I Won't Let The Bumps Derail Me

Today the weather was clear and sunny, it was cold... but the sun lifted my spirits a little, being able to see that Spring is definitely trying to take over... soon I will be able to head out the door without layers and layers of clothing.

It has been almost ten months since I made a commitment to myself and changed my whole way of life, in less than one year I lost almost 80 pounds and became a much healthier version of myself.  When I decided to make the change and really put the effort in, I realized although it was hard work, it was not impossible, as I had always thought. 

I had grown up quite slim and did not really gain weight until after I had my oldest daughter Andrea.  I tried a few times over the years to lose the weight, usually I was semi successful with Weight Watchers but I never really put eating healthy with exercising together.  Basically I would eat well, lose the weight, then go back to eating the way I did before and of course put the weight back on.  What makes this different... I wanted this more than I have ever wanted it before in my life.
My intentions were never to become really slim, I am quite happy where I am right now, I plan to tone up, get back to walking/jogging ... if I lose some more, bonus... if I don't I know the toning up will help me to lose inches and define my shape even more.  I changed my lifestyle and frankly, I never want to go back there again. I like the way I feel and I am feeling good about the way my body looks...

The next phase of my life will be mostly about maintaining, that will be a new challenge all on its own, I am up for this challenge though, I don't ever plan to give up on maintaining the best health I can for myself ... I changed when I learned to love myself where I was ... that is when I knew I would be successful, even if there were bumps in the road, which there have been many. I didn't let the bumps derail me from my goal.
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  1. Wow! You look really good! So stylish! I think I am pretty much going to stay at the weight I'm at and just keep exercising to firm up. You have worked very hard!

  2. Wow Launna I think you look like a million bucks!
    Your story is so motivating

  3. You were beautiful then and still are...inside and out.

    But I do understand why you feel better about yourself now, especially because the smaller body is coupled with healthy eating and activity as well as a great attitude. But you are correct...Maintaining is the challenge!

    Looking forward to hearing from you via email... :-)

  4. Congratulations on your success! It is such a hard journey, I lost 70 pounds post college and have had ups and downs. It wasn't until I REALLY changed my relationship with food, and saw it as nutrition instead of comfort or fun, that I kept it off. You look amazing and ready for the layers to come off!

  5. I feel so happy for you, Launna! As I just tweeted you earlier, your story is such an inspiration! It's incredible what you achieved in less than a year. I'm sure if you keep up with the training and that good spirit, you'll be able to maintain your current weight :)

  6. Amazing, like always!
    That's a magnificent change! :)

  7. u changed your blog's look.....it looks great and you too after shedding those pounds off....
    keep in touch

  8. Wow! I'm Proud of you dear Launna! Great job, I know its not an easy task and I love the idea of toning up. You look adorable by the way.

  9. Hello Launna:

    The most difficult thing in life, or so we have always found, is the day to day maintenance of something which one has achieved through effort. However, we are very struck here with your resolve and the way in which you write with such purpose. Now that you are happy with your weight, then we are certain that you will work hard to keep it that way both through sensible exercise and healthy eating.

  10. yuo are beautiful inside and outside Launna ! love to read about you

  11. you look Beautiful and congress for the success maim!

  12. <3 oh Launna...what can I say....you are just so amazing! I´m so happy for you, and every time as you walk, you are won. You are tough lady!!! ;) Have a amazing week <3

  13. Well done!!! :) You look beautiful! :)

  14. Hard work for a marvellous result my swetheart <3
    Kiss and light



  15. Congratulations, my friend and thank you for your comments! Kisses

  16. Congrats my dear Launna, keep it up .... you've got a great result, not all of us would be able ... I admire you very much!!
    Happy friday hun, a lot of kisses!!!

  17. Losing weight can sometimes be easier than maintaining your shape, but looks like you did a great job at both! :)


  18. congrats on the achievement, and yeah toning up is what I strive to do too, and eating healthy! keep up the great work hun!

  19. You look like a different woman. I'm proud for you.

  20. you look amazing Launna and I know it's that fight and determination in you that's brought you to this freedom place. Glad to be a small part on your journey. Hugs girl...and wishes for an amazing weekend.

