
A Year From Now

The next few weeks are going to be insanely busy for me, I have my final exam I am taking in less then three weeks, so I will be studying every night until the final. I am still going to take a little time for myself to read blogs but I probably won't be able to comment as much as usual or write another post until then. I hope you all understand, once the exam is over I will be back to normal.

It's good though as the next few weeks are full of memory dates that hopefully I will be to busy to even notice any of them. Then as soon as I am finished the exam, I will be going full force with decorating my house and getting my first real Christmas tree in over twenty years. I am kind of excited, I had stopped getting real ones because I didn't want to worry about having to purchase a tree every year... this year I decided it was worth the extra effort to really go all out and make this year special. 
Valentina and I have been making plans of what we want to bake ... we are also making a list of people we want to deliver the treats to, we plan to take a few days around Christmas to drop over and visit people and give them a little special treat we made together. Valentina is very excited and I am too, I need to do something for other people so that I won't be thinking about myself and the dates filled with memories.

Usually I have Christmas dinner at home with Valentina but my sister has invited us over to her place with my niece and nephew and their families. I was so thrilled when she asked us to come over; first, I get to spend the holidays with my family and second I don't have to cook. By next year we will be moved as that is high on my list of priorities this summer, then hopefully I can host a Christmas dinner at my new place next year.
I am making the changes I need to make so that my holidays won't be the sad reminders they have been for the past couple of years.... I have known logically that I needed to make changes, I just didn't have what it took to make them... until now. I wish I had made them earlier but at least I am making the decision today...

I am not going to beat myself up for not deciding this earlier as feeling guilty won't change the past, it will only leave me feeling defeated and sad... as Maya Angelou said...  When you know better... you do better..

I've been thinking about how I finally made the decision to lose the weight, I had decided that I didn't want to be in the same place a year from then... It's the same thing here... in a year from now, I don't want to be thinking about the past memories of what ifs...  I want to be planning a wonderful Christmas without any sad memories taking over... Making new memories today will help me succeed even better next year...
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  1. Good luck to your exam Launna =) Congratulations to both of us 'coz we finally decided to start the things that we always hope to start and realizing that we just can't be in the same place over and over again.=) I finally get myself to go to the gym hahhaha and finally got my passport and I'll be finally travelling soon. those are the things that have been sitting on my bucket list every years,. And i never felt so happy and fulfilled =) thank you for all the inspiring words =) hugsss

  2. Hi Launna, I am glad to hear you are taking things slowly and are doing nice things for others as it definitely helps to take thoughts off yourself and the bad reminders. It's always so nice to hear from you on my blog. I have been sick with bronchitis and going back to the doctor tomorrow as I am still having troubles. I can't wait to just feel good again. I am doing everything to boost my immune system this winter, as I hate being sick. My poor son has been coughing for like 2 and a half weeks almost.
    xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

  3. Good luck on your exams!! I can tell those treats will be yummy!!

  4. Darling Launna, I was wondering if you've ever be able to blog. I thought you were busy as much as i am here, I posted then replying everyone comments only I can do to keep my blog going. I will be back to read your post later as i am now 1ooam and i should been in bed already. have you ever get my last commented? If you haven't, I hope this one is going through, I'm happy to hear you and Valentina are having a fun plans together. how excited. Good night dear lovely Launna, I will be right back:). I hope all is well with you:). take care:).

    xxoo http://www.attraction2fashion.com

  5. Your blog is very inspirational, and I love your quotes! Good luck on your exam :)!

  6. good luck with your exams. you will be doing great xoxo

  7. Good Luck Launna, and I know that you will go through it! :) Oh Christmas...time has gone do fast! We had some Christmas lights in window all year, totally lazy from us...now it´s so easy to just plug in ;D xox

  8. good luck darling!

