
You Can't Rewrite The Past That's Written

I was thinking about my next post and what I wanted to write, this phrase came to mind and no matter how many times I thought I want to write about something else, I kept coming back to this. You can't rewrite the past that's written... you can only move forward but that does not mean you should forget or try to change the past, it means you should learn from it and cherish most of it; for the past made us who we are today.

Why is this on my mind? This is a really tough week for me... it is my best friends birthday this week and I can't even wish him a happy birthday.  I think that is very sad and it didn't have to be that way... however; it is that way and nothing I say will change it.  So, although I cannot say it directly to him, I will be thinking of him and wishing him the best.  For I could wish nothing less than happiness and joy for him ... that would make me happy.
The phrase came to mind for a couple of reasons; one, I was told that I remembered things the way I wanted to... not true, I remember the way they were.  In the past I couldn't have said that because it is too easy to change our memories to how we want them to be... In this day and age though, it is easier to stay true to what was, since most of it is in writing. Two, I often wish I could change a key moment... although I know that is not possible either.  Instead I just have to move forward and remind myself that not everyone wants to remember the past the way it was... and leave it at that.

I have come to terms with my past and I am moving forward as I have been for quite some time... it was about a year ago that I knew my path was not the one I wanted to be on.  It was that realization that made me finally make the changes that I needed to make in my life, eating right and exercising; generally getting healthy. It was the best decision I ever made and stuck to in my whole life.
I also remember the day everything changed, one night everything was fun and laughter and within a matter of days it all changed... that was when I stopped sleeping through the night... and it took me a long time to center myself.  I still have days but I am moving forward as there is no where else to go and I refuse to be stuck... my life changed by 180 degrees and although I am not as happy as I wish, I know I will be again because there is always a light at the end of the tunnel... I just have to hold on.

Things change and people change, all of this can happen in a moment... but you can't rewrite the past that's written...
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  1. Hi Launna your words always make me think! have a nice day dear!

  2. Agree with you. Past is past which cannot be taken. I used to tell to my kid don't think of the past. Think about present and plan your future. If you sit and think what has happened there is no use in it!

  3. Past ist past ! Life is present ...
    It is hard but The show must go on ..
    I always love your words Launna !

  4. Amiga bom dia post maravilhosa que esse dia seja só de sucesso
    Canal de youtube:

  5. I know it is true: the best thing we can do for ourselves is accept the past, take the lessons with us and leave it behind. I wish it was as easy as it sounds. I'm guilty of thinking too much about the past, too. I'm guilty of constantly wanting to go back and change things even though I know it's for no good. I'm working on it. I'm slowly getting better at accepting and forgiving and leaving behind. I still have a long way to go. But that's what it's all about, right? The path we're on, not the goal we want to reach. A very thought-provoking post! Big hug for you!

  6. There is so much truth in this post Launna. Even when we are able to move on form the past, we will never be able to change what happened. I think that the key though is to not let it define us. We cannot change anything that happened, but we can change the way we react to it and the way we move on from it. I'm not saying it's always easy, but we really do have a lot of control over the way we see things :)

  7. I like that saying about how spending all your time looking in the rearview mirror makes you miss the view in front of you. That's what I believe!

  8. I totally agree with you Launna. I can sometimes get carried away thinking about the past but it really doesn't help in any way with the present or future.

  9. Hello Launna,

    No, the past cannot be rewritten but one has to leave behind the regrets that form part of that past for mistakes are made and they too cannot be undone.

    But, as you write here, one does not have to be bound to the past or live with a permanent regret of what could have been. That is so energy sapping and destructive. No, one has to learn from the past, grow stronger in those lessons and endeavour to not repeat mistakes in the future.

