
Happiness Can Be A Step Away

I had a fairly good week in getting things done that I needed to do... I finally started to declutter, it has been overwhelming. I had to get to a point that I realize I won't get it done in one day, not even one week... possibly a month. As I am not looking to just move things from one place to another, I want to completely rid myself of things I no longer need or use. It's awful how I have accumulated unnecessary things, I have started with the bigger items and rearranging furniture.
As furniture and bags have left the house, I have started to feel lighter... I am looking forward to the day I have my house in order so that everything has a place and nothing new comes into the house unless something is leaving. The older I get the more I want to downsize... I have gone through cleaning thoroughly many times but until I downsize the clutter will always take over and become uncontrollable. It's like putting a band-aid on a cut that needs stitches... it never heals. If I want Valentina to learn that things are not important, I have to set the example.
With learning to live in the moment, it has given me the desire to do what I can each day, not thinking of ways to leave it for another day... I came to a conclusion the past couple of weeks that I was ignoring things that needed to be done because I didn't want to deal with it... just like opening my heart to allow love into it... I had to open my eyes to my surroundings and do something about it. My house is not a disaster by any means, I just have too many things that don't have places to go.

I had to take a hard look at myself and know that I had allowed it to get to this point because I didn't want to handle it, I didn't want to take responsibility, if I did, I would have to admit that I could do something, ... it meant I could no longer come home from work, sit down and veg out with my phone and the TV (which I don't even really watch)... When I had really committed to exercise, I gave up TV for 5 or 6 months and I didn't miss it at all, I am doing this again.
I have two goals by the end of this year and going forward, first the short goal is decluttering my house, which I have a very good start on and two getting back to walking and strength training. I have not felt good with my health, the added weight has made me want to move less and it has caused pain in my knees... luckily for me I remember how good it feels to be healthy and I am looking forward to getting there again. I don't have a goal weight, I have exercise goals... I'm back on My Fitness Pal and I am starting a couple of walking challenges tomorrow, this is what I need to get myself back to exercising daily. 

I think opening my heart to love was one of the best decisions I have made, it helped me take a long look at my life and by not hiding, I had to do something about it... is it easy? No, I can't say that but I can say that I can see it will be worth it... I had open up to see that happiness can be a step away...
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  1. Amiga vim te desejar um belo dia, e te dizer postagem
    maravilhosa nunca esqueça de ter FÉ, Foco e determinação,
    tenha uma semana abençoada.

  2. Decluttering lightens the spirit and makes life easier. You hit the nail on the head. You can't move stuff around and hide it, you have to let it go.

  3. That quote sums it up. Glad you moved to the Light. Hugs.

  4. Decluttering is the most awesome thing ever. And it DOES take a lot of time....and money too. My de-clutter took a few years- seriously- because I needed furniture. Everything needs a home and I needed to get those homes.

    It took me three months last summer to declutter my 1 bedroom apartment. I gave away about 17 of those HUGE ziplock storage bags, and I trashed quite a lot too. It took a lot of time, energy, and some money..... but once it was done it was a one-time deal. It is easy to maintain, even when I get behind in the housework...catching up is no big deal. As long as you aren't a shopaholic and you can put things back where they go, and get rid of stuff as needed, it will completely change your apartment. The results are really, really nice and it is a permanent change. I did mine mostly on the weekends, where i would tackle one closet at a time or one area at a time.

    Getting rid of stuff is awesome.

  5. Dear Launna, I'm happy you are living better now, I need to do the same and appreciate each day. My uncle died some hours ago, he was like a father for me, now I have to let him go in my heart.

  6. Launna- enlist Valentina. She has to do her stuff and her room. Daya was responsible for that. If she doesn't...I know this is hard but just leave it alone. Her room will have to be her room. Daya's room is pretty messy but she does go on cleaning binges bc she likes the rest of the apt being neat.

    especially with a kid and working full-time- give it 4 or 5 months. Get rid of stuff FIRST. then you will have space. Watching Hoarders is fantastic motivation btw. <3

  7. Now you reminded me. I REALLY need to declutter sometime soon. :-D

  8. Collecting things catches up with all of us at some point, I think. There is plenty here that I need to sort through and get rid of too. I like your idea of having fitness and exercise goals rather than weight loss goals. That sounds like the better way to go.