  9. Good luck with your test!! And hurrah for going to family's house for the holiday. :)

  10. Bom dia amiga que postarem ótima, DEUS seja contigo
    por onde andares, Curta e siga o meu canal e TSU
    TSU: https://www.tsu.co/Nequeren

  11. Good luck to your Exam! big Hugs Launna :*

  12. Hi Launna, I'm sure Christmas will be wonderful this year. Good luck with your exam!

    Jasmine ♥

  13. Yes! There is nothing better than getting to celebrate Christmas with friends and family and NOT have to cook, hehe. I bet you'll have a great time at your sister's. I am counting down the days til Christmas. I'll finally get to go home again and see my friends and family again. Last time I went back to Belgium was in August.

  14. So good to hear your plans are going to be full of new memories with friends and family. I am hoping the best for you with your studies. Sounds like the holiday will be wonderful! Meanwhile, keep warm as winter sets in and thank you so much for being here.

  15. Best of luck on your exam! And I wish I lived closer so I could help you decorate for Christmas LOL!

    I love how you're always looking forward...that's a wise way to be :) I hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

  16. Hi my sweet Launna,
    I'm very happy to hear your wonderful planes.
    Good luck to your exam doll.
    Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog

  17. aww goodluck with your exam Luanna! I know you'll do great <3

    Anyway, i am inviting you to join my giveaway here

  18. I know it's lots of work to take exams, but I'm sure you will do fantastic. Good luck! You're holiday plans sound wonderful. You are building such great memories for yourself and especially for Valentina!

  19. it's okay Launna. I did the same for my thesis. :) Good luck with your final exam! You can do it. I'll also pray for you like what you did for me. Thank you and God bless. Enjoy studying :) hihi

    xoxo, rae

  20. Good luck on your final exam!!!

  21. Good for you for making the extra effort to be better and to do better. Not everyone's brave enough to do that. Good luck on your finals and since you'll be in hiatus, let me greet you a Happy Holidays now! Hope to see a picture of your first Christmas tree in a long time. :)

  22. Wow! Good luck with your exam dear Launna!
    I think you can do it :-)


  23. Stay focused on your studies and you will be okay. All the best in your exams Launna! :)

  24. Dear Launna,
    I'll cross my fingers for your exam, hoping it will be going well :)))
    Good night from Italy!!!


  25. I'm sure everything will go fine with the proof. Enjoy the experience!
    new post http://tupersonalshopperviajero.blogspot.com.es/2014/11/casual-wear-for-camden-town.html

  26. Ciao carissima Launna, mi piacciono moltissimo i tuoi articoli, che belli!!!

  27. Sei sempre molto brava e sensibilissima.

  28. Good luck with your exam, dear Launna! I hope you'll be able to relax afterwards and enjoy the holidays :)

    Bella Pummarola

  29. Launna, As I love the smell of the real Christmas tree. I'd love to have buy every year but sometimes is quite relax to not to clean the leaves falls of the real three:). I had the real one of the last year. I am glad to hear you and Valentina are going to have a fun and excited Christmas. Good luck with your studies and exam lovely Launna. Have a wonderful week to you:). oxoxo.


  30. Good luck with your exams Launna! I know, they can be so incredibly hard and stressful! Even during studying, make sure you take the time to breathe..it can get so overwhelming sonetimes.
    I couldn't stop smiling after I read about how you will spend the holidays after the exams. It sounds wonderful! I'm sure you and Valentina will have special quality time together. :) And I love how you're moving forward, creating happy memories. :)
    And it will be sad to not see you on here as often but everyone needs a break, for sure. We'll miss you and you'll be in my prayers! :) Best of luck ♡

    MJ // www.littlepandacrafts.blogspot.com

  31. You're on the right track and I think you're going to have a great Christmas this year!

  32. Good luck with your exams!! You don't need to think about other years, just live the moment :)

  33. Good luck in your exam! I sure you will do great. That is so kind to make and deliver treats. Espcially as a way to keep yourself from bieng reminded of past memories. I think stepping out and making new memories is a wonderful approach to a positive change for you!!!