  10. Although the past can't be changed, it is a great to look back at all the mistakes and change the future.

  11. I agree... past is past. This is a very insightful and beautiful post.

  12. This is beautifull!

  13. Launna, this is such a beautiful post, and so true! By the way, I love your name. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  14. Those quotes are so inspirational !

    xx Zeynep

  15. Yea everything changes..people, things, life, emotions and even relations but what remains there are memories! How hard people try, memories can't be erased! So its always preferred to accept and move ahead, as you said! :)


  16. I always look forward to your blog posts and this one is so true you cant change the past but you can learn from it <3 I love all these quotes
    have a lovely day dear

  17. You are not on an easy path but you are getting there! AND it is the one you have chosen! It is your path and you have a come a long way on it in just a year. Keep going!

  18. I think we all have trouble accepting past sometimes... but wasting time thinking about things we can't change won't help us move forward. Very inspiring post!♥:)

  19. I know you will eventually move on and I think you will be very happy. You deserve so much and you are starting to realize that. The past is over, your future is open in front of you. You can choose your own path.

  20. It is true that the past cannot be rewritten but you can definitely learn from it and cherish all those memories forever in your heart. For now, please take care of yourself. Hoping you slept well the last night.

  21. Cannot be rewritten... Can be reinterpreted ;)

  22. Hi Launna. I hope I do not waking you up with my commenting:). I just wanted to stop by real quick before my bed time. I've nothing to say:). because what I wanna say, you'd already saying from my heart. I Don;t spend my today time to look back either do you. Unless, that was the beautiful mulberries! Have fun and enjoy your every moment, don't know what's going to happen tomorrow.You've been working so hard on your exercising, eating healthy. And dont forget mind healthy is as need as other thing in life. keep doing what you are doing Launna. You also are lovely once. :). oxoxox.

  23. You're right, you can't rewrite the past, just try to accept it. Have a nice day :)


  24. Bonita entrada
    Un besito

  25. true words sweety!
    wish you a wonderful rest of the week!

  26. I think it's sad you can't do that directly to him. Though I hope with time everything will change for the best.
    AND I am glad, you are one of those who remember the past as it was, too often people like to change it in their minds and won't admit the truth when confronted.

    Btw, thnx for coming over to my little blog. :) I hope you were able to get some sleep tonight and/or reload your inner batteries. ;)

    Follow the Royal Peach

  27. Our past is a part or ourselves, but we have to look the future that wait for us. Kisses, my friend!

  28. So true... you can't rewrite the past, but learn from it!!!!
    Happy wed darling!!!

  29. Very true and motivation!! Its always better to learn from the past! Thankyou so much Launna for your always inspiring words!!


  30. Very true Launna! Accepting the past will let go of any remorse feeling we might have and make us look at teh future with a positive approach!
    Love Nilu Yuleena,
    BIG hair LOUD mouth BLOG
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  31. Yep! Just as fast as that 180 came about, another 180 can come about. Having that inner peace and believing in yourself no matter what the direction at the moment is, is where you seem to be at, and headed, and big hurrah to you for it! :)

  32. Insightful post maim~ For good and with better understanding we have to change and it beings happiness. I wish you happiness ever in your life~ Soon I am coming up with dedication post solely for you....


  33. There are 8 months of my past that would just like to delete and erase out of my memory... I know it's impossible, but I still haven't accepted what happened in those 8 months. It was something I made happen, and now I hate myself for it. I hope one day I'll be able to just let it go and accept it.

  34. Sometimes it is really hard to accept the things that have happened and decisions we've made in the past. I always like to try and focus on the good things that have come from those mistakes/happenings or what I've learned from them.

    I'm sorry this week's been tough for you, dear! Sending love and positive vibes your way. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  35. Hi Launna How are long time din visit here ^_^...miss ur blog so much :D
    now i even forgot what is my behind or my past life LOL....just look looking back...nway u look great at ur new photo..congrates :D

  36. Beautiful writing Launna! You are so true. The past is the past.
    But you can learn from it and it! :-) Always stay positive! That's
    the spirit!


  37. This reminds me of the quote from The Lion King, "the past can hurt, but the way I see it you can either run from it, or learn from it."