  21. You look fantastic! And more importantly as you said -- you feel better for it! WOW I am so impressed and you should be so proud! 80 pounds in less than a year -- amazing - and it sure shows!

  22. You look so great! You should be so proud of all your accomplishments. I hope you have a great weekend!

  23. You look GREAT! You've worked very hard to get there!

  24. omg from how to wow


  25. awesome change


  26. so inspiring! good for you. I understand it can be so tough and definitely a daily challenge. I used to have extra weight on me as well. I was going through a tough period in my life and food was just there. It was satisfying and something I had control over that tasted good (to me). It wasn't fun though. The result of looking in a mirror and feeling so dissatisfied. Only recently have I become better at exercise and diet. I wish (of course) I had done it sooner but as life goes, "better than never!" =)


  27. You look amazing! Great job, you're very inspiring! :)

  28. Wow, congrats on losing so much! I bet you feel so much better! People in my family have struggled with weight loss so I know how hard it can be to keep with it! Go you! :)

  29. You've become a source of inspiration for me Launna <3 Happy weekend!
    Love Nilu Yuleena,
    BIG hair LOUD mouth BLOG
    BIG hair LOUD mouth FACEBOOK page

  30. Amiga você esta ótima a meias imagens.
    Amiga boa noite eu estou passando para avisar que amanhã
    o seu blog esta na lista da divulgação não esqueça de da uma
    espiadinha, bom final de semana
    Blog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br

  31. Eu seco meu cabelo todos os dias! Aquele creme está ajudando bastante na proteção dos fios! ;D

    Nossa, você emagreceu muito! Parabéns pela conquista.

    Ótima sexta, Launna!

    Beijo! ^^

  32. Além de se sentir bem ao olhar no espelho tem a questão da saúde, né?!

    Ótima sexta!

    Beijo! ^^

  33. such a big diference! I'm so glad you get the results you wanted and you feel happy for it. That's the real miracle of life: meanwhile you're alive you can make decisions that change your life for better.
    kss a lot
    new post: http://tupersonalshopperviajero.blogspot.com.es/2014/04/la-vie-en-rose.html

  34. Wow, Launna! You look so great and it is so nice to hear your success and that you are so committed to this lifestyle change. You are an inspiring woman and may you have a wonderful weekend my dear! Thanks so much for your thoughts on my post as well! xoxo
    xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

  35. Congrat dear.thats a big accomplishment.you look beautiful and great.am glad you feel about yourself
    All the best

  36. Wow! Such a difference! You look really pretty!
    I am proud of you Launna! Good job! :-)


  37. You look fantastic. This has been a hard year for anyone looking to maintain weight, let alone lose it, because of the extreme cold. I know I have been lamenting the laziness that has set in this winter. That you never back-slid is a testament to your self discipline. WTG!

  38. Oh very beautiful pics!


  39. wow you look stunning dear launna !!! that blue dress looks gorgeous on you! you look great!
    thank you for all your lovely comments on my blog, again. the last time was very full of work and exciting new things so i wanted to say that i'm sorry for not writing earlier. yes there are really many new things to happen the next time and i can't wait. life seems very bright right now <3

    i'm glad you like my outfit photos. generally i'm taking all the pictures myself, with the self-timer function of my camera.

    and yes, lookbook is such a great and inspirational site. you would love it!

    i'm glad my comments make you smile. i want to try to achieve that every time i write to you.

    have a fabulous weekend dear!


  40. i also love to wear dresses - you just simply need to wear one and your perfectly styled! and they are very feminine - that's what i love the most about them.

  41. lovely post!
    would you like to follow each other?
    let me know :)

  42. You look amazing! Love the blue Shirt ,this Colour suits you very well ,it also works great with the Colour of your Hair :)

    Happy Saturday ,big Hugs ♡

  43. Woahh!! now that's an achievement you should be proud of <3 Great that you are taking care of yourself and love your determination. Keep it going!! You are an inspiration indeed :*

    New Post - xoxo Chaicy - Style..A Pastiche!

  44. Mymy.. You look gorgeous <3

  45. wow sweety! so proud of you! You look fantastic and the blue looks wonderful on you!
    Happy sunday!

  46. You look great, Launna! You have worked hard to get where you are, and it was worth it. It was especially worth it for the improved health. You should be very proud of yourself.

