
Making It Through To The Other Side

I remember thinking I would never get to this day... this time and actually say that I am happy. Even though this last year was both a high and a low... the high getting my life back, the low losing 'him'. I cannot nor will I ever understand why?... only 'he' would know and 'he' never said.

I was a basket case, I couldn't sleep, I still have issues, I cried all the time and I barely functioned. For nine long months I wondered if I'd ever feel joy again? Could I believe in love? In those first nine months I doubted that I could. Truthfully I wasn't sure I wanted to again.

Honestly after giving my whole heart and soul to 'him' only to be hurt more than I ever thought possible... I wasn't sure I ever wanted to love that way again. Why would I want to when 'he' did and said everything 'he' said he wouldn't? 'He' became all that he promised he never would... I remember asking 'him' one time, if someone else came into his life, how would that affect us? 'He' told me she would have to accept that we were friends...

What did I learn from all of this? Just because I'm open and honest does not mean everyone else is... people have their own agendas... No matter what some people say, they don't mean it when the time comes to prove the truth. No matter what we think or believe, not everyone is like us, not everyone is as open and honest. As much as I wanted to shut down, close out the world and try to forget the pain... It was there, the old me would have done everything possible to bury that pain deep, where no one could find it but the me of today won't let that happen anymore.

I heard the quote about how  “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” and it resonated with me and what I went through. I know that some people don't think what happened was anything that could destroy a person but for me, having my trust broken is one of the worst things I have dealt with. I believe losing trust is one of the most difficult things to deal with because it makes you question everything you have ever trusted in... and everyone.

The quote made me think about how no matter what is thrown my way, I keep getting stronger even when I doubt that I can... I am tenacious, I never give up and I always make it through to the other side.
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  1. It is so nice to read that you are happy. I have thought about you time and again and prayed for you as well ( along with praying for happiness for every one.) I have been following and reading your steps towards achieving your goal and have read nice and encouraging comments by others, but the credit for finding happiness goes to you alone. You worked hard to figure out life and it's hardship and have dealt with the struggles in a very steadfast manner. You deserve this happiness. Hold on to it and please do not let any one take it away from you. May God bless you and protect you.

  2. Awww, Launna! I do feels your pain. You're so right about not everyone is as honest as we are or as we wanted them too... I just don't know how to start or where should I start now:). It so sad to hear that you've cried for nine months - is too long, and is so hard to tell you to move on:). some scar is too deep to heal fast. let's cry and have the tear clear out the eyes so then we can see it better:) and learn from them:). I wouldn't say it would be easy for you to dealing with this life issue .. you are beautiful Launna. without people who those have hurts us - we would never be strong:). Chin up my girl:). I sending you my big hugs and love to you now!

    I hope your evening is lovely enough to put you to sleep:).

  3. I understand your sentiments. Your life will get better and grow a lot more when you realize it's better to be alone than to chase people who don't really care about you. Let the right people find their way into your life. Letting go of the past is your first step to happiness. Enjoy your weekend Launna!! :)

  4. I am so glad to hear you are happy! You deserve so much to be happy. I truly believe we make our own happiness. It's just that sometimes it is such a struggle. You have struggled so hard but made it to the other side. You are such a strong, kind woman.

  5. great words sweety it's so important to stay strong, to believe and everything will be great soon!
    happy weekend! <3

  6. Great blog dear! :)

  7. Oh Launna, it makes me so happy to hear you say that you feel genuinely happy and feel joy again in life! X

  8. Wonderful post, it is so great that you feel joy again, and I really like those inspirational quotes, I have something similar as a tattoo, which says, pain is weakness leaving the body, and every time, I`m reminded of that, I feel a little better, so stay strong and joyful :)

  9. I believe that our scars make us who we are. If someone has gone through life unscathed, have they ever really grown or learned anything? I am thankful for scars, for we learn from them. You have been through a lot and you have come out shining and strong :)

  10. Launna, I wasn't here yet for much of what you went through but I've done a little back reading and I love how your strength and determination to feel happy again are bringing you out on the other side! I agree that to have your trust broken us one of the most devastation experiences we can go through. When my relationship with the Englishman fell apart it took me a few years to get over that. But eventually I realized that I am responsible for my own happiness and that I would rather be single than be with someone who didn't truly love and value me. I also learned that the good old cliche of loving yourself before someone else can love you is absolutely true. Wear your scars like precious jewelry for they are what makes you strong and wise. xo

  11. sweet Launna
    i repass
    would you like to pass from my blog?