  38. Learning from your past is a good way of shaping your future.

  39. great job on this post dear. Very inspiring as always.

    I AM ALSO ON: Instagram @kennydaily, Bloglovin and Facebook (i follow back, just let me know your links)

    What Kenny Hearts a Lifestyle Blog

  40. Very insightful! Words to think on and live by.

  41. Sleep makes all the difference in the world. Just like history is subjective, I think memories can be too, but the truth is, that's what we have: our perspective on what came to pass. It doesn't matter how other people saw it. Two people can read the exact same book and have a completely different experience. That's just the way we work.

  42. I definitely agree, I've told myself many times that since you can't rewrite the past, why care so much? I want to learn to let it all go, and not hold grudges like quite a few people I've met in my life, to accept and move on.
    Insightful post as always! ❤


  43. Amiga tenha um dia maravilhoso amei
    Canal de youtube:

  44. Another very wise and touching post. You are such a strong woman.

  45. I hate when people try to get out of something by saying things like, "You remember what you want to remember." No asshole, I remember what happened.

  46. So true that we can't change the past. All we can do is do the best we can with what we have and move forward and make the changes we hope to see in our future.

  47. Hi Launa!, Thank you for all your lovely comments, I really appreciate it and sorry if I don't answer on time. You are right about our past this is who we are and forget will mean betray ourselves. Its really sad to hear about your friend maybe you should talk to him about it again? Just tell him that his words make you unhappy. Dont take me wrong but it's easy to lose friend, I mean we are all different people with different perception of us and surrounding ( I hope my English good) maybe if he says like this - it means what he thinks and maybe he also had some expectations about you. Its always difficult , bcz we think that if love those person as a friend or as a sister/brother we expect them to treat us as we do. But we are all different and maybe just need to talk to resolve such matter...
    I hope everything will be good eventually. Have a great day Launna!!!!

  48. beautiful words, nice post Launna :) make us thinking deeply...
    keep in touch, hope we can follow each other on GFC or Bloglovin, let me know and i will follow u back :)

  49. Hi Launna your words always make me think! It's a beautiful quote!

  50. Another great piece.we cant change the past but we can learn from it and strive for a better future.
    Very inspiring post

  51. Have a lovely day my dear.... Kisses!!!!

  52. Aww Launa darling! </3 Come on, we really can't change the past, but what we can be glad about is, it taught us what we needed to learn!! I am sure what you are now because of your past. Look at you, you're such an inspiration to many others (including me me me!!!). And i just wanna say, I love you!! Don't ever feel down again, please???

  53. Such true and well written words. We can't change the past but we can use it to help us be the people we want to be. I wish you much happiness ahead'

  54. Amiga tenha um dia maravilhoso
    Canal de youtube:

  55. Beautiful inspirational post.
    And you are so right, we can erase the pass, but sure we can use the experience from the past to not make the same mistakes.
    Totally in love with your blog
    Keep the work darling, because is awesome.

  56. Um abraço bem forte, bem verdadeiro,
    abraço longo, cheio de sentimento.
    Venho deixar meu abraço pelo dia do abraço
    com muito carinho.

  57. You are definitely right. We cannot change our past. I do like to learn from the mistakes I made.

  58. I hate that. It's one of those statements I detest because it is set in concrete and will never change. The past is already written. I don't know how many times I've wished that I could just go back and change something, even something tiny and insignificant. I'm sorry this has been a hard week to get through, especially when there's a birthday, and it's of someone you can't share and wish well for directly. That would be tough and painful. I know your well wishes will reach him though, even if he doesn't notice. Maybe one day you'll come to a point of common ground and have him back in your life. If that is what you'd like, then hold out hope for it. Anything can happen and anything can be. Keep holding onto hope Launna.


  59. Hi!
    Amazing blog!
    Would you like to follow each other? (GFC, Bloglovin, Facebook)
    If so, please let me know, I will follow you back immediately.


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