
High Expectations

I have had one of those lazy reflective days, although I didn't sleep again (nothing new there... six months now)... I stayed in bed and rested until about 9:30.  Then Valentina and I started our day, we watched a little TV, we talked and I read and commented on blogs.  I am so on top of it there is nothing waiting in the lists and I have my email all up to date, as well, I finally did my taxes, money is on it's way.  I am grateful and excited that I will get to go shopping finally and get my hair done plus Spring might be here soon.

Okay, the last thing I said about Spring... a girl can hope.  I am feeling myself falling into old patterns due to this horrible winter we have had, I am truly not used to it like this, normally we have mild winters where being outdoors is not a time to have a limb frozen off... I have no idea how people are handling it with weather that is sub zero frozen almost all the time.  I have empathy for you all, we are not near that and I am finding it is pulling my mood down.
Once Spring truly arrives here, I will be an outdoors girl, walking and working out all the time, I am going to soak up the sun with sunscreen of course, and I am going to love the heat.  I am finally down to a size that I can buy my clothes wherever I want, I could always buy shirts at almost any store but now I can buy pants in trendy stores.  That is big for me, I have had limited styles and clothing to chose from, losing all this weight has opened a world of choice for me.  I am so glad I took that journey in June last year, now I want to stick with it, get to my next goal of my 10k.

Spring must be on it's way, I am feeling my mood shifting ... plus I have been writing in my gratitude journal for 23 days straight, it is usually a line... some days it is hard but most days it is easy, at the end of 30 days I am going to read over them and share a few of my favorites with you all.  I also wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who reads/comments on my blog, I feel like I have the best followers and I feel lucky to have you all here.  I know how time consuming it can be to keep up with other blogs, so I appreciate all the effort.
I wish one thing, when I was younger I remember people telling me to enjoy myself more... I took things too seriously... I don't want to live like that anymore, I like the girl I have become.. I am much more confident and much more closer to so many goals I have. One year ago, actually even six months ago I never would have guessed my life would be like this... I never believed I could lose the weight I carried for so many years of my life, yet with determination, I succeeded, I got over a hump in my life where I finally realized I am more capable than I am or was aware of...

The other thing I was reflecting on was friendship, how to me it is being forgiving, remembering the journey each of you have been on, understanding you better because they know you better than anyone else.. Not judging each other because we know how hard the other has had it, everyone is fighting a battle... that is something that always has to be remembered... especially in friendship.  This is what I look for in any relationship I have and since I am willing to offer all of that, I expect the same in return... pretty high expectations I know but that is what I deserve.
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  1. That's so great that you've worked to get yourself and your image to a place that you're happy at! Keep warm in this crazy wintery weather.

  2. enjoying yourself is truly important, i can sign that. and the spring time will make you feel better - i feel better, too. i think about so many things, i reflect many things, but i also try to look positively into the future. thank you for your comment on my blog. i didn't want to make you cry, dear launna. but, if you have lost the person you love, was he the right person, then? what did happen? just tell me if you want to ... but i believe that those persons who don't want to belong to your life aren't the right ones - if they went away freely.


  3. Lindo blog amiga, te invito de forma cordial a que pases por el Blog de Boris Estebitan, ahí escribo unos lindos poemas que pueden gustarte mucho.

  4. Spring time is perfect for a new routine and incorporating new habits. If you feel this way now, still in Winter, you're going to be ready to make those changes come true by Spring time. :)

  5. great quotes!!

  6. I can relate to this post a lot Launna and I am so glad you made it. I too till this day take things a bit too seriously and I know life is too short to do that. I think everyone including myself should stop and enjoy the little things once in awhile.
    It's also good to hear that you are happy with yourself and feel beautiful in new clothes!
    Have a wonderful week love!

  7. It feels good being on top of things, doesn't it. I'm behind on a few things right now, but not too much.I am so ready for spring to arrive too. I am tired of being cooped up inside and am really looking forward to being able to get outside and walk again. This winter has made me want to move someplace south more than any other winter before! I hope you have a good week ahead.

