
Forgiveness Is A Choice

I have been thinking about a question I was posed last week.  The person wanted to know if I could articulate why I have been feeling the way I have?  I sat there for a moment before I answered and then I said... I guess I thought my life would be different.  I get up, go to work, come home, be a mom, try to sleep and then repeat over and over. That isn't living, that is surviving; there really has to be more to life than this, right?

Please don't tell me that happiness is a choice, that's a lovely thought but sometimes there are circumstances out of our control.  I am going to be honest here, when I hear things like that or others like I need to accept the way my life is or that I am the one standing in the way of my own progression.... It makes me feel like I am not worthy of love or happiness, like it's my fault. If I just changed the way I thought, I would have peace and happiness.  Sometimes it is not that easy.
I do know one thing, I am not a person who can live with holding a grudge or really disliking someone as it eats at me.  Yes there are plenty of people that we meet that we don't connect with or don't like ... when I say I don't hold a grudge or dislike someone, I mean I don't let them have space in my head. I just move on, I don't think of them.

It can be really difficult when a person continues to do everything that they can to tear me down, I want to be the stronger woman and just prove to them and everyone that no matter how many times you try to hurt me, I only come back stronger.  Truthfully if everything is rosy and perfect in your life, you wouldn't have time to waste looking for ways to bring me down, especially since you don't even know me.

For me to move forward, I have to forgive you for hurting me, otherwise you will always be in my life where you can pull me down to your level.  I don't want you as a part of my life in any way, I don't want to dislike you as I have and I don't want to waste my time even thinking about you.  I suggest you do the same... you have what you want, isn't that enough?  I guess not, if it was... I wouldn't be front and center in your life.

I am an open book, I am the same here that I am in real life.  I don't hide behind my words, I don't pretend to think or act like I have it all together.  Quite the opposite, I say it like it is, I tell the truth... even if it's not what people want to hear. I know it makes people feel uncomfortable but I don't know how to be any other way. I am not what you want to think or say I am, I am so much better than that... Hopefully you will feel that way about yourself one day and realize the only real damage you are causing is to yourself...

This thought and post came about because it is Easter, a time to reflect on gratitude and forgiveness.  I realized I was angry at this person for continually trying to hurt me, I want to forgive them and move on, even if they keep trying to hurt me, I am going to ignore them.  Frankly they are not worth my time, they are not as important as they think they are... Is there someone in your life that is taking up space in your head and not in a good way?  Forgiveness is a choice. . .
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  1. You are very strong and beautiful to want to forgive. Me, I'm a spiteful bastard;) If happiness were just about choice we would all be walking on sunshine. We all have this thing called life, and sometimes it gets in the way of our unicorn pooping rainbow happiness. You are working so hard to make a good life for you and your daughter. And I know you will make it to a better place. And it won't be just because you want it, but because you have worked so hard for it.
    Some people do not like to be reminded that life is not always what you want it to be. They dislike people who are honest enough to acknowledge that rather than pretend everything is great while they take their little blue pill that give them those rose coloured glasses. Me? I like honesty. If you cannot say what you want to change in your life, how will you ever change it?

  2. Great! Love the Title ,also the Quotes are amazing and true!
    To forgive is one of the importent things in life ,i always try to :)

    Happy Easter Launna <3

  3. IN what we do we need to have right understanding. When we have right understanding over things in our life and act, happiness will be always there. Be Happy !!!

    1. Sangay I am interested in your comment. How do we get right understanding? sometimes when I am involved in the middle of something I do not see clearly and only after get some understanding. What about you?

  4. I envy you for being able to just block out thoughts about people you don't like or feel good around. I can never do that. I am such a people pleaser, and I hate it. I wish I could just be like: 'this person is affecting my happiness in a bad way so I am just not allowing them into my life'.

  5. Your line "They are not as important as they think they are" says a lot to me. That is true. People can only take up as much space in our head as we allow. We can't control how others act, but we can control our own reactions to them and to what they do. One of those reactions is forgiving them and moving on.

    Happy Easter, Launna!

  6. Luanna, We are riding the same wave baby! As far as your following questions, I don't know. I don't even know how to follow you, but I love this post!

