
My Challenge Of Forgiveness And Growth

I hope I can articulate what is inside me today, what has been inside of me for awhile... I have never been one that is at a loss for words either written or spoken. I have however; held things in when I write because I have felt they would be too raw or too open to say. This last week I have been thinking about forgiveness ... I truly believe that forgiving someone is the only way I can move forward. I came to understand this when I was fifteen years old and started praying that I would no longer have to live with my crazy, psychotic ex step mother Ruth...

For the ten years I was being raised by her I felt hatred for her, I couldn't fathom why she was so demeaning to me and my sisters... then I had a thought or inspiration that I needed to stop hating her because it was only hurting me... That was when I started praying daily for six months, all I really wanted in my heart was not to have to live with her anymore, I didn't wish her bad things, I actually hoped she would be happy one day because I came to know that she was very unhappy with herself... otherwise she would not have been so miserable to everyone around her, especially to three little girls that never did anything to hurt her.
Finally my father had his eyes opened and he left her, I was free and with that a load was removed from my shoulders where I could finally say what was in my heart without fear. I went through my life dealing with trials as we all do but always remembering that forgiveness was important for me to move on... I didn't want to hold on to anger or hate because I knew that was only holding me back. I also knew that although I forgave, it didn't mean that I was saying what people had done to me was okay, it just meant I wasn't going to hold on to it and let it destroy me.

This week I realized that there was someone else that I needed to forgive because each time I thought of 'her', I felt anger towards 'her'. I came to understand that 'she' is just insecure with who 'she' is and where 'she' is in her life, if 'she' was secure 'she' would have no need to hurt me. I am forgiving 'her' today and I will no longer think of 'her', other than to wish 'her' happiness... I don't want 'her' drama in my life anymore and I hope 'she' will finally move on from me. Truthfully, 'she' has hurt me more than anyone I know, there is nothing else 'she' can do to hurt me. I survived all the lies and pain she dealt me in the last year and a half and actually I thrived... I am better for what I went through, I am stronger and I have come to love myself even more. Hopefully one day 'she' will come to love herself and know that hurting others is not the way to get there, the only way is by loving yourself.
I need to say one thing here, life is not about getting what we 'think' we deserve, no one deserves more than someone else because of the trials they have gone through. If that were true I would be in an honest and loving relationship right now, for I have had to deal with trials that seemed insurmountable. However; that is not how life works... I deserve as much happiness as the next person and I know that although the challenges I have been dealt with were awful, they were no worse than what other people have dealt with, they are just different. My trials are given to me to help me grow just as others have their challenges given to them to help them to grow.

I believe that growth comes from 'how' we handle the challenges we are given... and not just by getting through them...
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  1. Yes, we can't control what happens to us- but we can control what happens WITHIN us.... I repeat this to myself daily! Thanks for the post Launna.

  2. That last line is very powerful. I do believe that everyone deserves happiness. God didn't put us on this earth to be miserable, this I am certain of. But in your last line I am sure that for the things we go through it is His hope for us that we come to him in prayer and not just try to get by and get through it without Him.

  3. I'm so sorry for what happened to you, bus as you said it enables you to be stonger and to be an amazing and really inspiring person Launna.
    Everytime I have a deal a "challenge" I always think of you, your posts and words to be motivated. And you're totally true, "growth comes from 'how' we handle the challenges we are given... and not just by getting through them... " will keep this in mind as well!

    Thank you Launna, take care <3

  4. Love the last Words ,you are amazing! Lots of Hugs and Love Launna <3

  5. Absolutely love your honesty. Particularly your las sentence is spot on. Forgiveness is so hard. Your post makes it seem to me like I should rethink some people I can't forgive. Xx


  6. I love your last sentence Launna, you always are so honest and an ispiring person, and I know you are very strong too!!!!
    I Wish you all the best My dear friend!!!!
    xo Paola
    My Facebook

  7. Ciao Launna, sono felice di venirti a trovare e a leggere!!!

  8. Sei sempre bravissima, i love your post!!! Beautiful!


  9. Buona domenica e a presto!!!


  10. Okay you just freaked me out because that has been my lesson all this week too is forgiveness of others. In fact, I am working on a blog post about it.

  11. Hi my lovely Luanna:)! How have you been up too this weekend? I am hanging in there and working my way hard to feel better quick:).