  12. Aaah! So great to hear that dear Launna! I am happy that you are happy :-)
    Stay strong always.


  13. Good to know that you never give up. Life will not always be smooth and sometimes will knock you down,the trick is to get up and keep moving.

  14. Amiga que linda inspiração amei bom final de semana.
    Canal de youtube:

  15. My adorable Launna, you are a source of inspiration for me. You are right " not everyone is like us". In fact you are unique and special. He doesn't understand the beautiful and awesome person that you are.
    I'm so pride of the Launna of today!
    Wishing you an adorable sunday
    Maggie D.
    The Indian Savage diary

  16. Wishing you a beautiful evening over your place! Glad to hear that you have such a nice warm weather:). Thanks so much for your lovely dropping over mine Launna!


  17. We don't stop doing question and we don't know how to do well but you are doing good things and I hope to do something good in the future as well. xoxo

  18. Just keep going my friend! You have come a very long ways and each day will make you stronger.


  19. You have to be tenacious, my dear, you must continue to trust ... you do not deserve all that you have lived your life ... you'll see a better future holds for you and full of love ... believe it!!
    Happy sunday darling!!!

    My Facebook

  20. “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” - there's so much truth in these words. launna, nothing is more hurting than losing someone you love. i have experienced this last year. and i nearly experienced it this year. but you've got to be strong. there's not only one love in life, i guess. and there's not only love for others, but for yourself. and for life.

    you'll make it.
    i believe in you.

  21. btw hair clips are always a good thing!

  22. Want to hug you <3

    Have a great Sunday Launna ,kisses!

  23. Love the quote. And I admire you so much. Stay positive. And all the best on your writing too.

  24. Great quotes! Yes, some of the best inspiration can come from quotes.

  25. I'm glad you didn't shut down, Launna. The world needs good/honest people out there, it makes the world a better place. :)

  26. Grandes palabras, siempre me emociona leer tu blog.

  27. having my trust broken is something I take very hard too. aside from that I think we can't and shouldn't compare pain. what breaks you might be tolerable for others, what breaks them might be nothing to you. xoxo

  28. Sou apaixonada por batons! É meu item favorito de maquiagem! *.*

    Perder a confiança em alguém é realmente uma das coisas mais difíceis na vida. Antes eu pensava que isso era ruim, mas hoje penso diferente. Decepções acabam deixando a gente à prova de balas. Nos prepara para encarar o mundo de frente!

    Ótimo domingo, Launna!

    Beijo! ^^

  29. Everyone might not be honest and open, but I hope that you will continue to be! Life is so much better when you are honest with not only others, but with yourself!

  30. Hoping you already make it through to the other side Launna:). Thank you so much - We had the good weekend time with our boys outside, and the weather is much better this week. I hope you had the chance to do something more relaxed than read and works on blog:)on your weekend:).

    Have a blessed week ahead dearly Launna! oxox

  31. such an amazing post! Great job.

    ** Like Beauty Editer on Facebook **

    Beauty EditerBeauty Blog

  32. Hi Launna,

    I never knew if my comment posted.. But in case it didnt, I told you that your post was beautiful.. I wish you well in life and love.. A broken heart takes time to heal, but it eventually does. Good luck with school =)

  33. Continue to stay positive and strong Launna!


  34. My sweet Launna, wishing you an amazing day
    Maggie D.
    The Indian Savage diary

  35. So nice that you are happy, Launna--I feel your pain though, when someone has broken your trust it seems almost impossible to let in other people. A broken heart takes time to heal..but it will. We all wish that everyone was honest and open, but unfortunately that isn't the case. The only thing you can do is be continue to be honest and open, and hope for the best. I am glad you are making to to the other are beautiful and having trust broken hurts, but you are very strong and determined, and I am sure you are recovering. Have a lovely day ♥♥♥

    Mj //

  36. have a great start of week,sweet Launna
    thanks for your comment darling
    have a nice day

  37. Yes, you are growing stronger every day. You have been through so much in the last year, but you've come through it all on your own power. I think there are good things ahead for you.

  38. thanks for your comment under my vegan pizza post - it's really fun to choose toppings. valentina surely will like it! hope you're fine my dear <3

  39. hi dear, wishing you an amazing day...
    i'm a new follower, follow me back if you want

  40. Thanks for stopping by my blog today via my daughter, Stephanie. I love your blog, it's so inspiring. Happiness is a work in progress so stay positive. I've been where you are and I can say with confidence that there are even happier times ahead for you. I'll be back to see how you are doing and for more of these wonderful quotes.

