
Letting Go To Have The Life Waiting For Me

I know that many, if not all of you have heard the above quote at one time, in one form or another.  Today I heard this quote and it jolted me... I immediately went to the computer and pulled it up... The quotes and life lessons from Joseph Campbell are incredible and thought provoking.

One of the reasons I have had trouble moving on from 'him' was one, I love him with my whole heart and two, I feared what was out there for me.  I remember a woman in her 40's over twenty years ago that I knew who desperately wanted to be married. She finally met and married a man; however he looked like he was old enough to be her father.

I thought to myself at the time, wow... I don't want to get to my 40's being single and settling for a man who looked old enough to be my father... Then I heard that quote this morning and I was reminded that we all have a path we need to be on... That was her path and she was happy with her choice.
My path will lead to my hearts desires and it won't be some old guy who has no desire to live a little... I'm the girl that needs excitement and fun.  Also, just because I have let go of my past, it doesn't mean that it was wrong, it doesn't mean that it wasn't meant to be.  What it means is that I have to trust that some amazing man is looking out there... looking for someone as amazing as me.

If I don't know that I am amazing, how will any man know that.... my self esteem does not depend upon whether a man loves me or thinks I am amazing...  My self worth comes from within.... I do get a little defeated when I keep meeting men that have qualities that are so far removed from what I am desiring... but as my sister said to me this morning.. move on and say 'next'... and never settle.
I will never say it is easy moving on from a dream that you want and that you know would be wonderful... but I also know that not moving on is not an option for me.  If a man cannot see how wonderful and worthy I am, then it is his loss... truthfully it is his loss even more than mine.  I don't want to, nor will I settle for someone who would settle for so little in their life.

I don't believe in fairy tales  but I do believe in love... and deep down inside me that belief has held me together for the past eight months when all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry non stop.  It was and is a rough road, however; I know I will rise above all of this one day and look back... I might even wonder why I almost settled for so much less then I deserved.
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  1. Amazing Quotes ,love especially the first one!

    Have a great Weekend Launna ,kisses :*

  2. I dated in my 30s--I found that when I wasn't ready to date and wasn't comfortable with myself, I attracted some strange men. The quality went way up later, once I knew who I was. I know part of it was simply the men I chose to even communicate with, but a large part of it was the vibe I was putting out in each case.

  3. Good for you, Launna. I happen to think you deserve a whole lot better than you've dated in the past. And you lost a man who couldn't appreciate you but "he" lost a woman who would have loved and cherished him. So the greater loss was his. BTW you were looking smokin' hot today, if I can say that without sounding like I've switched sides. And you looked more 'alive' than I've seen in a while. I think you have turned the corner. I'm excited to see what the future holds for you. 'Walk on Woman'!

  4. These are great, Launna, thank you so much for sharing.

  5. great post, great insight

  6. Amiga post ótimo amei bom final de semana.
    Canal de youtube:

  7. experience has taught me that moving on is hard, but once you make it to the end of the tunnel you are much stronger that you were before and that's what "the right man" would value from you. i completely agree with you when you said everyone has a path they need to be on. that's simply because everyone lives their own life, and whatever path they need to be on is for them to walk on because each of those paths has something to teach you, so that (again) when they reach the end of the tunnel they acquire a new thing (be it a way of thinking, self-confidence, independence, etc) that is a key value to the future days. i'm happy to know that you are motivated to stay strong and not be drown in sorrow. moving on is indeed not an overnight job but the important thing is that you know that you are on your way towards a brighter path. :)

  8. Hello Launna:

    We are certain, given time and possibly patience too, that the right person will come along for you. And when he does you will be sure, and at that point everything else will fall into place or, as often happens, no longer matter.

    Meanwhile, take joy in this day.

  9. Your words always gives me motivation :)
    thank you

  10. Great quotes, love that your self worth comes from within.Hope you have a great weekend.

  11. Beautiful quotes and the ones you select are like a inspirational dose for me!! Trust me you are the best!! <3

    Happy weekend!!

  12. You do sound like you are coming to grips with it all so that you can go on to find a man much better than you ever imagined. Just remember to keep your head up -- if you're feeling sad and looking down you might not see him!

  13. Hi Launna,

    This post really gave us a different perspective of your past. If you always felt doubts regarding that man, it was a wise choice to let it go and move on. It's easy to fall victim to the possibilities of what could be, but that is never a wise gamble. Goodluck with "romantic" love. It comes when you least expect =)


  14. Such a wonderful quote Launna. Its definitely hard to find the perfect soul mate but you deserve nothing bu the best and it will come to you when it is meant to be.