    You're such a faithful woman Launna and I belives so forgiveness is best for us human:) to do. to free ourself by let thing go from our shoulders. I'm an easy and light person so I know exactly how you feels. I'm glad you're into this lever that not everyone could do what you doing now. It's so good and I am so proud to get to know such a kind person as you are on erath. Thank you so much for checking on me Luanna. You know, I have no energy to visit people for now!! I'm glad you staying in touch with me and that its make it easy for me to just click your link and bring me here to read your beautiful post!

    Take some time for yourself to relax too Launna. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Oxoxo. :):):):

    Good night!

  12. Hi Launna, I just landed here from Sangay Duba's blog and I just regret why I didn't discover your blog earlier. Your posts r fascinating and interesting. Yes, forgiveness is the hardest thing one can do especially being unenlightened souls. I am also trying to forgive my uncle and aunt for all the humiliation and torture I was subjected when I was compelled to live with them for a decade after my mother died and my father got paralyzed..... We r in a normal relationship today but deep inside my heart, I still have some dislike for them. I m trying to forgive them though. Your post is inspirational. Keep up the good work please.


  13. Great piece, Launna as always. Too many things to ponder! I always believe it is easy to forgive than forget. Even if we try harder, forgetting many unhappy and miserable incidents in your past life is not that easy. I know!! But I guess, I would forgive them because I want to move on from there and from that relationship- that hurts me even now! I would forgive because I want to be a better and happy person for myself- if not for anybody. I would forgive because I have left my awful past way behind me and want to make a better and respectful future for myself!

  14. I love how honestly you pour your soul on your writing which is infact very difficult. When I get stressed or dont know what to do, I have the tendency to get angry or feel negative thoughts towards them, but I guess being patience and not letting the negative thoughts affect your actions makes you the person you are <3 have a blessed day!
    Nilu Yuleena
    BIG hair LOUD mouth

  15. I agree, everyone deserves happiness and no one deserves more or less than someone else because of the things they went through or did.

  16. It's easier to live with happy people around


  17. Beautifully said. It is interesting how we do perceive each other. How we thought we knew them, when you find out from someone else ..about their insecurities and how they'd rather be alone than even face a crowd of one. It is never easy, to especially be in a family like that. And sometimes, we even forget to even look for opportunities to grow. Especially, with them.

  18. I'm sorry about what happened, Launna. We should always believe in disliking the actions of a person, instead of the person itself. Having hatred for someone directly is indeed unhealthy and I'm glad you didn't hold on to it and moved on as you mentioned. :) I admire the way you've approached the challenges you face positively. Instead of wishing bad things happening to someone because we dislike their actions, we should wish for their happiness or something else positive in the hope that they will change. I agree with you on how it is our method of facing the challenges that makes us who we are. If we do get through them, but in an irrational manner, it may only give us more fear. The way you have approached the challenge has indeed given you admirable strength, and you're a very determined person to have survived the ordeal. Stay strong. :)

  19. Forgiveness takes a lot of time and determination. I know. I find it hard to forgive too, especially if the wound is too deep so to speak.

    But keep on going, keep on forgiving every day. It's like a compound interest. Just keep on putting in forgiveness every day and someday soon you'll finally forgive fully.

    Take your sweet time, Launna. :)

  20. Beautiful post!
    Have a nice week end!
    Photographer Gil Zetbase

  21. Thank you for such a nice post
    . I am sorry that you had to deal with hardships given by your step mother who is now an EX. Too bad for her,because if she was nice with you she would have come to know what a wonderful person you are. Terrific on the inside and outside. ( I really like you in your black outfit). It is also very grand of you to have forgiven her as well. Takes a lot but you did it. It will shine your personality even more.

  22. Yes, we can't control what happens to us- but we can control what happens WITHIN us.... I repeat this to myself daily! That last line is very powerful :)


  23. I got unfriended on facebook by this bitchy friend of mine lately, she's insecure and unhappy with herself too but you know what I aint got time for that drama in my life. Live, laugh, love your enemies, forgive, & forget. Life's too short to have regrets. Happy new week Launna. <3

  24. Forgiveness is something I really had to learn over the years. I tell you something now I really never tell anybody. Till the age of 13 I was a really fat kid...I felt comftable with me but unfortunately I was teased by all of my classmates. I never totally understood why they were judging me on the base of my body weight. Now, after all these years these people come to me and act like we are good old friends. First i really went mad all the time I met one of them, but now I really started to forgive them. These people are somehow sad with their lives.