  34. I'm curious about the exam you're taking. I think I missed what that was...what happens once you pass? How exciting!

  35. All the best for your exams my dear Launna!!!!!!
    Kisses & hugs from Italy!!!
    Happy wed!


    My Facebook

  36. Hi Launna, first of all, your Christmas plans seem great! not cooking and spending time family is what I am about :) the real Christmas tree sounds like an amazing idea too! I've never had one, but you are making me wonder if I should try to do it this year! for my husband and I is kind of hard because he likes to coach wrestling in the winter so his weekends are super busy in tournaments and practice on weekdays after work. So I don't know if getting areal one would be to much work since I need someone to carry the three haha aka him.

    Anyways, good luck on your exam! you are such a good student... studying ahead! I need to be more like you haha mine is coming up too :)


  37. I'm wishing you super success with your exams and focus in your prep. (I hate tests.)

    A real tree? I've never had one because there were 8 kids in my family (one special needs), and for poor Mom's sanity, we always went with artificial. Less mess and maintenance. My husband tells me how wonderful a real tree is though and has asked a few times if we could get one. (When we had little kids.) I told him if he wanted to water and vacuum every day, sure. He's never taken me up.

    Here's to new years, time with family and change.

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

  38. i hope you're having a wonderful christmas time. not having to cook on christmas is loads less work to do. i'm glad your sister invited you to her place :)

  39. Postagem maravilhosa amei Curta e siga o meu canal e TSU
    TSU: https://www.tsu.co/Nequeren

  40. Always strive to be better. That is the only way to live.

  41. I wish you only the best for your exam, Launna! :)

  42. Passing by quick to say "Hello" lovely Launna. And here I am again Good night:). oxox


  43. The wisest sentence that I have read this week, it's the one which you start your post: Do the beste you can until you know better, then when you know better do better.
    A lot of hugs!

  44. Good luck with your exam, Launna. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

  45. Passando pra ti deseja um belo dia,
    Curta e siga o meu canal e TSU
    TSU: https://www.tsu.co/Nequeren

  46. You have your priorities all set and that is what will make you succeed! Not that you need it but good luck on the exams. Have a wonderful time and we will see you when you get back!

  47. First things first Launna. They'll be time to catch up once the final is behind you.
    Good luck.

  48. Goodluck Launna! Enjoy the weekend! xo

  49. Your plans with Valentina for these Holidays sound awesome, I'm sure you both will create new beautiful memories that you'll keep for the frest of your lives :) Of course we understand that your exams are your priority now, so don't feel bad to take the time you need for studying. I'm wishing you the best luck for your studies, dear Launna!


  50. I wish you good luck for your final exam but I'm sure you'll succeed in it :)

    See you Launna xx

  51. wonderful and positive post. As for exams...I wish you complete success. I know it's tough to study and then spit back what you learned and the wait to know how well you did. Way to go Launna for following your dreams and making awesome changes. Hugs Girl.

  52. Good luck Launna! Have a happy weekend. :D


  53. I'm cheering on for you for the holidays, and for next year, no more sad reminders!!! and you and valentina go bake and deliver the goods! deliver me one too hahahaha jk ;)

  54. Thanks for you sweet comment :)
    Have a nice weekend beauty!

    With LOVEEE
    Rebirth - Beth Kubler Diary - Fashion Blog

  55. Good luck with your final exam. Not that you need it. With all that studying you're gonna be doing, you'll be well armed to kick that exam's butt.

    Just like you're kicking the bad memories' butts. Making good memories is the best way to do that. Happy Thanksgiving!

  56. hi sweetie, sounds good these words
    have a nice day

  57. All the best for your exams, Launna. So touched that you were still able to visit me while studying for your papers. Wow, Christmas sure sounds like fun for you this year. I love how you don't have to cook and also get to spend time with your family. That's a win-win situation. I'm so excited to hear about your plans for this period and how it would take your mind off unpleasant stuff. I can't wait for your new house to be up too. I feel like you do coz I would be getting my own house next year! I can't wait to host my friends for parties. I've been staying with my husband's family for a few years now and having our own place would be great!

