
Choosing The Road Of Success

I have been wanting to write since Saturday but I promised myself I wanted to get caught up with my blogs that I follow first, that took until today... if I take a day off, I get way behind. I honestly love following everyone and commenting because I think that is what the blogging world is about, it is about supporting each other. However; saying this, I do get overwhelmed at times. I do need to cut back a little here and there, I can't comment on every single post as much as I would like to... I am going to get back to allotting myself a set amount of time. 

What I really wanted to write about today is, as you all know I have been struggling with getting back to exercising and eating healthy... I know it is okay to treat myself from time to time but that doesn't mean daily. I hesitate to say these words as I know they will be taken out of context... but I was out of control... I don't think I need to watch every single thing I eat but I NEED to have limits. This is not for everyone but this is what I need, this is how I succeed. 
For the past three months I was upset because I couldn't walk and I sabotaged myself by eating whatever I wanted to... It didn't make me feel better, those things rarely do. I kept thinking in that mentality that I would get it together when I could start walking and exercising again... then I was given the green light and I still continued to eat whatever I wanted... I didn't exercise, I started feeling uncomfortable in my own skin... my clothes were not feeling good on me .... All of this only intensified my emotions more. So, if you remember, I said I was at a crossroads... I chose a path on Friday, I am tracking my food and being accountable for it now. 

Also, today I was waiting for a bus... I looked down the street and realized the sidewalks were pretty clear, I just took off and started walking... it felt great, I pushed myself ... as I walked I wondered why I had allowed excuses to get in the way again?... because it is easier to ignore my feelings and just eat them... that is what the old me did, ignored everything and ate. I didn't like how I was feeling, how I was coming up with one excuse after another. Finally a catalyst happened in my life a couple of days  ago and I couldn't be more grateful that it did... without it I would still be in that rut... 
I feel like I did when I first started my weight loss journey in 2013, which actually turned into my becoming healthy journey... I was so committed, I never let anything get in the way. The weather is not going to always cooperate with me, especially in the next couple of months but that will not be a good enough excuse for me not to be accountable to myself. One day I will write about what finally got me all fired up, for now it's just good enough that I am goal oriented again. 

I realize the most important thing I need to do is prepare my food in advance ... I won't say it is easy as I have never thought it was easy to eat right and exercise daily but I can tell you that I will feel so much better, I remember what it felt like when I did... this is why I never gave up wanting it back... I might have taken the longer road back to where I want to be but the good thing is that I never gave up and I took the right road... the one that will set me up for success. 
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  1. Love that first quote! I think the road to success is also marked with perseverance and never giving up and that's your strength. I've let my food prep slide too and look forward to getting back into a better routine with it again. Glad you're feeling more spirited and motivated to keep walking that road :) xo

  2. Yeah! It sounds like you had a breakthrough! So wonderful when we have moments like that and we can make positive changes with a happy heart. You have such a great attitude. I love that you know what works for you and you are working towards doing those things. :) Best of luck!

    Also- I love reading and commenting on friends' blogs too. I agree it shows support and I also love connecting with blog buddies by reading what they are up to and commenting about it. :) Makes the world a little smaller!

  3. It is so easy to get behind on reading blogs and keeping up with your own. I think it's great that you always come back to your main goal which is to continue on with your health and fitness goals. It is great you are always able to re focus!

  4. The post is so fantastic! I am now following you on Twitter @irenekthayer

  5. Launna I agree with you! Though I want to comment and support every blogger who makes my world, I know how tedious it can be to comment on every post! However, I've always got your support and I love you for that!
    Nilu Yuleena Thapa
    BIG hair LOUD mouth

  6. As long as you realize that you need to set limits (while also allowing yourself a treat and allowing yourself to 'slack' every now and then) I think you're good. The dangerous thing is when you forget...

  7. Very inspiring post Launna and I'm with you on every point raised.

    " I chose a path on Friday, I am tracking my food and being accountable for it now."

    So many find this such a good aid, and if you also give thought (and action) to getting and preparing your food in advance this too can help enormously.

    Following your road to success...

    May you have a good week ahead

    All the best Jan

  8. Hi dear launna.. yup yup i do, i love to support each other by reading and leave comment on blog i following to. Eventhough i am not good in english or some time used google translate but i love it. Because i know they gave the best for wrote the post.

    I am glad for you, and happy to hear that you will feel so much better and never gave up. Hopefully your goal to be healty success.

  9. I like the way you're going about your health goals. Yes, you made mistakes, but you learned from them too. So you CAN get healthy again. More than that, you will.

  10. Amiga sucesso amo as suas postagem você pulando
    obstáculo na sua vida e sendo vencedoras. Tenha um belo dia
    Meu canal:

  11. Awesome! I absolutely enjoyed reading this. Happy Wednesday!


  12. It is ok that u took rest and ate what u liked bt dnt feel guilty..small walks in the park or to the market can also burn some calories and make u feel good.. in regards to commenting u can come when u like as the idea is not to get stressed.. when i start working i may not be able to visit other blogs but def make time fr the bloggers i love... hope u have a lovely week ahead Launna ♥

  13. I think we all have weakness and problems and we all need the right encouragement! I am so happy to hear that you feel encouraged again and that you are fired up to enjoy a healthy happy life! Don't worry about not visiting all the blogs you follow. Visiting should be enjoyable so just do it when you are able and have a few minutes.


