
Conquering The Pitfalls With Love

I wanted to write about how I'm handling the food part of my life with having to fit in sleep, exercise, work, family, friends, cleaning, relax time... It is not easy to juggle this ALL the time. I am one of the lucky ones when it comes to food, I LOVE healthy food, if I could afford to eat a large salad twice a day, I would but I only eat it once a day. Even though I adore healthy food, there are still pitfalls, I have times I just want a different flavor.

That does not mean I will fall into my old habits because I may go up and down 10 pounds or so, from time to time. Because I really 'got' it a year ago when I changed my life and my eating habits; I don't feel the desire to eat those foods all the time like I used to, I may eat them once every six months or so.
The other thing is that I love myself at the weight I am, even if I gained weight, I'd love myself, my worth is not tied up in my weight. The weight loss and exercise is to be healthy, I was completely out of shape... I was 49 years old and I was 90 or so pounds over weight. I didn't like where my life was... I think it was when I lost 25 pounds when it hit me that I didn't have to lose another pound to love myself and to know my worth. I wanted to continue to lose the weight to get healthier.

I could feel the change in me with all the exercise and the discipline I had grown to have over myself, it was because I loved myself and I had other people rooting me along. If I had a fall which I have from time to time... maintaining is one of the hardest things to do, losing the weight was far easier. When I have a hiccup from time to time, I don't berate myself because I am human and I slip up, I am not perfect.

The thing I most appreciate and love about my friends and readers is that you are supportive, understanding and you encourage me. I am really grateful for that, I wish that we could all have that support system.... let's all be each others support system, cheering each other on and helping each other up when we fall.  Coming here, writing my thoughts in the blog helps to remind me why I am so committed to eating healthy and exercising. I am important enough to make the effort and so are you.
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  1. very well said Launna! i'm glad to know that you're loving your weight. i just wanted to share, i think most people think that because of my weight and body type, they thought that i don't eat or that i diet or something but truth be told, i love to eat and i eat almost anything! one of my big problems is that i don't gain weight. :( we all have different body types and it's just a matter of accepting it and loving who we are.

    All the best Launna! God bless :)


  2. So well said! I think it is wonderful you are at a place that you realize what you have done is amazing and deserve to give yourself credit and be proud of how far you have come!

  3. I love that you seem to be so happy now. I know you are busy and have daily struggles like all of us, but you seem to be truly happy with yourself.

  4. What you have achieved is awesome. Salads are just fine ;)

  5. same here with me I have soo many things to do but I don't how to fit it all. But At least I can sense that you happy now. keep writing launna =) thank you so much for visitng my blog =) keep in touch. new post:

  6. Dear Launna, I love healthy food too. But I understand well that sometimes we need other tastes...
    My back is a little better, my throat not at all, but it's fall, you know :)
    A big hug from Italy!


  7. Amazing Quotes! Very helpful ,thank you <3

    Have a beautiful Day Launna ,kisses :*

  8. What a wonderful way to look at this all Launna. I applaud you for sharing this with us, for your bravery and your mission for change. I think the key point here is that you are doing this for yourself. You are doing this to be healthy. Making changes that your future self will thank you for. I think most pitfalls people experience when losing weight is that they do it for some ideal they do it so they can be skinny, to change what they look like thinking it will make everything better for them in life which is completely false. I hate watching those reality shows on weight loss. Those trainers always spill that line that they'll be perfect when they reach the goal weight. Push them in the gym but forget about the internal work. Most souls are terribly hurt and food comforts them. Ignoring that means the issue is never resolved and once the help is gone they turn back to food because it's there. As it always was. Change must also come from the inside too.


  9. No one is perfect and I think it's very admirable that you realize that and don't let the downs that you are bound to have get you down! Life goes with ups and downs and it's important to love yourself even when you're slipping.


  10. exercise and eating healthy food is a form of self-love

  11. I love your post, you are very positive. I need more love in my life. xoxo

  12. Such a great last line. You are so inspiring!

  13. É muito bom quando um calçado é bonito e confortável!

    O incentivo dos amigos nessas horas é realmente importante! Fico feliz em ler que você está seguindo firme e forte com uma alimentação saudável! ;D

    Ótima quarta, Launna!

    Beijo! ^^

  14. I think the best part of this post is where you say you love yourself and know your own worth no matter what your weight is because that is so true and is something we all need to be reminded of. :-)

  15. Lau querida continue com os seus novos abito com certeza te faz
    bem, que musica inspiradora amo ela a minha cantora preferida,
    DEUS te abençoe uma noite maravilhosa.
    Canal de youtube:

  16. So well said! Of course we want to be healthy, but that doesn't mean we stop loving ourselves when we're not. This just means we have to have faith and respect for ourselves so we can accomplish our goals.
    It's never easy to do everything all at's daily struggles takes away our motivation sometimes. But we have to continually realize that we are important. Even though we may not look the way we want to, we have to accept and respect ourselves enough to be healthier and happy. This is easy to say, but not as easy to do...we have to try our hardest..because we are all important..
    Good luck, I have faith that you will reach your goals! Much love ♡

    MJ //

  17. Launna, I think it is great that you love yourself, no matter what weight you are! This is what helps us to accomplish what we try to, is that we are able to love ourselves, so good on you!