  47. I am so proud of you, you're so inspiring and I know how much work and dedication this would have required. You are looking so amazing and the difference is really incredible.

  48. thanks for your comment! I know the blue somewhat looked brighter in the pictures than in person :). Ur the best for always taking the time to comment on my posts. You are beautiful inside and out <3

  49. Have a relaxing sunday!!!!
    Kisses doll!!!

  50. Hawtie! :) I love the outfit too, it's very classy but still feminine and it shows off your new curves. :)

  51. You are so inspirational and beautiful:)))

  52. Hi dear! As usual, inspiring post and you look great! Happy Monday. :)

    I AM ALSO ON: Instagram @kennydaily, Bloglovin and Facebook (i follow back, just let me know your links)

    What Kenny Hearts a Lifestyle Blog

  53. like you look http://ewefiu1.blogspot.com/

  54. Btw we nominated you for most inspiring blogger award. Kisses from KENYA

  55. Wahoo! Nicely done. Look at those pictures! You are gorgeous, woman, and I'm so stoked for you. You can do anything you put your mind to.

  56. hello dear Launna thanks for the visit and the inspirational comment.. really nice post =) keep inspiring keep in touch..
    new post on my blog =) http://anotsosecretlife2011.blogspot.com/

  57. Tnx for your lovely comment my friend!!

    Happy start of the week doll!!!

  58. Have a lovely start of the week Launna.

  59. wonderful success. you can be so proud!
    Maren Anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

  60. Well done Launna! What an amazing road you've been on, I wish you all the best with the toning and keeping active I am sure you will do it!

  61. wow! u'are teh best!

  62. Hello! What beautiful. good week
    * already follow you blog

  63. You got a nice pic, I think that I told you. I'm at my mother's home at the moment :)
    Lot of hugs!!

  64. WOW! You are looking great sweetie!!

    New Blog Post: Healthy Habits You Must Add To Your Routine

  65. Aww Launna!! you're such an inspiration, you know? Your perseverance is just outta this world! I know maintaining would be hard, but, I'm very sure you'll pull through!!! <3 Lots of love always!!


  66. wow! You look really good! Your story is so motivating! :)


  67. You look so pretty me dear!

    Keep in touch on BLOGLOVIN


  68. I can't imagine how proud you must feel! And you look fantastic.


  69. so proud of you!!! Keep it up, and keep overcoming the challenges, you look awesome!

  70. have a lovely evening Launna

  71. Hope you have a great Day! many kisses :*

  72. You're amazing Launna.
    Your inspiration keeps me driving.
    Thank you.
    Keep up the spirit. :)

  73. Hun you know we follow each other for a quite long time now and Im so so so proud to see how hard you are working!! And I remember those times, when you thought it would be sensless, sometimes it was the weather and sometimes all these damn problems in life, that seem o make it impossible. What is really the first step of changing your body in a way, that makes sense for the future, is to love youself. Be happy with who you are, look into the mirror and recognize that you are pretty! And I can feel it, may Im crazy, but there is something, that makes me feel, that you really gonna make it this time, because now you know why you are doing it!! Imagine 80 pounds...out of imagination!! And hun believe me when I say: You look so so so AMAZING!!!!! Many hugs from far away :)


  74. You are beautiful Launna, love the transformation. Losing weight and toning up is hard to do but don't give up you'll see amazing results soon if you work hard for it. Same here, I need to do more toning, quite lazy to exercise sometimes, I think I need a workout buddy in the gym who's gonna motivate me to work out more :) Have a great holy week dear! xo

  75. Launna, You looks incredible! You should have been proud for working this awesome hard work. Not everyone could do this by herself (I'm not talking about the celebrities those who has pay lot of money for the expensive trainer). Well done girl. my free time is my work out time as well. Stay healthy foreverrrrr! Thanks so much for your lovely on mine too. Happy week to you!! :). ox


  76. Amiga você esta arrasando neste novo visual amei.
    Venha participar do sorteio de um ano do blog
    Blog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br

  77. you are such an inspiration Launna! You can make it. And good thing you can see spring coming, no need to send some summer vibes there from here, :p just keep it up!

    thank for visiting my blog. sorry it took long to visit yours, been really busy with my final exams.

    keep in touch!