  41. Postagem perfeita amei tenha uma semana abençoada.
    Canal de youtube:

  42. Have a great day, I added this song to the last post:
    Enjoy your time

  43. Losing trust is HUGE. And the more you lose it the more difficult it is to regain in every situation. You are doing good!

  44. There are no mistakes in life just redirection! Trust the process of growth! Embrace change & love all of it!! Have a nice day Launna! :)

  45. What an inspiring post! I have learned that even when it's hard, you have to lean on Christ in times of suffering. Of course we need him all the time, but when we are at our weakest, he can be our strength. ;)

    God bless,

  46. I am so proud of you and can really appreciate this because I know what it feels like to feel so depressed and be at the lowest point. I like how you are honest because the world needs more people who are willing to speak about these sorts of topics.

  47. Sometimes we think that we cannot live without a person, but here in Spain, we said that we were born alone, and die alone...people in our lifes are only partners in our path.


  48. One really needs to be brave enough to trust someone again , that too when someone had broken your trust! The biggest mistake is to trust someone more than your own conscience! But when we fall in love we forget that thing! It happens!

    Hugs & kisses

  49. It's wonderful to hear about how you've been able to get stronger through the pain of this experience. Keep getting stronger and trust that love will find you once more.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  50. very very nice!!!!

  51. have a nice day Launna!

  52. Passando para ti deseja um ótimo dia você e sua bela família.
    Canal de youtube:

  53. you are tenacious and strong, keep it up!!

  54. Wow,am glad to hear that you feel joy.You trully deserve to be happy.

  55. Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog :)


  56. good night Launna

  57. I completeley understand, Launna. I learnt in a bad way that not everyone is as honest as they seem and sometimes words don't mean anything at all. Trusting in someone was a difficult thing after that and still is, I won't lie. But it does indeed make you stronger AND wiser for the future :) Keep that positive thought!

  58. Launna, the way you have written this post is like you made all the words look alive. This post really touched my heart! Loved reading it and feeling it! <3

    Happy Wednesday!

  59. Hello Launna!! <3 I am so glad you're happier now. I know it isnt easy, but it is the first step you need, (YES NEED!!!) to do! And You're on your way to doing it!! I am soo happy for you! My mom always tells me, "if you can be born without him, I am sure you can live without him too". And i think it is really important to realise that our lives is not bounded by someone else but us!! :)

  60. Very nice Post!!!

    FOLLOW MY BLOG / Maybe we can follow each other!!!

  61. Launna,

    I hope you are having a good week so far dear! I just wanted to stop by to say hello and talk soon!
    xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

  62. Great words and so true! Suffering only makes us stronger :)

  63. It's nice to hear you say your happy. You went through alog of pain and it has made you stronger. I admire so much that your never gave up and didn't let another persons dishonesty change who you are. I hope wonderful things are on your horizon!!

  64. Hi Luanna. I hope you are doing well and having a great week.

  65. dear Launna i repass
    have a sweet day

  66. You know, the thing is, no one can be exactly in your shoes. Something that would make you flinch might bring down another person's world, and vise versa. We have to view life through that lens, realizing that we shouldn't judge when a person's world explodes. To them it is the end of the world.

  67. "The quote made me think about how no matter what is thrown my way, I keep getting stronger even when I doubt that I can... I am tenacious, I never give up and I always make it through to the other side." this inspired me so much. :D

    anyway, i never knew that you went through so much these past few months launna :( But I'm glad that you are getting stronger everytime. Just always remember that as your "virtual friend", i am always here to listen and you can trust me. :) I wish you good luck, enjoy life and be thankful for everything. even if some things are depressing and hurtful. i know that you can surpass them all. God bless Launna! :)

    xoxo, rae

  68. Launna, I'm so glad to hear you are happy:). Time is heal. You are back on your track again. I hope your week is wonderful, stay strong and hang in there:).

    Have a good day Launna! oxox.

  69. great post, so inspirational indeed

  70. I hope you are having a wonderful week and meeting all the goals you have for yourself. Sending positive thoughts and prayers!


  71. beautiful!!

  72. So many fake people in life, sometimes it seems like the only person you can trust is yourself. Have a great weekend Launna! :)

  73. Passando para ti deseja um ótimo dia
    Canal de youtube:

  74. I absolutely LOVE the last quote---it has always been one of my favorites. You are strong, Launna---don't ever forget that.


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