    We should forgive those people. Somehow its always good to see the true face of each person. It must have been a horrible time for you as a kid with your step mom. I mean as a young kid it must have been a sad person to treat you like that.

    Two weeks ago I found out that one of my freinds was talking quite bad about me behind my back. I gave her the chance to explain what her problem is, but she only tried to blame others (not knowing that others showed me whats app massages). I decided to forgive her and told her that its ok but I wont to have her in my live ever again.

    Its good that you learned that lesson as well. To look back in anger really wont help us to grow or to go further! The future is ours and each moment only makes us stronger!!

    Many hugs from Germany,

  25. It is SO hard to forgive. But even before that, to see the need to forgive. That was such a hard step- Amen to opening your heart and resorting to the power of prayer as well. I especially liked when you wrote: "I need to say one thing here, life is not about getting what we 'think' we deserve, no one deserves more than someone else because of the trials they have gone through." :)

    As to the comment you left... TOTALLY! It's not too hard to shop ecofashion now days, compared to 10 years ago. This is especially true with all of the cool brands that now exist. If you check out the pics on the left of my blog, Ecolissa is on Eco retailer. Also Seamly.Co, Threads for Thought (but their sizing is super small :/ ), and Indigenous, to mention a few. :)

    I look forward to your next visit on my blog!

    God bless,

  26. They say that anger and unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hope the other person will get hurt.. In my experience, that is true. I am so glad that you turned to prayer to find the strength the forgive and find healing. I'm sorry you had a painful relationship like that in your past.. but I KNOW you are stronger for it, and I am happy you are the person you are today! <3 Thank you for opening up and sharing in your post! Much love my friend! - www.domesticgeekgirl.com

  27. You are right Launna, tough times of my life really made me tougher and helped me grow and understand life. And I must say you are really strong enough to forgive, it was also necessary to move on. I too forgive people but it hurts when they hurt me again.
    Hope your life is going smooth and blessed! <3

    Happy Monday

  28. Great words of wisdom here dear Launna. Forgiveness is always the way to go. Hope you ahd a great weekend.

  29. Wise words, Launna. We may not be able to control events or other people, but we always have control over how we choose to react to those events and people. We can make a conscious decision to face each day with a growl or a smile.

  30. These are some of the best words about forgiveness that I've ever read. You summed up exactly what I have been thinking about a friend. I haven't seen her in over three years, but we had a very long relationship prior to that, and I still don't think I've really forgiven her. Thanks so much for making me think about forgiving her.

  31. So true and great words of wisdom here, Launna. We cannot control things that happen to us or the people around us, but we can choose and control how we respond to things and people. By the way, I love your new profile pic, you look radiant. :)

  32. Sorry if my previous comment there is wrong dear, so that why you don't want to show it,,, really sorry,, I hope you don't mind because of that

  33. Dear sweetie!
    You're always so wise. I really ejoyed this post because you make me think about a lot of things about me and my choose.
    Have a nice day.
    Maggie D.
    Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary - Fashion blog

  34. perfect inspiration! Let's follow each other on G+ and GFC? Or also in other social media if you want?


  35. Hello Launna,

    Forgiveness is rather like friendship in that one has to work at it for it to thrive. It does not take place in an instant and at times there are setbacks but one must strive to attain the goal of forgiving or befriending that one is aiming for. Since, as you so wisely say, not to forgive is to die a little inside oneself.

    Perhaps it helps too to write down these thoughts and fears. Verbalising them often makes things more bearable or, at least, defined. So, you have reached another milestone and, we are certain, have helped others as well as yourself in the process.

  36. Dear Launna, you are so good that can forgive people that have hurt you so much. I wish I was like you. I hope you have a busy yet great week.

    Jasmine ♥

  37. Hello Lovely:
    I will read your post later. I have 2 comments of you to answer ;)
    One is from this post: http://enarasthings.blogspot.com.es/2015/02/regalitos-de-ro.html
    I just checked and Spanx seems a good brand. You are lovely and you will be great in spring :D

  38. Mexico is amazing, if you have time go there without plans and enjoy every moment. You can go alone or with people. xoxo

  39. I'm really sorry for what you had to go through Launna, on the other hand it sounds like this has made you a stronger and wiser person.
    When it comes to forgiveness I find it very hard, I do believe that you shouldn't hold a grudge against someone personally, but instead dislike their actions, but it isn't always easy to remember. Hopefully I'm able to do the same as you soon. Thank you for the post!