  14. I'm always very pleased to see how you improve at every time you publish a post, dear Launna!
    You face every challenge with more and more energy and determination and with the knowledge of your limits at the same time! :D
    And don't worry about the visit of the blogs, it should be a relaxing moment not a duty!

  15. All the quotes are excellent; they emit positive vibes.
    Emotional eating is not a big problem to solve. Rather than looking at it as an independent problem tackle it as part of other issues we might have. Nothing is impossible; we will win eventually. There are solutions to every single problem in life.
    Nice post, You will be okay very soon.
    All your blogger friends are positive souls and their vibrant energy will cure you asap :) Smile :)

  16. That is so true, Launna. Blogging is all about supporting each other and appreciating each other's efforts to survive in this vast mad world of Bloggers. I love doing so..but sometimes I fail to keep up with everyone and all the posts, and then I am pushed all the way back:( I am still trying to dedicate appropriate time for those tasks..... still working on it....

    I am so glad to hear that you were able to keep up with your promises...Hope you do your best and feel your best in the coming days...


  17. Firstly I wanted to say sorry you have been having issues commenting on my blog, I think it's fixed now. The security server was playing up and they have switched me to a new one. Hopefully it should work now!

    Secondly, I'm so glad you have got back on track with your eating and walking again. It's definitely so important for your mental health as well as your physical health, so I'm glad you're on the right track now!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  18. It's so easy to get off track and difficult to get back to where you want to be. I'm glad you are back on the path that makes you feel better again. :)

  19. I saw a sign on Facebook yesterday. It said so what if we fall off. Get back on and keep going. We dont' slash the other three car tires when we get a flat. Things happen, we fix them and move forward. :) I think that's applicable to dieting. Dieting is hard. My tummy's get weight and it never has before. I don't know if it's age, the operation or what. I don't like it. But I know I'll find a healthy way to fix it. :)

  20. Well done Launna, this is so positive! Feeling up up up :D
    I love walking, if I can I do

  21. Dear Launna, what happened to you was completely human, I mean, we all get carried away from time to time, and not necessarily into a good path. I applaude you for noticing that and most importantly for having the power of will to change that. With that determination I'm sure you'll walk the road of success, dear!

  22. My sweet Launna,
    I agree with you. I really love to read your blog, because you inspire me.
    Maggie D.
    Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary

  23. This is a really honest post Launna, which shows you're constantly evaluating your habits and trying to improve. We can't always have perfect discipline, and there are bound to be times when we're feeling discouraged. The main thing is you've made a conscious effort to get back on track, and actively pursue your goal of having a healthy lifestyle. With continued determination, I'm confident that you WILL get there.

    Wishing you luck,

    Saba x

  24. You always find the best quotes and perfect for your post. Yes you definitely have to have a "plan" and know what you're going to eat all day. That's when I do my best is when I know when I wake up in the morning what I am going to eat, log my calories for the day and stick to it. It's such and easy thing to do. THat's my pep talk to myself for tomorrow. ;-) Working on The Christopher Chronicles has been making me snack.

  25. This is so powerful! Thank you! ♥

    Have a Fabulous Day!
    xoxo Suzy ( ˘ ³˘)♥

  26. Good luck with your routine and hey! you are back with a bang.

  27. Passando para ti deseja um belo dia
    Meu canal:

  28. I'm happy you started walking again. I can't wait for it to warm up so I can walk too as I enjoy walking. It's a good thing you are keeping track of what you eat but don't beat yourself up if you fall off track.

  29. You make me feel Spring is finally here! Oh, that feeling of clothing feeling too tight..its time to get moving and saying NO to the fat in the cream for my coffee. That is great you are cooking ahead. All the best to staying healthy!

  30. Eating healthy and walking is very important Launna!
    And in blogging is important too to support each other!
    I love your posta, always so honest and interesting my friend!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  31. I need to prepare food in advance as well, Launna, otherwise I start eating and then I regret... Today is Pilates'day, I have to do a little exercise :)
    I send you a big hug!


  32. You are doing great Launna, I am glad you found your inspiration and motivation again. xoxo

  33. I would love to be able to prepare all my food before as it would seriously help keep me on track but sometimes it is quite hard to get that done haha!

  34. Yes, the road to success is always under construction. Great quotes!

  35. I know what you mean about cutting back on commenting, because I love doing it too. Glad you are getting back on track, keep it up. The will be when you reach your goal!


  36. Gosh, I hear you about blogging and commenting back. That's why I only blog on Wednesdays. (And I spend all day at it.) I hear you about excuses getting in the way of exercising. I was doing so good for about 4 months and then the baby got sick, and then I got sick, and here we are almost 2 weeks later and I'm thinking, "Today is the day" only to end up NOT exercising. No more excuses, eh? We're doing this!