  8. I hope you get some break from winter soon. We have had a few days and it is glorious!! I hope you get the opportunity to walk outside again soon. I just wish we could make people understand how you can change your life. Losing weight is hard, but it is so worth it. Making life changes help to get the confidence to get on top of things. I am so happy that you are getting so confident and expecting the good things in life. You are such a role model!!

  9. Hello Launna:

    This post really is full of hope which, of course, complements the time of year. Spring is just around the corner [at least in the Northern Hemisphere] and so things can only get better. From all that you write here, life is improving for you, moving in the direction which you wish it to be and we are so glad about that. Take care and never lose sight of the way ahead.

  10. Enjoying yourself is definitely important, Launna!!! As they say, you have to love yourself! And indulge yourself in the smallest things in life!!! And like how after every harsh and cold winter comes a colourful warm spring, i am sure your life will revolve around too!!! <3


  11. Hallo Launna, spring time it is a good period to change , a Very great post!

  12. I do not seem absolutely high your expectations dear, you're a good person and deserve to get much in return for all that you offer!
    I also look forward to the spring, the season is my favorite!
    And I'm very glad you've managed to lose so much weight that you can go shopping in the trendiest stores!
    Congratulations my dear!

  13. great post! i'm really looking forward to spring!
    have a lovely week,

  14. Stay positive like always Launna and have a great week! <3
    Love Nilu Yuleena,
    BIG hair LOUD mouth BLOG
    BIG hair LOUD mouth FACEBOOK page

  15. you are so incredibly positive. Stay strong Launna. Sending wishes for a happy Sunday.

  16. I can't wait for spring to come too!:)♥ lovely post!


  17. Lovely post! I also try to be positive. Life is better this way. I'm glad I've found out your blog. I'm following you on Twitter and Bloglovin.

    Jasmine xx
    For a Real Woman
    So easy Spanish!

  18. That's so great that you're happy! Love this post Launna :)

  19. Amiga bom dia tenha uma semana maravilhoso ótimo post.
    Blog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br
    Canal de youtube: http://www.youtube.com/NekitaReis

  20. HOPE stand for have only positive expectations lol... great

  21. There is always hope! I love your definition of it! You certainly have shown your courage and determination over the years -- and you are a wonderful example to us and those around you. Hang in there! You can do it!

  22. hi dear,great post as always.love your attitude and energy towards life,you are so inspiring.

  23. I love all the inspirited quotes Launna. I must have them inside me indeed, not only just read and forgotten. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week start. xoxoxo.


    1. Stopping by to wish you a lovely day Launna! I've got another too busy week so far:). oxoxo.


  24. love your inspiring words and quotes sweety!
    wonderful post!
    happy new week!


  25. Shopping for Spring is great! Hope you have a lot of Fun and find amazing new Pants!

    many kisses and big Hugs!

  26. I think the most important is to accept ourselves and get a harmony in our mind,and it's wonderful that you've got it.
    Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog, I really appreciate your opinion! Have a great week ahead:)

  27. Have a great week!


  28. ok i understand what you mean ... it can be a bigger loss when the person you love also has been your best friend. years ago i have fallen in love with my then best male friend - and it seemed like he had, too. but then it got a bit awkward and we couldn't treat each other normally, afterwards. and then he emigrated to japan and with that he lost me, or i lost him. dunno.

  29. you're always more than welcome dear launna. i also love to read your messages, always <3

  30. I am the same way with Winter. I am so lazy and never want to leave my cozy blanket on the couch! I am much more active once it warms up. Here's hoping that comes soon for the both of us!

  31. love your inspiring words
    new post

  32. your posts always inspire to me. I'm working in my life some things I want to change too. I want to enjoy life daily much more.
    new post: http://tupersonalshopperviajero.blogspot.com.es/2014/03/red-and-black-get-look.html

  33. you have such a way with words, I love reading these posts to start my week. Going in with high expectations and a hopeful mind. thank you :)

  34. Awesome post! I'm excited about spring too :) Have a great shopping Launa! x

  35. SUPER POST!http://ewefiu1.blogspot.com/

  36. have a wonderful day sweety!


  37. lovley post!


  38. That is a beautiful way to think of hope. I wish I could write as well as you. I have a lot of thoughts and feelins but don't know how to express them in a coherent manner which helps others.