  15. I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for
    the desire of your heard will move you to the right direction what maybe not as soon as you'd like to
    kss a lot

  16. Have a amazing Sunday sweet Launna ☼
    big Hugs!

  17. Aw Launna blessed your heart. I've been there, and before I met my husband, I only asked for the loving man who going to love me who I am, just like you said, you're amazing and a quality once, so we just need a man who fit into our darling sole. I am so willing to love, to care, to be a royal woman for him plus I am so easy to please, an easy to love, Me and my husband are still in love one and another even though we're together for so many years already, love never die. So are you launna, You're such a darling and one of quality just keep waiting and pray for the right man, a loving man he is going to love you with all his heart, keep praying for him, he's waiting to meet you somewhere out there. As we believe in love, we will find a true love:). which I always been thought and I myself strongly agreed the only inside beautiful can keep the good and quality man forever. My best goes to you Launna. Good night from me:). love!!!

  18. I believe that the things that happened in the past and that we sometimes might see as 'mistakes' are actually just meant to be. They are the things that has brought us to where we are now, to the life we live right now. And if that life is a happy one, then all those 'mistakes' from the past were actually blessings.

  19. Sometimes I think that I should risk and have a baby or it will never be the moment. How is going your weekend?

  20. Launna, I think you are on the right path. You are amazing, and there is someone out there who will recognize that. Hope you have a lovely Sunday! :)

  21. You always find the best quotes. Although you may write about something different from what others are experiencing so of the same stuff applies to other aspects of our lives.

  22. Grandes palabras que motivan, saludos.

  23. you never fail to touch your readers hear Launna. Have a great day. :)

    I AM ALSO ON: Instagram @kennydaily, Bloglovin and Facebook (i follow back, just let me know your links)

    What Kenny Hearts a Lifestyle Blog

  24. Oh Launna, I am positive you will find the kind of person you are looking for. You are amazing, kind, and have so much self-esteem..there is someone waiting for you, I am sure of it. If you believe in love, you will most certainly find it. Happy Sunday and God Bless! ♥


  25. We're fortunate to have writing to hold onto when everything else is lost. It's lead me straight when I've gone astray.

    That doesn't necessarily have anything to do with your post, but the fact that you posted. Keep writing.

  26. I only wont to say...
    You are my escape from everyday life...
    Love you honey :-*

    Katherine Unique

  27. Moving on is TOUGH. I know. I've been a single parent for 9 years! And I'm just now enagaged and ready to marry. It wasn't easy finding 'me' but when I finally did it was awesome. God is good and lots of coffee and running helped get me through it all. :~)

  28. Once a woman know her worth she will realize that she deserve better and she'll never settle for less again. Moving on is hard to do but its always the best thing to do. Have a nice day Launna, stay positive and keep smiling!! :) xx

  29. Amazing quotes! I dated after a really bad break-up. I found that when I wasn't ready to date and wasn't comfortable with myself, I attracted some strange men.

  30. It's always a pleasure to read your post, you find the best words that give me motivation!!!
    Moving on isen't easy..... but, think positive my dear friend, you deserve much more!!!!

  31. Love exits because we can love, but can they love us as we would want? xoxo

  32. Wow, these quotes are very beautiful and inspiring dear Launna! :-)
    Hope that you are okay!


  33. I love this post. It's the second time i've read it! x

  34. Hello my sweet Launna,
    I agree with you! Self-esteem is important and you are amazing and fabulous. Never forget that. Your words touch our hearts.
    You'll find the man of your dreams, I'm sure
    Maggie D.
    The Indian Savage Diary

  35. very cute quotes Launna,love always
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  36. Hi Launna, hope you had a nice weekend. Your quotes and words are always so thought provoking and motivating. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

  37. very very nice!!!

  38. Totally agree with you Launna and thats why I believe "live life king size" and value and love yourself! :)


  39. It sounds to me like you've got a strong foothold on the path to recovery, and I'm not a bit surprised!! Go Launna!! woot!

  40. I always love reading the quotes you share with us, Launna. Sometimes like now, they come in the perfect moment just when I needed to hear something like that. Thank you

    Oh, suprise suprise: I just nominated you for a Wonderful Team Member Readership Award!! :) details here:

  41. Launna,
    I am happy to see you moving forward, it's not always easy to let go of what was or what we thought we wanted in life. Trust me I know that first hand of all people. I think this is a wonderful read and I am so proud of you for moving forward. You will find the right man and he is gonna knock your socks off, I just know it and you will knock his off as well.


  42. You should never settle, Launna! You deserve everything the best, never forget it!

  43. these are all such an inspiring quotes Launna! thanks for sharing! all the best for us!

  44. I love the last line here because you DO deserve so much more, and I think one day you will most certainly find true love again! XO

  45. Yourself will fix your heart. A lot of hugs!!

  46. You are so right! You will find someone, probably when you are least expecting it! I love being active and it is important to find someone who will enjoy doing things with you. You may need to find someone a little younger than you. My husband is almost 5 years younger than me, but it has worked out very well. Just don't give up!!!

  47. Another day, a good thing can happen :)

  48. have a nice day dear Launna

  49. What I've been trying to do in this period is to let my life go. So, your're so right, darling :)



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