  9. A diferença de com e sem flash é grande mesmo! Mas garanto que é uma tonalidade lindíssima! ;D

    Launna, confesso que tive que ir no dicionário para saber o significado de "decluttering"! hehehe! Me parece uma boa arrumar a bagunça da casa, porque o ambiente é importante para ajudar na limpeza da mente.

    Ótima segunda!

    Beijo! ^^

  10. Really missed reading your blog! It's great to set goals I have one major one for this year - that I am really, really making sure I achieve...

  11. You sound happier! I think it is because you have taken control again! You know how you want to feel and you will get back there!

  12. Great Post Launna, i love also the fantastic helpful Quotes!

    lovely Greetings and kisses!

  13. I'm glad you have opened your heart and started being proactive with decluttering etc, I find it helps the mind too. I struggle with it though as I have so many clothes and things I have collected, but only live in a small room of my mum's house, so it's a huge mess lol.

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  14. Decluttering is such a big step towards making our lives better. Lately I have been busy doing the same, as spring is slowly sliding into warm summer days, I felt I need to get rid of too many things, and I'm loving it:)

    So are so true in saying that; "there are lot of things you can do each day!" Looking forward to some tasks (productive or unproductive) can keep our spirit up and kicking. Loved this post. Very motivating Dear.

    You have a wonderful week.

  15. I know you will be successful with your two goals for the year. I am cheering you on! I agree that if feels so good to declutter. Sometimes we accumulate things without stopping and thinking about what we are doing. I always feel lighter when I donate things I no longer need and get rid of the clutter in my life. Good luck! :)

  16. It looks like you're taking a huge leap and letting your heart open again. It does seems to have a very positive impact on you, Launna and I am so happy with the positive vibes from this post. Good on you my friend.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  17. Hi dear, i am happy to know you took a good big deal. To open your heart again is not an easy but you do it. Yups healthy is an expensive thing that we can't buy. And when we in good condition all we do is enjoyed. I agree with you its better to leave thats not important thing and focused on the future.

    Ps : i do walk exercise, i do it at morning and think how can you do it regularly? I felt bored and tired wanna to give up then i thought, launna can do it so i do :D

  18. It is nice you had a fairly good week. Sadly I accumulate unnecesary things as well sometimes. I will clean and order my house a bit today. xoxo

  19. Hi sweet Launna,
    I'm very happy for you, because I know you'll be successful with both goals.
    You are a very special and wonderful woman.
    Maggie D.
    Fashion Blog Maggie Dallospedale fashion diary

  20. Decluttering does feel really good. The one area that I hate to go in is my closet. Since I have gotten my mind right on losing weight one of the things I most look forward to is decluttering my closet. I know that in itself in addition to losing weight, being able to clean that out will make he feel lighter. I also have junk tucked behind the clothes because that’s a good place to put stuff that won’t fit anywhere else.

  21. samehere.. i don't know how many heartbreaks i've had but still i don't give up, for love, has given me so much happiness :)

    Maybe you have time to see my New outfit post Blue Drive

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  22. I like what goals u hv set fr urself.. De cluttering at regular intervals is a must as it adds a lot of positivity to one's life and makes u get rid of the bad energy in the form of materialistic things u hoard over time and which has no meaning... in regards to exercise u must continue walking it def wud help u in maintaining ur weight.. have a great week ahead Launna

  23. You'll feel good when your house is decluttered. It's amazing how much that stuff can weigh you down.

  24. HI Launna it feels good to declutter from time to time. I know I feel much lighter afterwards. I actually don't hold on to a lot anymore but my husband does which I end up decluttering his stuff most of the time. Glad to hear your week has been going good.

  25. Dear Launna, it's great you have started decluttering your house. You will feel much lighter (I adore tidying up!). Good luck with your new goals!!