  7. Inspirational and amazing as always:)

  8. Wow, Launna..I really admire how strong you are to forgive someone and move on :) I forgive, but only when I hold grudges until they eat away at me. I do try, though, and thank you for such an inspirational post. Easter is the time to reflect upon these things..and I'm able to do so when I read thought-provoking blogs like this one :)

  9. For me it was my sister-in-law (I have several, only one I was at odds with). She was very spiteful and mean and I never understood why. She knew I wouldn't make waves in the family, but when she tried to be spiteful to my daughter, I stood up to her and said that was enough. She immediately pounced on that and threw a fit of huge proportions, telling her parents she could never be around us (her brother and I) again, blah blah. So they throw two holiday parties for every holiday including Easter. One with us and everyone but the SIL and one for the SIL and her kids, and everyone (but us). It's odd. I spent too much time letting it bother me. Now I don't care. It's nice not to have her trying to be hurtful (she's that way to a lot of people including her kids). And it's nice not to have her around my kids (even if she is their aunt). She inadvertently did me a favor. It took me a long time to forgive her though (internally). And that was my fault, not hers.

    I'm sorry you've got someone you don't know hassling you. People who do that baffle me. I'm glad I don't understand it. Happy Easter to you, by the way!! That's the reason I stopped over today. To wish you happy blessings on the holiday. :)

  10. I had this friend that I really liked and enjoyed traveling with and going out with, but she was only there for me during party time. Anytime I needed her for important stuff, she was too busy. I would get so frustrated, but eventually I got over it and stopped caring because caring for her made me mad at her and ate up too much of my energy. And life is already too complicated as it is, I just didn't need to add another complication. So I eventually just stopped talking to her. I am not mad at her anymore, I just didn't see the need of her in my life. Great post.

  11. I don't have that kind of person in my life or I ignore them when they appear! Have a great a weekend dear and Happy Easter! <3 x

  12. I really admire you Launna. I have to admit even though I really try my best to see the good in people I have been hurt many times since I was a child and I think that's made me become more guarded around people and I distance myself away from people before they have a chance to hurt me. I really need to stop worrying bout other people and like you said not give them space in my head. I hope I can do that one day.

  13. Launna have a great Easter and great weekend! xoxo

  14. Dear Launna, remember that there is only one exit for the suffering ... passing through them ... God will never give you more than what you can bear ... and the sun will always shine after the rain!!!!
    Happy Easter!!!

  15. You're very strong!! Happy Easter!!!! :)

  16. Totally agree with you! I always tell people, forgive yourself for feeling like you let yourself down. Cause most people feel like that is some situations. Then forgive those who hurt you because you want to move on.

  17. This post is so lovely Launna. Happy Easter! :)

    I AM ALSO ON: Instagram @kennydaily, Bloglovin and Facebook (i follow back, just let me know your links)

    What Kenny Hearts a Lifestyle Blog

  18. sometimes its really hard to forget and forgive especially if one causes you alot of pain.I really admire you,your strength and attitude towards life is amazing.Your posts are always very touching.

  19. I don't know if it's good of bad but I forgive everyone. Hugs and kisses

  20. Hi Launna,

    What a thoughtful post. I am one of those people who happen to believe that happiness is a frame of mind =). But as I mentioned too.. live and let live. People are all different, come from different backgrounds, experience different things, perceive things differently.. therefore they will have different views on things. i hope what you are going through gets settled so that somehow, you feel "content." you mention that right now is just about surviving.. i know then that "happiness" gets pushed to the back burner when you are in that situation.. but hopefully, it will come in glimpses, tiny but beautiful. goodluck!! and so glad to see you post again..

  21. Also about the last part of your post.. I went to a Self Awareness Class and they talked about forgiveness. They gave an amazing definition for it. I will try to find it and share with you.

  22. i found it =)

    Forgiveness: A willingness to abandon one's right to resentment, negative judgement and indifferent behavior toward one who has unjustly hurt us, while fostering the undeserved qualities of compassion, generosity, or even love toward him or her.

  23. Another song:

  24. Hi Launna,

    Your reply gave me chills... My hubby always says that I have rose colored glasses on because I have never really experienced anything that would make me view life differently. Your experiences have been very rough...things i can never relate to. i hope you the best in seeking a feeling of peace... when you look to the past, the present and the future... life can be so unfair to others... but you are strong for choosing to be true to you.. and never letting others break you... goodluck.... i truly believe that good things come to those who are good... yours will come in plentiful =)

  25. Amiga post maravilhoso amei, tenha uma semana gloriosa.

  26. HI Launna, It's the best thing to do, to forgive those who were bad to us! don't even bother think about those people. You are better of quality person. I hope you are having a nice Easter!!! oxoxo.

  27. You're amazing!! :)
    Xxx Lena!

  28. I used to have someone in my life who took great pleasure in trying to destroy and self-esteem or self-worth that I had. I finally got the strength to cut all communication with them. I had to protect myself from their verbal abuse. I've never been able to forgive them for all that they did but I have never regretted removing them from my life. Everyone said I would regret cutting them off -- I never have. I wish I could forgive and forget but I guess I am just not that strong. Fingers are sure crossed for you.

