
Loving Myself For Who I Fought To Become

This has been a really busy week, more busy than normal, hence why it has taken me a little longer to write than usual. At the moment we are in the midst of massive snow storm here in Nova Scotia, so I decided to just relax and write. Just in case the power decides to go out, which it may because of the high winds. This storm has been talked about for days and I took the opportunity to get prepared, I spent yesterday, shopping, doing all the laundry, dishes, cooking and cleaning.... it feels good that I am organized and cleaned up.

As everyone knows who reads my blog, I have decided to come out of my comfort zone on many levels. The first thing I did was I attended a Valentine dance on Friday night, yes I knew people that were there but I did not go with anyone, I went on my own. I had some fun and danced a little, I just don't want to be the girl who comes home on Friday night and does nothing... That is not fun to me, that will not help me to move forward... I needed to make some changes and I am grateful I have.
I am also not a girl who likes having my picture taken, believe me I have been known to flip out if someone takes my picture and I am not ready... as well I always want to have the last say to which ones are shown. I used to be so adept at ducking pictures ... I have ones at work where you can only see my hair... lol... and never a full length picture. Finally, I have changed that part of myself and I am allowing more pictures to be taken, even though I am not at what I consider to be my 'perfect' weight. I decided that if I waited for that, I might never have my picture taken. I want my children and grandchildren to have memories of me that they can see.

I love that first quote I added above about loving the person I have become as I fought hard to  become her. A few short years ago I never would have posed for a full length picture and I most certainly never would have posted it on line... This has been quite the journey I have been on, it all started with me making the decision to change what I was not happy about and sticking with it. Of course there are days I stray as I am human but I won't allow myself to ever give up on me again. I am worthy of the hard work I have put in and I will continue to do this for me.
This last quote resonated with me as it is very true, we are all more alike than we realize... we have our differences that make us unique but truthfully we all have had tragedies, love, happiness, sadness... Sometimes it is hard to see that we have had good when we feel like the hard times outweigh them. Do you know what writing has done for me? It makes me see that I have had some incredibly wonderful and happy times in my life and I know I will again... Of course hard times will come again and I hope that by writing about how I deal with or have dealt with them in the past... it will help me to overcome them with a better outlook.

When I first started writing back in July 2009, I never believed so many people would read my words... I wrote more for myself as I had lost me and I wanted to change that, the road was long and it was pretty difficult. There were times I wondered if I would make it through but I have and I changed so many things that I never even thought I could. That is why I continue to write, I know that by writing I have grown beyond anything I ever thought possible, I have come to know so many people in the world and saw just how alike we really are, how much we want to be accepted for who we are and mostly how much we want to be loved, no matter how many mistakes we make. 

I hope we all remember that first quote about loving the person we have become because we fought to become him or her... 
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  1. Very Inspiring to read the journey of building your stature~

  2. Thank you for your example and your very well spoken blog!!!! You inspire many
    Love you

  3. Hello Launna,

    Your picture looks great! Nobody would even dream that you are camera shy and you look so elegant in your black ensemble. Yes, a woman of substance it says!

    And, it is absolutely true that one only grows emotionally and spiritually if one ventures beyond the usual and the familiar. Adventures can be daunting and challenging but they can also, as you have found, be fun! You were very brave going to the Valentine dance on your own but,once done, then it is onwards and upwards over the next hurdle.

    Your posts sound so very different these days. So much more positive and anticipating the future with a degree of excitement rather than foreboding. That is all to the good!

  4. That is a wonderful quote, Launna! 'I love the person I've become because I fought to become her.' I feel the exact same way. It has been a long and hard journey to get where I am today and now I wouldn't want it any different and really love me for being me which hasn't been the case for most of my life. I'm always so incredibly impressed by how much you've grown and how much you're willing to grow! Look at that gorgeous pictures of you. So so beautiful, inside and out! I'm so proud of you you get your picture taken now and that you went to that dance and had fun :) That is amazing! That second quote is wonderful and very very true as well. Thank you for always being so open and share your thoughts with us because I am sure we all feel the same in one way or another and it feels so good to know we are not alone.
    Have a wonderful Sunday, Launna! :) <3

  5. You're right dear! It's important to love yourself, it's important to determine your aim and stick with it! Good luck! xx
    Margo Raffaelli

  6. You looking lovely, Launna...just as your smile....so never stop smiling and improving your life.
    What you have mentioned about writing.....resonates with me too! I have added a value, a purpose and a friend - in the form of words and writing. Sometimes, even I feel surprised by looking back-that how far I have come-all by myself.
    Love the quotes-specially the second one! True! We all have been there sometimes or the other; but learning the hard way have made us a different and strong person-who we are today.
    All The Best in Being The New You! So happy to hear that!
    Have a Lovely Sunday<3

  7. You really have fought hard and all of us are proud of you -- more importantly YOU are proud of you and you should be. Love the picture!