  39. Have a great day Launna, a lot of Kisses for you from Italy!!!!

  40. I am so happy to hear that you're feeling on top of things and are being so positive and optimistic. You might be right, maybe it's because spring is coming :-) I notice that I'm a much happier, more carefree person too when the weather is nicer.

  41. Amiga que a paz e a felicidade reine na sua via bom dia
    Blog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br
    Canal de youtube: http://www.youtube.com/NekitaReis

  42. its so good to read to your messages always launna
    the girlz gallery

  43. Arder os olhos é a única coisa ruim daquele produto!

    Expectativas positivas tem que estar presentes em todos os dias! \o/

    Ótima terça, Launna!

    Beijo! ^^

  44. I like that you set high expectations. That's how we get good things. :)

    Your post is so full of happy's and positives. It's nice.

  45. Love reading your quotes, so positive!!!

    Keep in touch on BLOGLOVIN


  46. The new choice of clothes is the best part of shedding weight... and with the warm weather heading our way... ;)
    I also like your thoughts about friendship, and people should be more lenient towards each other.

    Follow the Royal Peach

  47. You said it girl. Friendship something I can count on when I do something I am not proud of. Friends will never judge me.

  48. I totally understand. Now you have to buy so much new clothes, because the old ones are to big...I had the same problem...

    Right now we have such a wonderful Spring weather in Germany with 20° which is the warmest March we ever had..

    Always keep your good friends close!!! Friends are so important! True friends will always go along your way, support you and will be honest!!!!

    Hope you have a wonderful week and your new hair cut looks amazing :) xx


  49. It's so stupid that you can not sleep so well :-( Hope it
    gets better soon! But I love how you keep always so
    positive! That's so important in life. It makes you stronger!


  50. beautifully written :)


  51. I love to be a outdoors girl in spring, I agree with you.
    Hugs and kisses

  52. hello,
    i am a first time reader on your blog and i think this post sums it up all. This is so nice that you are living your life so nicely now. weather do bring us down but its okay, its not gonna stay forever like this.
    Starting a blog, losing such weight and on your way... this is cool.
    Cheers to your life :)

  53. Ooh! Sleeping in? I'm totally jealous. I've been running so hard for so fast I have a hard time stopping to just relax. (Ask my hubby.) That said, you're totally right. You have to take time and allow yourself to soak up the good. Soaking takes TIME.

  54. Hi Launna,i repass from your blog
    I posted a new article, I'd love to know your opinion
    would you like to pass from my blog?
    fashion blogger pamela soluri

  55. Amiga que tenha esse dia maravilhoso;
    Blog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br
    Canal de youtube: http://www.youtube.com/NekitaReis

  56. That is wonderful to be able to keep hope and see the blessings in all around you. I wish my will was strong enough, like titanium to hold out while I get attacked from all sides. This post has given me strength and reminded me about the small things to be grateful for, so thank you.

    Dancing in Black

  57. Non-judgement is easier said than done. I try not to be judgmental, but I catch myself judging much too often.
    Our blueberries started blooming today....but then the temps will be just below freezing tonight. I hope it doesn't bite the young blossoms.

  58. Dear Launna, Spring is around the corner don't lose hope.

  59. Morning my dear Launna!
    Have a lovely day!

  60. lovely post, Kisses!


  61. Love the hope

    Twitter / tumblr/ instagram: @fashionrlounge

    A chic kiss ;)

  62. Have a lovely evening dear!

    Stai in contatto con me su BLOGLOVIN


  63. We usually have mild winters too - I call them fake winters. But it was the real deal this year and for two days - it's baaaaaack. Unfortunately Spring and I don't get along. It's my least favorite season. I definitely can not go out and walk in it. :-( I'm excited for your shopping possibilities.

  64. Hi Launna How r u?long time din read ur blog ..im quite busy with my job now..and very proud with u now..take care and always stay positive ...c u....