  29. Launna, I have always felt that you can't hold grudges, that they only hurt you. It really resonated with me when I went to hear Eva Mozes Kor speak. She went through so much in her life, living through the Holocaust, and dealing with people's prejudice. She speaks about how her life changed once she forgave all those people who hurt her. She believe's people stay angry because they have a victim mentality. When you quite having a victim mentality you give up the anger and chose to live your life. I guess those who don't understand this go on living with anger and treating others badly. They are the unhappy ones. Forgiveness is good for your soul and your general well-being. It is hard when those people won't just go on with their lives and they keep trying to hurt you. I hope you are able to be free of them!

  30. couldn't agree more
    in the end, forgiveness is a trait of the strong, not the weak :)
    great article!

    The Sweetest Escape 

  31. Hello Launna:

    To forgive and to forget is never very easy. But if it is possible to do, then we really believe what you say here that one is a much stronger person for having done so. And, of course, in the process one moves on.

    You write here with great feeling about a difficult subject and, in so doing, you do, perhaps without being aware of it, give so much hope and help to those who read your words.

  32. love this post, compliments :)
    Passa da me se ti va e dimmi cosa ne pensi del mio nuovo post/outfit :)
    XO MP.

  33. You very well may have posted this before, but I love this quote by Ann Landers — 'Hanging onto resentment is letting someone you despise live rent-free in your head.' I think that's a good one to remember. Happy belated Easter to you - that's for stopping by yesterday to tell me the same ;-)

  34. You wrote a really beautiful article. Sometimes it is good to forgive people!
    It can make things really better!


  35. toughtfull post
    nice blog too by the way

  36. Hi Launna,

    I don't think you over shared.. It can be difficult to express our thoughts and emotions in just a few sentences and sometimes we need to go in depth. Your daughters sound amazing. I think you are also amazing, for everything that you are =)


  37. Happiness is a choice, but it's not a single choice. It's a series of choices--daily, sometimes hourly choices, and it's difficult to come to that place where it's your only or regular choice. I think that's a huge part of what this life is meant to teach us. I'm not often in that place where I can say I'm truly happy, but there are moments that remind me, I've been working toward it, and I will get there if I keep pressing for it. Forgiveness is definitely a huge portion of those daily choices that lead us to eventual happiness. =)

    Keep up the good fight, wonderful lady!

  38. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Hope you have a great week ahead!

  39. I really struggle with the forgetting part. I don't feel as angry anymore, but I have not forgotten the wrongs and harm caused by one person. I've given one person too much space in my head and it's really time I let it go--it's over and done with. I can't change the past but I can plan for the future, and that person has no place in my future at all.

  40. I totally agree!♥ Forgiveness helps to free our minds! lovely post!:)

  41. that's true but to be sincere, how difficult is to forgive sometimes and some people. ANyway, it's the only way to feel free.
    Good post as always
    kss a lot

  42. Forgiveness is totally a choice. I think too many only "forgive" when they "feel" like it. Happiness I believe is a choice often times, but it's also a feeling, and much like you mentioned about circumstances, feelings are strongly controlled by such. I think it's more important to learn to have joy as described and explained in the epistle of James during hardships. If we can walk through tough crap with contentment, trust, faith, and hope, then happiness will come. Just my two cents, this is a lesson I still have sooo much to learn on.

  43. Hi, I just found your site... Thanks from ID

  44. You are very strong and beautiful to want to forgive. This is great! :)

  45. Hi Launna ,hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend!? Also i want wish you a great Week ,i stay tuned for your next Letter <3

    many Hugs ☼

  46. Hi darling... hope you've had a great Easter weekend!!!!

  47. sweety, you are worthy of love and happiness! you are so lovely and strong!
    i hope you had a great eater weekend!
    wish you a wonderful day sweety!


  48. This is so true. Even though its sometimes diffucult to forgive if you do it it will make your life easier

    Style Without Limits

  49. Sorry, I couldn't comment earlier, I had not connection. D: Thank you for your lovely comments!!!

    That's a question, which I ask myself often as well. Alas, I have no satisfactory answer for you.
    And then I, too, dislike it when people tell me "It's a matter of your View, blah, blah.!" I mean, it's not like it's our fault for seeing our lives as they are, right!?
    And you can not change the way you feel about your life, that's not a question about lifestyle change, meditation... etc...

    Follow the Royal Peach

  50. Thats true..anger hurts only us and not others. But sometimes its hard to forgive!!

    Keep in touch

  51. This ic completry tru... I accept everything you writhe here!
    I love the way you create posts! Thank you to share them with us!
    Your words are so ... inspiring! Thank you that you are! :-*
    You are my inspiration!