  40. I'm so sorry for you, poor Luanna, and what you passed when you were young, but i really admire you for how you faced this situation and how you came out!
    It definitely made you grow faster, but made you even wiser! Forgiveness is not so easy as one can think, you have to learn it with time... I'm still not into this, but I'm pretty good on leave on things and people negative for me; it's not forgiveness, it's just that i don't care about cause I prefer to invest my time in things that make me happy instad.
    Hope one day I'll be wise as you are!

  41. Hi Launna... u are such a wonderful person I know by what u write.. the purity in your thoughts really inspires me in some way to look at my life & change it in some way.. m sorry for how u felt coz of ur step mother I so agree with u that once u forgive ppl ur mind will be at rest - it is easier said than done bt i also know that wud really take all the burden of ur head and give u peace of mind.. ur words made me feel good and i need to start forgiving ppl - atleast try to bring a change in my life.. hope u have a fab week ahead xoxo

  42. That was beautifully written, Launna. And very sound advice - we need to forgive cause the hate is hurting us and not them. But I find it so hard! But still trying my best :)


  43. True, we need strength to pass over any obstacles, even we know, it is easier then doing.

  44. Hi gorgeous! First of all, bravo! This post is very inspiring, it made me think a lot. We have to strong, forgive and let things go in order to grow and live a happy life. Beautiful words Laura.
    Thank you so much for this.
    Have a lovely week!

  45. Amiga postagem ótima devemos perdoar para sermos perdoando, é
    dando que se recebe um dia maravilhoso para você e DEUS seja contigo.
    Curta e siga o meu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg_8KAdIhe8

  46. Tienes una gran fuerza, tu escrito inspira.

  47. What a horrible thing to have to go through / person to live with while growing up! It is so true that sometimes holding grudges or hating someone only hurts us and not them!

  48. Thanks for sharing this. I really respect posts like this and appreciate your openness. I can see how kind you are. Even after what you went through you still realised it was because she may have been so unhappy with herself and you still always reach out to others. Forgiveness is so incredibly hard, I am still not really able to deal with it. I have a hard time getting my head around it; realising that it’s not actually saying what another person did was ok. But the pain of not forgiving is indescribable.

  49. You have gone through more than most -- and each day you get stronger and happier for it. You really do appreciate the things you have, something not everyone does!
    MANY years later and I have still not forgiven my mother and I don't know that I ever will but I have come to accept it and her and I've learned just not to dwell on it. Occasionally Jenna will start talking about her and when the first tear starts to break through I politely ask her to change the subject! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  50. I totally agree with you, Launna. Forgiving makes you grow because you leave behind unnecessary energies and people. But it's REALLY hard to do (or at least, for me). That's why I admire anyone who's capable of forgiving and letting go. You have a great, noble heart and these gestures are the proof <3


  51. Forgiving someone is very freeing. It sometimes takes me a long time to get to that point, but once I do I feel better. It is like releasing the person from my soul and filling the part that they were in with positive energy and happiness. I am glad you were able to forgive the two people you mentioned in your post, because they certainly were taking up negative space and now you are free of them. :)

    Have a magical week!

  52. Hi lovely Launna:). I just wanted to stopping by real quick to wish you a lovely new week and wish your weather is okay over there! Its must been difficult to go to work when it rain. I hope the bus is always come on time for you so that you won't be so cold while waiting for the bus to arrive. Hope you always a safe trip on the way to work and back home Luunna. Oxox


  53. Holding on to anger hurts us more than the person we are angry with. Being able to forgive someone else puts you back in charge of your life instead of letting your anger at them control you. This is a well-written post, Launna. There is a lot of wisdom here.

  54. Anger does hurt a lot! My dad had a step mother who used to treat him and his kins miserably. She would abuse them as well! I guess they all had enough of her and got out of the house. Now she's good to all of them 'coz she's old and wants someone to take care of her. I believe in what we call as Karma, you know what goes around comes around. These situations are the ones that make you stronger indeed Launna. You have done great :)

    xoxo Chaicy - New Post up - Style.. A Pastiche!