  37. I know this feeling of laziness, when I skip a few workout days... But there is no better feeling than the one, after you actually force yourself to do something!
    Have a lovely day!

  38. I know exactly what you mean! Im 30 years old now! Its 15 years ago that I lost over 30 kg and I still have to fight against my old behaviors every single day again and again! And yes: from time to time I loose control! i eat not only one but 10 yoghurts! And I don't eat one burger at McDonalds...5! I always have to tell myself that food won't and can't solve any of my problems!!! i start to run again and I feel good after I fought against myself!!! I feel free and I feel, that I brought myself back under control again! To change what we did for years is not easy and a process that will go on until everything is over!!! Never never stop fighting darling. Always remember the feeling of buying new clothes, the first time you stood in front of your mirror and you had this feeling: im pretty, IM PRETTY! The moment you walked down that way changed everything. You could have wait for the bus, but you decided to take the other way, to change your future, something you did so often the last years, because you are a strong and pretty women!!!!!!

  39. You are definitely on the right road! I am really happy for you that you figured out just what you want and how to get it and to do it your way.

  40. i'm the same way. i have to prepare in advance or i'm doomed to eat out.

  41. We do need to support each other in the blogging community. I am always grateful for the bloggers who READ my posts and don't just leave a BS comment about what I'm wearing. Often times, I share a story bout my life and it hurts when bloggers are simply commenting to feed their followers and not to show interest in what I've shared...

    Regarding the healthy lifestyle: I think we all "punish" ourselves and give excuses when we've had setbacks. I've been trying to cut back on drinking and eating sugary sweet treats; and on days where I was unable to get to the gym or get an adequate amount of sleep, I made excuses to justify my sweet tooth indulgences... it's human. But the important thing is being able to bounce back and recognize where (as your meme says) there is failure there IS room for success.

    All the Cute
    Latest Post: Lattes & Lipstick...

  42. Sorry to hear about the struggle. Taking care of our health is top priority as if we're not well, then all things fail. I hope you get back in shape soon. I think it's best if you keep healthy food like fresh carrots to nibble by your work station instead of junk foods. Discipline and a little effort goes a long way.

    Although it's been days since my last exercise too, so I'm also guilty kind of.

    I'm sure you'll get back soon.

  43. The post is fantastic!
    I am now following you on Facebook

  44. Its surely ain't easy to stay healthy and making the right choice of food. Kudos to you, beautiful for the progress. Definitely a motivation! :)

  45. Hey Launna ...I am back! :)
    Great to know that you are once again starting a dedicated journey to a healthy life :) You have all our support. And thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog!

  46. Hi dear launna happy weekend... dont forget to keep healthy, exercise and control the food.

  47. Hello Launna!
    How are you? I am working non stop and I have had few time. I have to read your old posts. xoxo

  48. working out daily and eating healthy it's not easy but it makes you feel so good. Plus in months or may be years it will become so natural so you will think of how odd it is if you have skip the daily work out for example

    Inside and Outside Blog

  49. Hi Launna! I agree with you, blogging is about supporting one another, getting connected with other bloggers: it's so much fun! I'm glad to read you're making so much progress! I'm so happy for you!

  50. I find that preparing my food in advance really helps me too.

  51. Great read dear . So inspiring !

  52. overcoming any addiction is such a fight and struggle....but the end result is awesome. Keep fighting. Keep focused. Keep following your heart and dream to be healthy and alive. You so deserve it Launna.

  53. Have a great start of the new week my lovely friend!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  54. Good for you! We all allow our plans and goals to de-rail from time to time. What matters is picking up our caboose and getting it back on track again... and that's exactly what you've done. :)

  55. The quotes you post are always so inspiring Launna. I especially love the first one about success. And it's so true achieving success doesn't happen over night and on the road to success can be a lot of road bumps.

  56. I know that eating well is a huge part of the battle, but I do so much better with that if I can exercise at the same time. So glad you're back on track! You can do it!

  57. <3 xox hope you know, what I mean :) Still tired. But here...and you are just my hero! :) Have a good week Launna!

  58. You are on the good way. I also prepare my food in advance. Otherwise I would eat first thing at hand. And cheer up, spring is almost here! Have a great week.

    Jasmine ♥♥♥

  59. congratulations on your path, I hope it goes better and better

  60. Amiga passando para ti desejar que DEUS abençoe a sua semana.

  61. Hope you're having a great day Launna! xoxo

  62. I know how you feel and am completely with you about feeling overwhelmed. I love supporting other bloggers and I've met so many lovely people, yourself included because of it but I'm starting to feel tired with the whole process. My little one turns two in end April, I feel bad trying to blog when he's awake but if I don't then I fall way behind. I stopped being so active in the blogsphere because of this dilemma, real life comes first and I just need to find a proper balance.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity


I love and appreciate all genuine comments, to save a little time, I won't be commenting on the comments on my blog (unless you don't have a blog), I will just visit your blog and comment there, if you have left a meaningful comment for me... I would much rather spend the time reading and commenting on a few extra blogs ❤