  18. Hi Launna! Healthy food and some exercise the best way to be in shape, no matter what the weight is. You are doing very well and have taken great efforts. Have a wonderful weekend!

    Jasmine ♥
    For a Real Woman - Instagram - Bloglovin

  19. I'm happy to be me...... I really love this quote!!!!
    You are so inspiring Launna, great post!!!!!
    Love, Paola.
    My Facebook

  20. Lovely positive post! You are so inspiring! I love the quotes you put up and the greatest love of all song. Oh, it's been so long since I heard that song.

  21. Launna, I love how you have started looking at the silver lining! And I am so so happy that you're happy with your weight now!! That's amazing! Launna, this is exactly why I idiolize you so much, because you're always so so positive. And you know what they say, the people who are happiest from inside are the people who are saddest from inside. I know you've been through a lot, dear, and i so wish I could do something about it! :( :/ Nonetheless Launna, you're always in my prayers! :) Please take care and always be happy!! Love you!! :) And thank you so much for your comments on my blog everytime! :)

  22. I'm glad to read that you love yourself now, with your shape, because the most important thing in this life is to love ourshleves!


  23. Passando para ti deseja que tenha um bom final de semana.
    Canal de youtube:

  24. Hi my sweet Launna,
    I love your new post and I'm glad to know that you're loving your weight.
    Your words are very indeed. <3
    Have an adorable weekend
    Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog

  25. "my worth is not tied up in my weight"

  26. For as far back as I can remember, (and that's a LOOOOOOOONG way!) I've always been a rather non-assertive people-pleaser, putting the needs of others way ahead of my own. At this point in my life, it's unlikely that I'll ever change, but it's wonderful to read about how well you've learned to value and love yourself. You go, girl!

  27. Powerful quotes, Launna. Stuff that we should remember always as life is tough. Thanks for sharing.

  28. Only other bloggers can understand the connection we all have and what the support from seemingly "strangers" from everywhere make so much of a difference in our lives.

  29. changing habits is always hard. But I love you thinking on diet - I think it's totally right.

    Inside and Outside Blog

  30. What a sweet shout out to your readers. :) You're attitude with the slip-ups is a good one. No one's going to do it right every day, that's a given. Some people use it as an excuse to regress instead of seeing it for what it is... I do that sometimes with things too, but I've gotten way better about it!

  31. One of the most comfort things when I went through a tough breakup back in 2006 was having the support of the blogging community. (At the time, that was on MySpace.) You just feel uplifted by all the support...and it helps to realize almost all of us have been through dark days at one point or another.

  32. Healthy food does cost more than junk food but walking is free. Exercise is free at home and water is cheap, drink lots of it! Portion control is important! Enjoy your weekend Launna! :)

  33. Launna. Really well said and done deal. I'm here and supporting you all the way! Life isn't easy and isn't according to the way we wanted it but if you can handle this much - you're doing so right and on tracks Launna. Keep up the great work:). I'm here to walk with you and always will. Stay strong, healthy and positive as you already are. Thanks so much for kept me prayed! You also:). Take care! Oxox.

  34. It really is all about being the healthiest you can be -- for you and for Valentina! You have a great attitude!

  35. What a lovely read !!! I think people get so caught up in "losing weight" than "being healthy"... it is so great that you have that already on your mind that healthy is what you aim for. Excellent !!! And you look amazing too ! :)

    Continue to be positive and inspiring! :)

    ~ Lu

  36. A support system is so important when it comes to losing weight. I need to get back at it---all these hours on my butt at the computer, trying ti get this book done, have wreaked havoc on my weight! Ugh!

  37. I love to eat healthy too. Enjoy reading your quotes. hope you have a great weekend and always remember you have a great support system from your readers.

  38. That's a great habit that you love yourself even if you gain some weight.
    Great post .

  39. Hello Launna, I'm glad that you are eating healthily not just for the sake of losing weight and looking pretty but for health sake itself. And who says that slim always equate to pretty? Hmm... Probably is, but I would love to use the word "beautiful" instead. I see many people around who are so confident with who they are and I think that's very beautiful. Beautiful comes in all shapes and sizes. You certainly don't look 50 at all! And I think it is coz you're feeling more confident of yourself and that positive energy radiates throughout.

    Thank you for your lovely comment, Launna. My hubby and I love to check out fine dining restaurants during special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. Definitely love those extras! In reality, I would take photo of the menu so that I could get the names of the dishes correct and those little extra dishes are not on the menu and hence, I cannot remember their names. Hehehe... I hope to catch that post of yours which you posted when you were tired. Sometimes when I'm sleepy, I type nonsensical stuff. It is fun to read.