    Katherine Unique

  52. I just posted this song in the last post of my blog, I hope that you like it:
    I have been listening it during the day.
    Hugs and kisses

  53. Amiga tenha um dia maravilhoso e abençoado DEUS seja contigo
    Venha participar do sorteio de um ano do blog

  54. Aahh! Launna.. your posts and the way you connect with your readers is amazing.. I'm a true believer in forgiving people.. but then its easier said than done. You have to be brave enough to do it !! True That <3

    Giveaway on the Blog - xoxo Chaicy - Style..A Pastiche!

  55. it's good to keep people out of your head who don't deserve that place. but sometimes there are people we hope to stay in our lives but they don't want to do so, and maybe they also do not deserve the place in your head because it gives you restlessness, or the feeling you're not worthy for other peoples kindness but that's not true. i guess that people come and go. we won't like all of the people we meet in our lives but we also shouldn't grieve about those ones whom we liked but who didn't stay. life's too short. and there's so much one can see, or give, and i believe that everyone who has got a big heart is worth the love and sympathy of others. and i also believe that you are a person who has such a big heart. life is about being in thought, about reflecting and understanding, about forgiving, being loved and to give love, about sadness and about happiness - but after all, it's worth living. truly. although there are bad times.

    there is this very beautiful bible verse, and it's the right time to quote it:
    'There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:
    2 a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,
    3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,
    4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,
    5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
    6 a time to search and a time to give up,
    a time to keep and a time to throw away,
    7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and a time to speak,
    8 a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace.

    i'm wishing you a wonderful week, dear launna.
    i like you very much.

  56. ... and thanks again for your wonderful comments. i'm glad you liked the yellow dress and yes it's soooo amazing to move soon. today we have bought the wall paint, it was so expensive but it's such a great feeling to open the door with your new keys and to store your new paint and stuff in your new flat - ah, i can't wait. i guess i will share some pictures of my flat and new neighborhood in the following days on instagram. i'm glad we're also friends there. i always love to read your very inspiring quotes and see your pictures there.

  57. sports are a very good way to become calm and to sleep better. i noticed that with myself, too. but if it's cold then you could also go to the gym. i'm always exercising at home or at the gym. it's a great way to be independent of the elements :)

  58. i love to hear that my comment lifted up your mood. that's very beautiful. yeah maybe moving into another flat or place will also be good for you. symbolically it's always the start into a new life - or, better said, another stage of life. maybe a better one. with clear and open eyes and hope in our hearts. i also believe that everything will get right in my new chapter.

  59. Call me crazy, but after all the anger, the disappointment and the tears you´ve cried: you would never be the person you are now without all this! The strenght you have now is a result of all the emotions and feelings you´ve had! To move on means to forgive! Thats the only way not to give a person the possibility to control you anymore! I do read your blog now for such a long time and I have the feeling, like you´ve reached a turning point!!! If I could I would hug you!!!!

  60. Life is too short to spend at war with yourself. Practice acceptance and forgiveness... forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace!! Have a great day Launna!! xo

  61. This is so true! In high school I held on to grudges for so long and I have since realized it is pointless. Most of the time, the other person gives up and moves on and you're the one still left bitter!

  62. That was lovely! I try not to hold grudges anymore x


  63. I send you loads of love and kisses my friend!


  64. Launna dear,thanks for your lovely comment
    have a nice day

  65. Sometimes we need to ignore others or we can't continue our life. Hugs

  66. That´s a strong woman´s words. :) Life ain´t so easy always and learning, growing with it..that´s the way to move on. In everything! <3 You truly are such a inspiration :)

    1. She really is an inspiration, I think because she is so honest...not many people like that

  67. Thank you for your comment, music is part of my life :)
    Have a good day!

  68. Great post, but I really think that you can always find something to smile!


  69. Hard and important topic! We could all need more forgiveness. Thanks for inspiration! xo Carolinr

  70. you are very strong Launna !

  71. Amiga tenha uma bela noite amei.

  72. This is a wonderful post and so honest and the forgiveness quotes are true and beautiful. I also have been feeling lately that just going through the motions is not really living so really understand when you say "That isn't living, that is surviving; there really has to be more to life than this, right?"

  73. Forgiveness is one of the hardest things to do. There are people who are worth our forgiveness and you can tell they feel sorry for whatever they have done, at the end of the day we are all human. However, we can always forgive other people and let them go at the same time, because we deserve something better so we just choose to move on. In both cases I guess forgiveness brings us inner peace :)

  74. Happy hump day Launna, Thanks so much for the lovely massaged, I wasn't be able to replied anyone, I got the flu on top my allergies over my Easter. Blessed your sweetheart Launna! oxox.