  8. Launna .. I truly love your posts. The inspirational quotes you share, and the way you write about what you are doing in life is good reading and also inspiring. Thank you :)


  9. Wow, I am so proud of you. I love hearing that you love the person that you've become! So positive! :-) You also look really great on that picture! You are shining!


  10. I love this inspiring post. Thanks for sharing.
    You look great!

  11. I loved this post! Hope the snowstorm isn't as bad as predicted. Just sitting here wishing for spring!!

  12. You look great. You're doing such a great job! I'm glad you got out and went to the dance. It definitely takes courage to get out there on your own but I've found you always end up glad you did it!

  13. Ciao Launna, sono felice di incontrarti nel blog! Great post!

  14. Buona settimana, a presto!!!


  15. Muito obrigada, Launna! ;)

    Aquela máscara deixa os cílios bonitos e naturais. Estou amando!

    Fico feliz em ler que você está mudando pra melhor. Tem que ser assim! Faça sempre o que te faz bem. Isso vai ajudar na sua mente, alma e coração.

    Você deveria gostar de tirar fotos, porque sai muito bem! Ficou lindíssima nessa imagem.

    Ótimo domingo!

    Beijo! ^^

  16. Excellent, Launna. I'm sure you had a wonderful time :)

  17. i think this is a great step for you Launna :) And taking photos is a great way to cherish and treasure moments. I'm happy that you're finally allowing yourself to get your pictures taken. Nobody's perfect and people come in different shapes and sizes and i think everyone is beautiful like that. :D

    xoxo, rae

  18. Lovely photo of you - and lovely post. What a beautiful quote from Maya Angelou - thank you for sharing it. I needed to smile at the end of this very long weekend. I love your positive outlook - you always inspire me. Hope you do okay with the snowstorm - sounds like you're prepared!

  19. Beautiful, Launna, I love this post! :)

  20. It's so inspiring to read the journey of building your statue! Your picture looks great :)


  21. You looked so lovely, Launna!

  22. So happy to read that you try to get out of your comfort zone! I think that's something really important, not many people manage to do so! Anyway, you look great on the picture, so confident! :)


    Have a great week!

  23. I love that quote and I am very proud of you always. Also love this beautiful picture of you I have seen around a little lately.

  24. I love your dress and you look beautiful! Hope you had a great time at the party!

  25. I'm glad you had a good time at your dance. was thinking about you over the weekend (while not going dancing myself despite the best intentions). and you are right. be proud of who you become and keep in mind that none of this is permanent and that there will be ups as well as downs (but I'm sure you know that already).

    oh, yes, something else. a friend of mine posted something of FB the other day that I meant to share it with you. let me go have a look... "Every little piece of your life will add up to something. Every little piece of your life will mean something to someone." I thought you might like that. xoxo

  26. Good for you for going to the Valentine's dance! You look amazing in that picture - what a transformation over the last couple of years!

  27. You look absolutely beautiful in your full length picture, and you should be very proud of yourself for living outside of your comfort zone. That's what I've been doing too, and I'm having so much fun with it!

    Charlotte x
    Charlotte's Web

  28. I am so glad that u are trying with ur heart & soul to move out of the comfort zone.. i need to do that too.. life has nt bn easy bt trying hard to improve each passing day.. hope to see more pics from u as well.. hv a great week ahead xoxo

  29. looking amazing outfit Launna :)
    I wish you an happy monday

  30. Hey dear.. Trust me the full length of your pic has brought a full length of smile on my face! :) :)
    You look very pretty.. <3
    Very happy for you, the way you have faced your hardships and come out stronger..
    A Diamond is a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well.. And you are that Diamond Launna!! <3
    Lots of love...