  78. you look absolutly lovely!


  79. I don't have bumps. Anywhere. Not even on my chest. You look beautiful!

  80. Launna I am speechless!! Look at you love, you look so amazing in this pic!! And you really worked hard to lose those extra pounds and it feels great to see you with that perfect shape. Fabulous <3 <3

    Hugs and kisses

    1. I have nominated you for ‘Very Inspiring Blogger Award’. Check the post – http://www.myglossyaffair.com/2014/04/very-inspiring-blogger-award.html

  81. Beautiful!!! You look awesome! You don't need to lose more, you only have to have a healthy life to feel good and be happy!


  82. Everything is possible, and you L, you are a living beautiful example. Thank you.

  83. Amiga boa tarde seja tu uma benção.
    Venha participar do sorteio de um ano do blog
    Blog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br

  84. Wow! This is great! You're so inspiring :)

  85. oh you look absolutely amazing!♥ you've got such a beautiful figure!:) I'm sure you'll be successful at maintaining your new lifestyle!♥


  86. kisses for you my dear

  87. You are looking amazing! I've only just stared my journey with you a few weeks back but damn you blow me away every time. I feel like this is a change you'll definitely keep and then some. I bet we'll see another post soon enough with you even more trimmed and toned up. It will just happen and you won't even realize it.


  88. I am impressed and inspired. I am addicted to butter, and perhaps now I will have the strength to cut it out a bit of my daily routine.

  89. I sometimes eat a lot of sandwiches and sometimes not, it depends of the mood. Have a good day!!

  90. Hi Launna, I admire what you've reached, I know how difficult it was, especially after giving birth and after 35 years old our metabolism getting slower and doing the process of loosing weight much harder as for women before 35. you 've done the serious step and now you just can't to loose what you have wan, if you do this it will mean that you give up. I know you are strong enough to keep it and tonify your body well! I wish you this
    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog and have a good rest of the week

  91. I love the way you create posts! Thank you to share them with us!
    Your words are so ... inspiring! Thank you that you are! :-*
    You are my inspiration!
    You're beautiful! You look at this outfit unearthly!

    Katherine Unique

  92. Happy Easter my friend <3



  93. Wow Launna, look at how far you've come! :-O You did and are doing great! And you look great, too :-)

  94. You did a great job dear!

  95. Have a lovely WE darling and happy Easter!!!!!

  96. Thanks for your lovely comment! I can't wait for your new thoughtful post :)


  97. You look truly amazing and I am so proud of you!!!

  98. Hi Launna :) ,thank you for the lovely Comment!

    Happy Friday ,kisses <3

  99. Have a great easter weekend Launna. May it be filled with family, friends and happiness! :) xo

  100. You look wonderful Launna, but I love your smile, It's so BEAUTIFUL.
    Have a sweet weekend and Happy Happy Easter
    The Indian Savage diary

  101. Such a nice post. You look fabulous. As long as you are healthy, you will look great. I like your attitude about weight. You inspire a lot of us. Take care of yourself.

  102. You are pretty darn amazing!!!! And you look great. Way to go Launna. Have a wonderful Easter to you and your family.

  103. I'm at my mother's house these days :) Have a good weekend!!

  104. This is... just, Wow! :o
    I have been doing sports 7 days a week & looked after what I eat since August 2011, am vegetarian for almost 6 years... and I barely lost 8 kg(ca. 15-18 pounds?)
    How did you do this?

    I wish you good luck to end at your goal weight & stay like that. xoxoxo

    Follow the Royal Peach

  105. Wow Launna! What an amazing accomplishment in one year. You are a true example that when you work hard for something, and do not give up, you will accomplish it. Great job! Have a peaceful break from blogging. I am thinking of doing the same, just to reorganize my thoughts. See ur posts again soon!


  106. Wow! 80 pounds good effort! I lost 20ish between August and Christmas but then got pregnant and have put on most of it :( I am determined though that when baby arrives I'm going to do my best to shift it again.


I love and appreciate all genuine comments, to save a little time, I won't be commenting on the comments on my blog (unless you don't have a blog), I will just visit your blog and comment there, if you have left a meaningful comment for me... I would much rather spend the time reading and commenting on a few extra blogs ❤