Good luck w/the last of the weight you're trying to lose. I've got a little I could shake off too (preferably before winter hits!).

    1. Thank you Rosey, I think I want it off by February at the latest, I want to be working on maintaining when the spring hits. That will be the hardest thing, maintaining it:)

  8. Great decision to work out.I will not only help your body but it is also great for the soul and mind :)

    1. Thank you Sammie, I think the exact same thing, it will help everything, it will be a win/win :)

  9. beautifully written and good luck on your weightloss journey!

    1. Thank you Anne, I am following you on Bloglovin now :)

  10. The easier path is always tempting, Launna. I am guilty of taking that path most of the time. It's good to know that you finally got some good night sleep. I wish you many more restful nights! And I admire your determination and focus on losing weight. Keep writing, it'll be good for you. God bless! ♡ :-)

    1. Thank you Irene, I will keep writing but definitely about different things... my life has changed with my lifestyle change...

  11. Love your post :) Good luck with everything!


  12. Nice post. Will you like to follow each other on GFC? xoxo
    New Post Fashion Talks

    1. Hi, thank you Sandy: of course I will follow you :)

  13. Morning dear! I wish you a lovely day!!!
    Kisses from Italy!!!

  14. You write so amazingly, love your post!

    Thank you for stopping by, have a happy week ahead

    1. Thank you so much Lavender. I really appreciate the comment, have a happy week ahead too :)

  15. Hi Launna! Hope you are having a lovely day! This is another of your lovely post and all I want to say is keep writing!

    Love Nilu Yuleena,
    BIG hair LOUD mouth

  16. Thank you Amanda, xo back to you too :)

  17. You are a very special person Launna, love you <3



  18. It's amazing what a difference a good night's sleep can make, isn't it? I'm glad you've decided to commit to doing more writing. Exercise is good for the body, but writing is good for the heart and soul.

    1. Thank you Susan... writing is extremely good for the soul, especially when you don't have to hold anything back...

  19. You look so beautiful.
    Your determination is extremely encouraging. :)
    I hope you get more than just success in this, and happiness over floods you. :D
    Take care (keep reducing)

    1. Thank you Purple.. success is there.. happiness and joy are my goals ;-)

  20. i am so motivated to better my life after reading this thank you very much and wish you all the best!

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    1. Thank you so much Inge... that's very sweet of you to say;-)

  21. Replies
    1. Thank you Rick, I feel like a new woman... I love most of the changes :)

  22. I really like how you write about this so honestly and it is so important to finally just say 'I'm done.' Great advice

    Following you now from San Francisco & Switzerland

    1. Thank you Dale... I really appreciate the comment :-)

  23. Tnx for your lovely comment, happy Wed my dear!!!!

  24. Very inspiring post... I know you can do it, just keep that determination going!

    PS Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my blog. <3

    1. Thank you Camille...I appreciate your taking the time to comment when I know how busy you have been ;-)

  25. Great post! Thanks for the words your write here, because they're an inspiration for me!!


  26. Hey :)
    Your blog is really great-i love it so much. Maybe you're interested in following each other ? I would love it ❤ Pls let me know in a comment on my blog
    kisses, Anna ♥

  27. Wauw, beautiful post! Great inspiration! Would you like to follow each other? xo

  28. 'it's never too late to change the road you're on'. that's very wise and so right. i'm following this advice for years. it has made me to who i am now.

    thank you for all your lovely comments. i always love to read your messages. i also love the red purse, pops of colour always change my mood to a better one :)

    have a lovely day!

    1. Thank you Dahi. Have a lovely day too;-) It's never too late ;-)

  29. Sounds like you have the right mindset, and you sure sound motivated! Good luck!

    1. Thank you Kiss... it's the only thing I have control of at the moment

  30. What a beautiful inspirational post!! I wish you all the best!! :)

    Feel free to visit my blog as well if you wish! <3

    New Blog Post: 10 Habits That Will Help You Succeed

    1. Thank you Diana... I have visited your blog and I am now following you on Bloglovin ;-)

  31. So inspiring and beautiful post, as usual. :)

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    my new outfit post


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