
Trials Equal Blessings

The only thing that matters now is my mission, nothing will stand in my way anymore.
I logically know that I cannot control anything,  yet I am continually trying to control something in my life.  Today I was at work and waiting in between calls, just thinking how far I have come since June 15, 2013, when I started my journey to get healthy and lose weight.  I got on the scale at work this morning and was pleasantly surprised that I was down 65 pounds since then, I have less than 25 pounds left that I want to lose.  This goal is so within my reach, I have taken to walking a little in the morning and at lunch.  I have been working late most of this week so I haven't been able to walk in the evening and Valentina has been sick for about 10 days so we have not been out to the Canada Games Center.

I am giving her the weekend to feel better, she is starting to but I don't want her over doing it and becoming sick again.  So, I won't be back to the gym until Monday... until then I am going to find times to walk, even if they're only for 15 or 20 minute intervals. It is better that I exercise a little than none at all.  I like that I don't dread going out and having to walk now, I usually get out, start walking fast, do a few sprints and then walk fast again... I always feel rejuvenated once I have been out and really pushed myself.

Everyone is saying it's great that I have lost the weight, some people think a little too fast, I don't think so, I really have put a lot of effort into this, besides I have found that it is the one thing I can control right now, eating healthy and exercising as much as I can.  Everything else in my life is up in the air, I personally need to have that one place that I don't feel like I am spinning out of control...  I just want a few things to settle in my life, so that I won't feel like I am going around in circles all the time.  It can be difficult to deal with when it sometimes feels like I don't get a break before the next trial is tossed my way.
I sound like I am not grateful but I am, I am really blessed and very thankful.  When I am having one thing handed to me before I feel like I have the last issue resolved, I start reminding myself of all the great blessings I have in my life.  Sure there are some missing pieces, we all have those but I have so much to feel gratitude for... some days I have to work a little more than others reminding myself of them.  However; I never give up on believing that nothing remains the same, life is always changing and just because my situation doesn't look great right now, does not mean that it won't or can't shift.

I honestly believe that each challenge I have been given in the past few months are ones that will help me to grow beyond what I thought I was capable of... I have to say though, it has been awful, really awful.  Those huge challenges might come with great rewards but while I am going through them, they are overwhelmingly tough.  Right now I am reminded of that story about how we are being sanded and polished with each challenge, I am thinking enough is enough.. a few rough edges are okay with me. Personally, I don't mind a few places that are not polished perfectly, that can come later... however; maybe I don't know best.

I guess I have to give up trying to figure out how to control everything in my life and remember that just because I cannot always see the light at the end of the tunnel, I know it is there because it has always been there.  I want to get through this and look back, breathe a sigh of relief and think wow, I made it through and it was worth it... maybe I can say that in the near future.


  1. Launna continue walking, fighting for your life goals, you are a warrior woman and God in the heart you're invincible. :)

    1. Thank you Luis... I won't give up... this is too important now...:-)

  2. >.< good luck

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  3. Whenever I visit your blog I know I am in for something deep :-) Very inspirational.

    1. Thank you kissandmakeup... your comment touched me:-)

  4. Saw your FB post about the 65 pounds last night. Absolutely amazing. I had a psychology professor tell us once that the key to a happy life is realizing that we can't control everything. He said that happy people are the ones that don't try to control anything. IN know it's easier said than done but it's food for thought :)

    1. Thank you Keith... you are right... control doesn't bring happiness... it's just so hard to deal with a constant state of chaos....

  5. Now this is an amazingly positive write. The tides are turning. I just love this never give up spirit of yours.

  6. really nice quotes! thats a nice post

  7. Yes, I figured out that I don't control things a long time ago. Still doesn't keep me from trying occasionally though.

    They lose weight that quickly on The Biggest Loser and many of them do well with it. I think the thing is whether you can make permanent changes. I am hoping I have gotten to that point. Can I maintain through life's stresses.

    I have seen a quite going around the internet that goes something like this. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. The I must be a real badass."