  65. I'm so happy for you that you lost so much weight and feel more confident. And you are right. it is so much easier to go shopping :-)

  66. I can't wait for Spring either! It brings so much inspiration to our lives!

    Thank you for your kind words on my blog love!

    www.ManhattanImageandStyle.com / www.MISBoutique.storenvy.com
    New Post: [Outfit Idea] Craving Spring
    Previews Post: [Personal Growth] How To Find Purpose and Monetize Your Passion

  67. Wow 80 comments! Feel a bit silly putting my little missive here. I have been absent for a while ( crisis of body and mind ) and am starting back oh so slowly. feel a bit fragile but your post definitely does give me HOPE in capital letters, Thanks Launna

  68. have a good weekend Launna !

  69. Hi :) ,happy Friday my gorgeous Launna! xoxo

  70. Thank you for your sweet comment! Have a great weekend! :)

  71. othe uach a goos post! :))))))
    it`s fridaaaaay :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) yahooooo :)
    have a veeeery veeeery nice weekend garegeous woman!!! :************
    100000 kisses from Spain

  72. Love and light to you my special and beautiful friend <3



  73. Ciao Launna, happy sunday!
    Kisses doll!!!!

  74. yes i know that it's difficult ... and sad. but some day all the pain will vanish - i'm sure of it. how do you feel now? i hope you can sleep better, dear. there are people who love you. we don't always need romantic love. and other, maybe better friendships can develop. i also had to wait more than 25 years to find the best friend i could have ever imagined - you'll find the right people at the right time.

    oh yes the cupcakes look delicious - and they also were. but i'm not able to eat those cakes every day, for this they are much too sweet :)

    ah well, possible that my weekend will stress me. but i really hope that you can relax after your busy week .. enjoy your free time <3

  75. It seems like spring is taking its own sweet time getting here this year, but that's okay, because it sounds like you are already ahead of the game. You already have spring in your heart, and that's what matters, no matter what the thermometer says.

    Happy weekend!

  76. I don't know if I'm lucky enough to not experience winter ever (Philippines weather) but coming from someone who hasn't experience it all and from a country whosse weather is always hot where we always crave for cold season. but I love how you stay positive even at this kind of state. Good vibes as always. And thank you again for always dropping by my blog. Appreciate it so much.
    New outfit post hope you can share some insights about it. Thanks!


    keep in touch!


  77. It was so great to hear from you Launna! I seriously need the weather to just stay in the 40's for the rest of March and I will be satisfied! LOL! I have a new post up if you feel like swinging by soon for a visit. I would love your thoughts on the latest wild piece I have created. Have a good weekend and stay warm!
    xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

  78. I was so missing your wonderful write for so many days!! Those pleasant beaches and that peaceful, serene view reminded me of you!!
    How are you dear Launna? Hope everything is fine :) Hugs and kisses <3

    Happy Weekend!! :)

  79. Hi Launna:) spring time it' s a very good to change...kisses:*)

  80. Good afternoon Saturday from ATL Launna. Sorry for the late replied, I took time off from blogging last night, I couldn't even eat anything yesterday. the only I needed was resting after my long Friday ended. I wish you wonderful weekend :)... ox.


  81. done I followed you there
    what about here via GFC ? :)

  82. oh yes i'm also very happy :) gaastra is a wonderful brand, highly comfortable and with clothes of a very high quality. it's always very sad when you cannot wear your favourite pieces anymore. my weekend is full of work and planning - i hope that it's ending soon ^^ i'm wishing you a better weekend :) and more sleep of course. i believe that you will feel better soon.
    and no need to thank for. i like you very much <3

  83. Love your inspiring words Launna, you're really a good writer, I really enjoy reading your thoughts and experiences in life. Have a great start of the week hun!! xxx

  84. Hay que esperar siempre lo mejor, saludos.

  85. hi Launna
    i repass from your blog
    I posted a new article, I'd love to know your opinion
    would you like to pass from my blog?
    fashion blogger pamela soluri

  86. Sorry dear launna
    Just now i come here to read your post.
    Really very nice of your journey life


I love and appreciate all genuine comments, to save a little time, I won't be commenting on the comments on my blog (unless you don't have a blog), I will just visit your blog and comment there, if you have left a meaningful comment for me... I would much rather spend the time reading and commenting on a few extra blogs ❤