  31. you look so pretty dear :) great post as always :)

  32. You are doing a great job My friend, you look fab in the second pic!!!!!!!
    xo Paola
    My Facebook

  33. Lu querida você esta maravilhosa amei o look bela postagem arrasou
    tenha uma semana abençoada
    Siga o meu canal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LOCPg0HbTA

  34. I loved the first quote Luanna, as the rest of the post!
    I'm a very shy person n front of camera too, so often I came up with funny faces!
    Being a fashion blogger I'm being used at it but I definitely still like much more to stay behind the camera!
    Anyway you look very good on that photo, a very classy and elegant woman!
    Be proud of the way you try to improve yourself every day! :D

  35. Wowwwwwwww Launna!!!
    You are so beautiful.
    This total black looks awesome on you
    <3 <3 <3
    Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog

  36. Yes I really love that first quote. And that picture of you is very pretty. I saw it on FB. You are looking wonderful. Definitely take more pictures. Good point - for children and grandchildren!

  37. I'm so happy for you that you've danced! I'm a shy person and in the same time have difficulties to dance like I do in my heart and my head.

  38. I love that you are making such positive changes in your life. Going to the dance by yourself sounds like it was a little scary at first, but you did it and you got out on a Friday night! Awesome! Dancing is also lots of fun and good exercise. I also think the picture of you looks fabulous. I am glad you decided to take a full length picture because you look beautiful and there is no reason to not get a full length picture taken. Bravo to you!

    I especially love your first quote. So wonderful and true!

    Keep moving forward and making choices to be happy. :)

    Have a fabulous week!

  39. I absolutely love the quote because it's so true and so inspiring at he same time. You looks gorgeous Launna.

  40. Hello my dearest Launna!! First of all, when I saw this pic of yours on facebook, I was just awe-struck! How gorgeous are you!!!! And your smile can kill anyone!! :) Always, ALWAYS keep smiling, dearest!! <3 And you have no idea how happy i am to see the changes you've gone through. It's certainly not easy, but you're doing it. And that itself is freaking courageous!! I need to start being more like you!! you're truly an inspiration!! <3 Tell me, did you enjoy the dance? Was it fun? Did it feel like a whole new different experience? <3

    Thank you so much Launna for your ever super sweet comments that you never fail to leave on my posts. I appreciate that just so so much, you know? <3 Thank you, and it's never enough to tell you how much I love you!! <3

  41. Hi my sweet Launna. I am so sorry for not stopped early enough as I supposed. I've been sick again ( what's new?). Thank you for always thinking of me. I do the same. When I meditated I also prays for you too:) yes I do:). You look beautifully Launna. I love you who you are. We no need to be better or perfect but we are. The LBD is a classy one and fit you very well my lovely Luanna. I'm glad you've posted the first quote is totally fit your beautiful look. We having super cold weather than usual and icy road from snow storm up north and your areas too? Wow must have been trouble everywhere now. While writing my comment for you here I had powered off two times already:(. I must have to rush before my power off again). I'm off to bed to rest too. I lost my voice by coughing too much and my chest is in such a pain now. Stay safe inside and warm Launna. Oxoxo


  42. Love your post Launna. and it's true it's really fulfilling once yo have become the person you always wanted =) i can realte much on this post.. hugsss keep writing thanks for the visit =)\

  43. You continue to remain one of the greatest inspirations to me - you have come such a long way and your courageous + brilliant writing just completes you. You are an amazing person and I am so blessed to have met you Launna! Always an uplifting feeling when I visit your blog x


  44. I agree with that quote. At my age, I love myself a bit more every day. No matter what other people say. That LBD looks great on you. Hope to see more pictures of you.

    Jasmine ♥♥♥

  45. It's always so motivating to stop by here! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, you're helping more than one person with your words <3
    And how beautiful you look on that photo :) Not just to be kind, you're truly beautiful Launna

    See you lovely xx

  46. Amiga bom dia DEUS seja contigo eternamente
    Curta e siga o meu canal

  47. I think you look fantastic in that picture!! Hopefully you will start to take more! I love that first quote, too : )

  48. I just commented back to you on my blog, but I'll repeat myself here in case you didn't see it... I think that is SO COOL that you went by yourself to the dance! That shows a lot of self-confidence and a healthy attitude toward life and people! I am so glad you had fun! Happy belated Valentines Day my friend! <3 - www.domesticgeekgirl.com

  49. With each post I can see a stronger, happier and more confident Launna! You're doing such an amazing job and you are an example to any woman who is going through a difficult time.

    Bella Pummarola

  50. You look beautiful and elegant in this outfit, looking forward to see more photos of you 'cause you are truly inspirational. Its true you got to step out of your comfort zone and push yourself to get to where you wanna be in life. Have a nice day Launna. xo <3

  51. You are certainly having a lot of snow - but perhaps it helped in some strange way to get the chores done. Glad to hear you were able to get to the dance though.

    Hop your week is going well

    Take Care and .......