    SAP on Facebook

  55. Wow Launna...! First of all, I am so so sorry of what you had to go through with that ex-stepmother of yours. Its horrible! :/ And I can only imagine the things she must've done to you and your sisters. It makes me shudder at the thought of it even. And I am so so shocked how you forgave her so easily. But in actuality, you did the right thing. Needs a lot of courage to do it, and you did it!! <3

    I am so so happy that you've ALSO finally forgiven that new “her”. You know probably she herself is miserable, and that is why she makes other around her miserable. And let this be a lesson to her. From now on, we all know who the bigger person is. And it's you. So her case is over from now on! *hi5*.

    And my dear Launna, thank you so so much for your sweet words and encouragement! I’ve been down myself as well, but I am slowly picking up myself. I mean, either I can face the current problem with happiness and confidence, or face it with sadness and the depressed-me. And I definitely do not want to choose the latter. So I am getting back on my feet. This is my last week at work. I am having fixed feelings about it, but mostly, I am excited to venture into something new!! :)

    How has work been for you, Launna? What have you decided as your next step now?


  56. Bom dia amiga passando para ti deseja benção sem medida na sua vida
    DEUS seja o seu maior amigo e te siga por onde andares, Curta e siga o meu canal:

  57. that's a great way to look at it. I keep telling myself that there is something to learn from everything. and it's true. sometimes it takes a while to figure out what I was supposed to learn. and sometimes I'm fed up with bad things happening and just want a break and don't care about learning. but that's life. it's a constant up and down. we feel the downs more acutely, but thankfully remember the ups more clearly.

  58. Well said launna....Forgiving someone is the only key to move forward in life...have a nice day dear
    keep in touch

  59. I have some challenges on my way too! have a great week


  60. It's not easy at all to forgive, you know, but praying every day and letting the other person go his/her way is the best present we can do ourselves. In this period is what I have to do with some people that hurt me deeply. But I need to feel free of this negative feeling.
    I wish you a lovely night, Launna :)))


  61. To forgive can be very freeing but sometimes does not come easy.

    It is true 'we don't grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges'

    I hope you have a good week

    All the best Jan

  62. i repass :)
    have a nice day darling

  63. Thank you so so much Launna for your kind words. You have absolutely no idea how they lifted me up instantly!!! And I agree with you...on the trial after trial!! When we finally make a decision about something that the world says oh… are you sure… and then it starts throwing things at us…!!

    I completely agree with that. And there will always be ups and downs. But you know i read it somewhere that we will never see the rainbow if we keep looking down! So that was inspirational, no? :)

    Launna, really!! Thank you so so much!! I truly appreciate each and every single word of yours!! <3


  64. Launna, I am sorry that you had to grow up with Ruth as a step mother... But I admire you for forgiving her and realising that she is the one with the issues not you, nothing you or your sisters could have done to make her a different person - she was like that by personal choice. I am a strong believer in prayer too and God always finds a way to help us through difficult times. As always I wish you only the best in life!

    Steph xx

  65. I just printed your post to read it in the train. I don't want to miss your wise words. xoxo

  66. Sounds like you've been through a lot Launna! Even from the young age with the crazy step-mum! Eeek....
    But I really agree with the way you ended this post and I think it takes A LONG time to be able to admit that no body deserves more than anybody else.
    Well done - you are a very wise soul - battered but still beyond smart x


  67. forgiveness is so hard, Launna! but you are making progress and that is awesome!

  68. Definitely! I was just teaching a lesson a week ago about facing trials and how when we stop asking, "Why me?" and start asking, "What can I learn from this experience?" it becomes an entirely different entity. Not a trial.

    I think forgiveness is the most noble and freeing thing in the world.

  69. I love this, Launna. Forgiveness is soul-cleansing. I read somewhere once that to forgive someone is to set a prisoner free, and to realize that the prisoner was you...

  70. Hello :)
    Great post! Really cute blog!
    Have a good day!

  71. Forgiveness is a great healer. Have a great day Launna!

  72. Forgiveness is definitely very freeing...I'm grappling lately with forgiving myself. I think any time you dwell in the past, you hurt yourself because there's nothing you can do about what's happened in the past. We have to find a way to let it go and move forward.