  75. forgiving is so hard, but it's always worth it in the end! beautiful read!

  76. I agree with you, I don't think happiness is a choice, happiness is base on a lot of factors in your life at current and sometimes we can't control those factors in which influence our happiness. love your honesty in this post, and always love reading your posts because you say it like it is!

  77. Amiga passando para ti deseja um dia maravilhoso com
    muitas realizações.

  78. Well said Launna.. Im so agreed with you!

  79. Loved your new post dear Launna!

    Keep in touch on BLOGLOVIN


  80. I want to run away screaming when people do that to me...
    That's because you are normal, and a normal person doesn't want to be told what is right to them & what not.

    I certainly want to be happy and I hope... I'm sure I will be happy again..
    I hope so, too, for you.
    But as I said, change needs time. And everyone has their own internal clock. ;)

    Follow the Royal Peach

  81. It's a tough one and a situation I know all too well. I think for a certain group of people in our society "happiness" is an easy choice to make. They haven't been touched or hardened by some things life throws at some and not others. We all have different shoes we walk in and some were just born with the right pair period. I am reminded of a beautiful soul who left me a sweet comment on my own blog about a light at the end of the tunnel. ;o) things will get better, they will one day. For now you may be merely surviving but this stage will pass and you'll find days filled with love and real living and fulfilment.

    Dancing in Black

  82. Launna! I agree with you what you mentioned about living versus surviving. Sadly, most of don't live. We just survive. And that's really sad. And then as for forgiving a person, yes, you should forgive him/her even though he's the worst person on this planet. Because only then will you be able to fully move one!! You're a strong woman, Launna! And you know that I look up to yo!! <3 <3 Have a great friday, dear!

  83. Yes yes and yes. Forgiving others is so key to moving forward and for me, Launna, forgiving myself was the hardest. Don't know why but it was. Forgiving was a key....a key for me that unlocked the chains. Hugs girl....stay strong.

  84. Loved reading the article :)

  85. Launna always love your photography
    I posted a new outfit, I'd love to know your opinion
    would you like to pass from my blog?

  86. Forgiveness is the hardest, it's one of the things I am battling with right now, I admire you for being able to forgive and not hold a grudge. Happiness will happen in time, as with everything else, you will know when it's happening, I don't necessarily believe it's a frame of mind but rather when things start falling into place and you know it's right, you get that "feeling" xx

  87. Hi Launna, I read your story on Weekend-Windups blog this morning... I too have had a weight problem my entire adult life and am not 'conquering' it (although maintenance is the hardest part)... I can lose ---but keeping the weight off is the hard part for me. As we all know, it's a total lifestyle change which has to be with us FOREVER...

    Nice to meet you --and I am SO proud of you and your accomplishments. If you would like to read my 'story'--here is the link:

    Betsy from Tennessee

  88. really an inspiring post! Have a great day. :)

    Glitter DailyBeauty Blog

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  89. Thank you for your sweet soul Launna. Blessed your heart! Hope your Friday is amazing.. oxox.

  90. Thanks for your comments. Love your amazing blog :)


  91. Have a lovely weekend Launna doing the things that you love with your family and the people you love!! xo

  92. Hi my dear launna...
    I always admirer ur the way you enjoy this life. Well its really difficut to forgive some body else, i always remmember the pain when they hurt me. But like you said that it just hurt me if i thought and didnt forget my pain. So i will give apologize

  93. I think this is one of my favorite posts of yours! You have such a good attitude about how to handle people in life. I wish I had some of that! I have a horrible SIL whom I have not spoken to in over two years. We have had issues with one another for 30 years but I always tolerated her. She crossed a line with my family and I washed my hands of her. Have I forgiven her? No. But I have moved on and rarely think of her. I still get to see my brother when I stop by his office--we get along just fine. He even thinks his own wife is a b$%#@. My life is so much easier without her in it--no more SIL stress. :-)

  94. Enjoyed your post! Forgiving is a wonderful attitude between people. If we forgive them and be as usual with them there is a chance for them to change their wrong things.

  95. If I am honest I get really angry when people say happiness is a choice or that I'm standing in the way of my own progression. If it was a choice, I wouldn't live this way...I have huge problems with forgiveness, I wish I could be better at that. I respect and love you and your writing.

  96. You are so right about everything! I wish forgiveness was easy though :)

  97. Hope you have a great Saturday ,kisses :*

  98. Amiga tenha um domingo maravilhoso amei.

  99. Have a lovely sunday my dear Launna!!!


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