    Jo's Jumbled Jardinière

  40. Passando para ti deseja um ótimo final de semana.
    Canal de youtube:

  41. Very nice post

    New post in

  42. Love this post ( I love most of your posts). You are absolutely right about eating right for the sake of staying fit and healthy. I agree with you about health being the main reason for eating right. I always get so much inspiration from your posts. Thanks.

  43. I wish I had your discipline. like you, I love eating healthy things, and I'm slim, almost skinny, naturally, but I need to work out more. spending most of my time behind a computer is starting to wear me down. it's great how you changed your life and attitude around. and you are absolutely right. self-worth has nothing to do with how we look.

  44. Dear Launna, I love Whitney Houston... I was really sad that so a great a beautiful woman could fall in such deep inner sorrow.
    I wish you a lovely Sunday, my back is improving :)


  45. it's always great when you're happy being you! keep it up!

  46. I love your posts! Never forget I love you so much and I'll always be there for you whenever you need it! <3

  47. So well written the fact that you love the way you are .. i sometimes feel low about how i look and what you have written is tooo goood

  48. I always love reading your thoughts, Launna! You're lucky to love healthy food :D

    Bella Pummarola

  49. A healthy lifestyle is about more than just the food we eat! :)

  50. Launna. Thanks so much for dropping by:) as you're always do. I'm here to wish you a positive energy and thinking of you too. Always wish you the best my Launna.



  51. Ciao sono felice di venirti a trovare nel tuo bellissimo blog.

  52. wow this is so amazing
    love it <3

    Hope you may visit my blog,too
    Your Amely Rose from:

  53. you are such a strong person Launna, i wish you a wonderful new week sweety!!!

  54. I hope you have a good week. Its getting colder here. And those walks are getting harder for me to want to take. Thank you so much for you comments too. Thank you so much for your feedback.

  55. Passando para ti deseja um belo dia e tenha uma semana abençoada.
    Canal de youtube:

  56. I really like how you say you want to eat healthy for yourself and I know what you mean about 2 salads a day, but even when I did that a few weeks ago, I started getting really sick of salads. hehe. You're so right how you say you didn't need to lose another pound to know you need to love yourself because then you're truly in control of your happiness in that sense. Keep it up and keep us posted...


  57. Thats what makes life so special: to support each other, even if you know the other person from the internet!!!

    I can only repeat again and again how proud Iam about how much weight you already lost! Thats amazing! Always think about that you are doing it for your health and for yourself. Not for anybody else. I remember you last post as you worte about the light at the end of the tunnel. To control yourself and to work hard on your body is one big part of this tunnel as weel I guess.

    What I did, was to write down on the weekend what I would like to eat. Like fish, salad or which kind of fruits. Then I tried to cook some of it already in advance three or two days. That will makes it easier for you to challenge the meals even when its busy or hectic.

    Never forget that you still have to eat some things like sweets from time to time as well. Only take three pieces of chocolate instead of the whole bar and you will see how much more you will enjoy these three pieces. That helped me quite a lot to control the amount of candy I am eating every week :)

    Hugs and kisses xx

  58. I love the quote. I am happy to be me. This is such an amazing way to think.

  59. Quante cose belle nel tuo blog!!!


  60. Launna, Today isn't my day either Launna, I was about to get ready for my boys to school this morning, as they missed school for the whole last week, they were excited to go back to school but the sad news was one of my twin got a diarrhea and I had to take him to doctor to get a prescription right away, otherwise, he might had to ended up at the hospital. I also been through a real hard time more than just sick. So you're not alone dear Launna. I'm telling you that. hope you have a better day and week more than I do now.


  61. Hello my dear Launna!! <3 Thank you so so much for your comments every single time. It really makes my day. I adore you so so much, dear one!! <3 And I hope your week is going goood and hope you're not spreading yourself too thin now :) <3 And i am so so sorry that my blog is causing so much inconvenience :( It must be so so frustrating! :(

  62. The way you look at things and the world is inspiring - loving yourself is SO SO important in life and unfortunately one of the hardest things to do. I really admire you xxxxxx

  63. PS You mentioned one of your fav bloggers went to bali 6 weeks ago and did a video blog - I'd love her details so I can check out her post!? xxx

  64. Que a paz e a unção do Espeito Santo fique eternamente contigo
    bom dia Lu.
    Canal de youtube:

  65. Hey Launna, your first quote for me is the best and reminds me of what I believe, making a mistake doesn't mean I'm a mistake. Hugs and wishes for a beautiful weekend. You shine!!! Know that!!!

  66. you love yourself. this was the most beautiful line in this post. congrats to you, launna, for being able to say that. who wouldn't love you. you've got a heart of gold <3

  67. Dear Launna,
    how are you in these days? I hope well... I went yesterday with the kids on the mountains, schools were closed. It has been a lovely day :)
    Good night!



I love and appreciate all genuine comments, to save a little time, I won't be commenting on the comments on my blog (unless you don't have a blog), I will just visit your blog and comment there, if you have left a meaningful comment for me... I would much rather spend the time reading and commenting on a few extra blogs ❤