    Jo's Jumbled Jardinière

  58. I liked the one of forgiving yourself.. Just did a huge mistake thats haunting me a lot, so it kinda helped

    thanks for sharing

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    - Hannah's Heels

  59. Hi my lovely Launna, Wishing you a lovely weekend and good luck with your studying. Hope you enjoyed your hair cut time:). Me and my family are planning and getting ready for our Thanksgivings dinner night which we also going to decorating our Christmas on the Turkey's day, The boys are having a week off of fall's break here. I'm excited for you and Valentina's Christmas too. You two are deserve most of the happiness. Oxox.


  60. Its good to hear you are working hard for your exams :) Also first Christmas tree in 20 years ! Whoa ! I am happy for you :D

  61. My goodness, look at the wonderful level of traffic you have with your blog these days, Launna! I am impressed and happy for you with this, because I am well aware of the focus and effort it takes to build such a solid readership. I've been pretty absent from my blog for the past two years, and am not sure when I'll get back into regularly posting. For now, I'm happy that a small number of loyal readers still visit when I publish the occasional article, so thank you for being one of those special few!

    I love your mindset of "a year from now" focus! What a loving, practical and reasonable goal to set for yourself - it keeps the goal attainable, keeps you from dealing with too much personal pressure, and gives you a light at the end of the tunnel. I really do like the whole concept, and I look forward to hearing when you move to a new home in the near future. That's a personal goal of mine, also. Have a lovely, blessed Thanksgiving with your family, chickadee! <3

    - Dawn

  62. Passando para ti deseja que tenha uma semana abençoada
    Curta e siga o meu canal e TSU
    TSU: https://www.tsu.co/Nequeren

  63. These are such beautiful letters! I am also trying to finish final exams, so I totally feel you! Best of luck to you--I know you'll do great! Let's finish strong! xx

    <(') Hoda | JooJoo Azad

  64. Algum dia vou aprender inglês para colocar legendas nos vídeos! hehehe!

    Não comemoro o Natal, por causa da minha religião. Mas, gosto da data, porque é um momento de felicidade entre as pessoas. Aproveite!

    Sucesso no seu exame final!

    Ótimo domingo, Launna!

    Beijo! ^^

  65. Hi Launna! Hope you had a great Sunday <3 ,kisses!

  66. Very nice blog 😊

    Instagram: sissihope

  67. Thank you for your lovely comment! Good luck on your exam! I am glad to hear you are taking things slowly and are doing nice things for others as it definitely helps to take thoughts off yourself and the bad reminders.
    Patrizia from thesmallnoble.blogspot.de

  68. that sounds great sweety, good luck for your exams!
    happy new week!


  69. Already wishing you all the best for your final exams! I'm sure you'll do great :)

  70. I love your future plans all the way up to hosting your own party next years. That's great that you have immediate plans after the exams are over to keep you mind focused on what is most important. Crossing my fingers and saying prayers for you as you go into your "finals" season!

  71. buon inizio settimana ;) xoxo, Rebecca.
    * Fammi sapere cosa ne pensi del mio nuovo post: http://www.toprebel.com/2014/11/sunny-day.html

  72. Good luck on your exam Launna! That quote is one of my favourites and is what I tell myself every morning - I hope you have an amazing holiday season!

  73. Happy Monday Launna and thanks so much for the comment tonight! Thanks for checking on me and yes, I am finally feeling better. I just have the after bronchitis symptoms that linger for a while to deal with now. I have a friend who is still using an inhaler after a month after she had it, so it's definitely a hassle to say the least. I hope you had a good Monday!
    xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

  74. Nice blog…. follow me here http://twinladybug.blogspot.com love & hugs!!


I love and appreciate all genuine comments, to save a little time, I won't be commenting on the comments on my blog (unless you don't have a blog), I will just visit your blog and comment there, if you have left a meaningful comment for me... I would much rather spend the time reading and commenting on a few extra blogs ❤