    All the best Jan

  52. Wonderful!!! It is sooo great to see how far you have come!!! Fantastic!!! :)

  53. Congratulations Launna, so many great changes. I know what you mean about the picture thing. I would totally want to see how they came out when I was in a group shot, especially if I knew they would be posted. It's hard not be critical of myself, but I have also learned to love myself more now than ever. Can't wait to see what other exciting changes you make!

    Much Love,

  54. Love your quotes! Wonderful outfit too! Great to see you moving forward ...in spite of all this cold weather, etc. All the best! & keep writing too!

  55. I think you look fantastic, and I love that first quote! Yes, you did work hard to become who you are and you should be proud of that. I hope you are staying safe and warm after the snow storm

  56. Dear Launna,
    I love your pic, you look so amazing in black :)))
    How is with your Fitbit? I try every day to take a rest, but it seems impossible, partly because of my job and kids, partly because I think I'm changing inside. Deeply. Will my husband understand it?
    A big hug from Italy!!!


  57. Super cute picture, Launa. Way to get out and be social. One step at a time, eh?

  58. You look fantastic Launna! The Outfit suits you very well :)

    lovely Greets ,kisses

  59. Amiga passando para ti desaj um belo dia Curta e siga o meu canal

  60. Hope the storm has passed by now and I love that you went to the Valentine's dance on your own and I didn't realize they have such a thing and it's so healthy (even when it's very difficult) to come out of your comfort zone. PS - I really like the pic you took and the outfit is perfect as you already know the European style secret to look chic and slim - wear all black. :) That's what I do too. hehe


  61. You should always get in those pics, you look smoking hot here! I thought that when I saw the pic on the G+ profile, before I even read what you wrote. That's an awesome look and I love the dress. :)

  62. It's great that you're becoming more confident of how you look, and allowing yourself to be in more photographs. I also agree with you on how people can be similar, and that it's the challenges that we face and how we approach them that makes us different too. I also heard Halifax is a beautiful place and it's definitely great to be relaxing in Nova Scotia. And writing is also a good way to look at things in a positive perspective, it's a good form of therapy. Have a good week, and keep taking those photos, your grandchildren and family will cherish them. :)

  63. I hope that storm is over now! Time for spring :)
    How cool you went to a valentine dance on your own!

  64. Bom dia amiga Lau essa sua imagens esta um espetaculo
    eu amei esse look preto, Curta e siga o meu canal

  65. You look great Launna. When you make plans to ever travel to this end..trust you me we are definitely going dancing and having a gazillion pics taken!!!
    Nice post. xxx.

  66. It's good that you went on your own and danced a little. I do several things alone, I would lose a lot of things if I would be waiting for someone. xoxo

  67. I love that you're stepping out of your comfort zone and having fun. That's how growth happens and it's one of the things I'm doing at the moment too.

    That 1st quote is the best

  68. Lovely post.so glad you prepped before the storm. Sometimes it is nice to just have to be indoors and catch up on things. So nice you got out and went to the dance and enjoyed your night! Wonderful you keep pushing forward!

  69. You're such an amazing lady, congrats on being brave and stepping out of your comfort area!

  70. Aww that's such an inspiring post ! Thank you my dear for scharing it.
    Love to follow you my dear


  71. Wonderful post Launna and you look fabulous my dear! Well I am so happy for your daughter, convey her my congratulations and do take good care of her. My good wishes are always with you and your faimly. Much love and hugs <3

    Keep in touch

  72. oh my! I'm so happy and proud of you Launna! :) I already see this strong brave gorgeous woman finally posted a full length photo. You look wonderful and happy in the photo Launna, I certainly am happy for the positive changes in you. Congratulations for finally loving yourself more and stepping out of your comfort zone. I hope you and your family is okay during the storm . Keep safe and God Bless you !

    Rica | www.switbbydoll.com

  73. your posts always inspire to me! I'm glad listening about the party you attended and you look so pretty with that LBD.
    kss a lot Launna
    new post: http://tupersonalshopperviajero.blogspot.com.es

  74. you look absolutely amazing Launna!:) I'm so happy you stepped out of your comfort zone and you had this picture taken! You're so beautiful!


  75. Lovely post my Dear..so inspiring!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Much love

  76. Lu querida passando para ti deseja um belo dia e que
    tenha um final de semana de abençoado, Curta e siga o meu canal:

  77. Dear Launna,
    thanks God it's Friday. The week has been tough between job and kids an my little Raffaele who sleeps so little. I wish you an amazing weekend :)))



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