    1. When I comment on my iPad it just drives me crazy. Forgive the errors. It justs stops on me right in the middle to.

      I was going to say "you must be a star badass!"

      People always question me when I say I'm lucky. They say with all that's happened in your life how can you be lucky. I'm lucky because I have survived and thrived through life. I have chosen to take a positive stand on things and I am happy.

      Sorry I wrote a book. I just feel like I am talking to a close friend.

    2. Thanks Betty.... I didn't lose as quickly as the Biggest Loser... lol... but you are right, it's all about the lifestyle change.

      By the way... you and me both are bad asses.. I have to be with all my let downs :-)

    3. Awe Betty I feel the same way... right now I could use a friend to talk too...

      I am a superstar badass... :-/

    4. Tweet me or send me a message on Facebook any time.

    5. Thank you Betty that's very sweet of you :-)

  8. I have no doubt you will look back and be able to say that, you already can in a million ways. :)

    1. Thank you Rosey... I did make it through a lot... this last one has REALLY pushed my limits. . . :-/

  9. Great post my dear! Thank you for this inspiring entry.

    I now follow you on GFC hope you can do the same.

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    1. Thank you Kenny Hearts, I am following you now ;-)

  10. I love your inspirational posts! Keep it up! <3

    I have a new video up on my blog now, I hope you like it! ;)
    New Video: 7 Ways to Layer Your Clothes Like A New Yorker

  11. You have awesome determination! (but you really can't control it all!)

    1. Thank you Kc, I am trying to remember I cannot control it all....

  12. Beautiful quotes dear :)


  13. Thank you Tijana, I am following you now :)

  14. Control is an illusion. Celebrate your victories. Not many people have your discipline.

    1. Thank you Rick, you are right, I really have to celebrate the victories... I am grateful I have the discipline :)

  15. "God grant me the strength to change the things I can, the courage to accept the things I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference."

    Control over things outside of ourselves is usually an illusion. You've gained control over yourself, and that is real. And awesome.

    1. Thank you so much Susan, I need to learn that, maybe why I am going through this right now...

  16. 65 pounds! Holy Moley girl you are kickin' it! Even though you cannot control everything, at least in this you ARE controlling it! Congrats!

    1. Thank you Marcia... I'm thrilled to have lost 65 pounds... I have at least one thing I can control:-)

  17. Good Luck Launna.... you are invincible!!!!!!!!!
    Enjoy your weekend darling!!!!

    1. Thank you Paola... you are so sweet;-) ... have an amazing weekend...

  18. Launna , go ahead with your dreams, never stop!

    Thank you, for kind words on my blog, Have a happy Sunday!

    1. Thank you Lavendar, I am definitely going to follow my dreams :)

  19. I used to see trials as a form of punishment, Launna, but I learned that they are actually blessings in disguise. Your optimism never fails to inspire me and your determination is truly admirable. God bless! ♡ :-)

    1. Thank you so much Irene, it is hard to see those blessings while going through the trials... we just have to keep hanging on... :)

  20. interesting post! VERY GREAT
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  21. inspiring and motivating as always.....hugs Launna.....stay strong and focused. And have a great Saturday

    1. Thank you Nikki, I hope you have an awesome Saturday too xo

  22. Good luck:) Nice Post:) I'm following you on GFC:) 236:) can we follow each other??http://arienailandia.blogspot.com/

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  24. There is so much that we have no control over, I agree with you. It is nice to have at least one part of our lives where we do have control. I don't blame you for wanting to hold onto your health plan as a place where you have control. Especially because having good health affects the whole rest of our lives.

    1. Thank you Daisy... my health is very important to me ... ;-)

  25. Congrats Launna - you've worked really hard for those 65 lbs so don't let any Debbie downers rain on your parade. You're awesome!

    1. Thank you so much Janice, that means a lot coming from you :)

  26. Omg, 65 pounds, very impressive, dear.
    Good luck, stay strong, and fight for your goals :)



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