  73. Very powerful words. Your so right that forgiving others really allows us freedom to have peace.

  74. It's really true hate is a poison to the human soul. but in the end it's only us who suffers by it. I know it's hard to be as patient as we could towards someone we hated but we just have to put things in God's one. prayer is always a powerful tool. thanks for the visit =)

  75. Love this post! Great post!

    Would you like to follow each other?
    let me know if you follow me, and I will follow you back after it.
    thank you!

  76. So beautifully put! How freeing it is to have this perspective. Forgive others but also care enough about yourself to not let them hurt you again and again. That was a tough lesson for me to learn.

  77. Oh Darling your words are so pure and direct from the heart..they touched me..I wish you all the good and happiness
    God Bless!

  78. Amiga passando para ti deseja um dia marvilhoso,
    Curta e siga o meu canal:

  79. Hope you're fine lovely :)

    See you Launna xx

  80. I send you a big hug dear Lauanna, have you a sweet night, bye dear.


  81. Hi my sweet Launna. Thank you so much for your lovely comment as always. You're right the weather like this isn't going to make me feel better! I have to take medicine every day if I forgot and that means I'm in trouble and not good. I wish you a lovely sunshine going to your place and keep your rain boots next to you, you need that:). I'm off to bed. Oxoxo.


  82. Hi beautiful Launna,
    thank you so much for your adorable comment
    happy friday
    Maggie D.
    Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary

  83. Mi piace tanto leggerti, beautiful post, carissima Launna!!!


  84. Hi adorable, carissima Launna, amo i tuoi scritti.


  85. welll im sad to hear about your past, but yess people grow (:
    hope you had a great day ahead

  86. I'm so sorry to hear about your past Launna, this is a really different perspective and I totally appreciate you sharing this- I'm sure there are others out there feeling the same that feels alone and your post will help them! have a great weekend hun!

  87. Forgiving is powerful medicine. I can be hard to swallow. That's why some people never "take the cure."

  88. Lencinhos sempre são bem vindos, né?! Eu uso quase todos os dias!

    É difícil perdoar alguém, principalmente quando essa pessoa fez algum mal. Mas a verdade é que guardar rancores corroí o coração.

    Ótima sexta, Launna!

    Beijo! ^^

  89. Hi Launna. I just wanted to drop by and wish you a lovely weekend.

  90. How we deal with challenges can make us more strong than we are.Forgiveness but be hard but its hard that feeling of leaving behind that heavy burden we many carry
    Have a great weekend dear.

  91. Beautiful thoughts and so inspiring! Thank you.

  92. Launna, I can't even begin to express how so sorry I am about you having to go through all this. You didn't deserve a stepmother like that--nobody does. But what I find truly inspiring and awestruck is how you started praying for her. You are so beautiful and kind.
    It's true for me that when I forgive people, others think I'm weak, naive or that I'm just "asking to get hurt all over again." But I don't think of it that way. What good is hatred in our hearts going to do for us? Just because we forgive doesn't mean we're weak or submissive--it means that we are strong enough to let go of it all. I once found a quote that still sticks with me: "Anyone can hold a grudge, but it takes a person with character to forgive. When you forgive, you release yourself from a painful burden. Forgiveness doesn't mean what happened was OK, and it doesn't mean that person should still be welcome in your life. It just means you have made peace with the pain, and are ready to let it go."

    Forgiveness is one of the hardest things to do. But if we breathe, find peace in our hearts, and look at the world with a more positive, what-can-do-to-make-it-better kind of way, our lives will go better. I was always told that hatred consumes the heart, and I feel that is totally right. I don't want to be the person to hold grudges or seek vengeance in my heart. It doesn't benefit us; living in the past doesn't benefit us.
    Your last sentence was spot-on! Sometimes we just want to get through with something and reach the other side fulfilling our goal, but we forget that it's the way we manage our struggles and embrace the changes in our lives that matter most. <3

    In response to your comment--oh my goodness! I could never imagine working in payroll--how stressful and hectic that must be! I admire you so much! xo


I love and appreciate all genuine comments, to save a little time, I won't be commenting on the comments on my blog (unless you don't have a blog), I will just visit your blog and comment there, if you have left a meaningful comment for me... I would much rather spend the time reading and commenting on a few extra blogs ❤