    Jasmine ♥♥♥

  26. It's very important to appreciate every single day, I'm so Happy that you're living better now!!!!
    xo Paola
    My Facebook

  27. It 'a great step to avoid postpone things and appreciate the small individual moments, I'm glad you're better now Launna, a big hug dear.

    La Flò ♡ blog

  28. Decluttering home is definitely a good step for your improvements Launna!
    I think that cleanig and refreshing the palce we live is very important for mental and phisical health!
    Cleaning my room is even (one of) my way to calm my mind when I have hardships! :)
    And to learn not to postpone things is definitely a great goal you get! keep on going like this, hun, you're doing a great work! :)

  29. Dear Launna,
    tomorrow he will be buried. Lorenzo, my son, doesn't understand why God didn't let him survive... I'm feeling on a seesaw, now better, then sad... you know, it's life. Thanks a lot for your big help :)

  30. Oh dear Launna... I have (again) missed you. It´s not easy like you open your heart...but totally worth it! And your know girl, you can do everything you want. In some point, when you are doing will stay for the rest of your life.. as a lifestyle... xoxo have a awesome rest of the week!

  31. Decluttering is definitely not easy but is so rewarding once it is complete!

  32. My mom is SUCH a "keep everything type." She's not a hoarder, but she's like...afraid... to throw anything away! So growing up, I learned some BAD habits. (Insert saving every receipt ever here.) It's funny, but Pinterest inspired me to de-clutter. I've developed my own home decor style and taste from some bloggers with great style, and Pinterest... and I started noticing STUFF isn't EVERYwhere ALWAYS. Ha. So thankfully, I keep sentimental items minimized and either in an appropriate place, or put away as a keepsake. Everything else that's out is clean styling and decor... and it feels SO great. I don't even like my closet to get disorganized, so I sell and donate a lot...especially when I buy new items.

    It feels SO good. So good for you!

    Good luck with your goals, walking is great and glad to hear you plan to strength train, too!!

    Workout everyday! If you don't do a strength training routine, make sure you walk! You got this! And then pick up some cute flowy "swing tanks" as a reward :o)

    All the Cute 🎀
    Today's Post (so exciting!!): Alena, again!

  33. Ah Launna as I read your post, I again connect to you on a personal level. I've been quite caught up with work that at the end of the day when the work is done I'm too tired to do anything! Even cook myself a proper meal. And the house keeps getting clustered to the point I don't think I can handle organising them myself anymore. But I'll try and try to feel as you do! Thank you dear Launna for being the inspiration that you are!
    Nilu Yuleena Thapa
    BIG hair LOUD mouth

  34. De-cluttering is so helpful, and I always think Spring is such a good time to do this. Just take one step,or day, at a time and do a little. By the end you will feel uplifted ...

    I hope your week is going well Launna, take care

    All the best Jan

  35. It is such a great feeling when you organize and rid of unused items- especially if it can go to helping someone else. I always think when your house is in order it helps you focus more on the other things as well!

  36. You are very inspiring! I'm one of those, check out a decluttering book from the library..and somehow lose it at home. A friend once told me..don't you think its about time to only surround yourself with what makes you happy? That really did not help with the decluttering. Especially, when I had to sit and remember what made me happy to have this item?

    Still, when you think of all the disasters in the know, its gotta go some time, and you don't want it falling on top of you in the catastrophe. May the zen be with you!

  37. The Leo Christopher quote is a strong one, very well written post.

    xx Falasha
    Bite My Fashion ll Instagram ll Bloglovin' ll Join the Secret Guide

  38. OMG... the second quote, I feel applies to me! So tragic!


  39. I feel better as well after I clean up and declutter, its synonymous with how you feel in your mind, easing yourself of unnecessary things and burdens!

    Hope you are doing well x :)

  40. Hi Launna, I can so relate to your struggle in 'deluttering'. It's always been a struggle for me to declutter and throw away stuff as I am a self-confessed hoarder and collector. I just have a lot of clutter here at home which I'm no longer sure if they are "i'm sure that i will use them later" or they are just really clutter. I mean, i'm quite embarrassed about it because I'm an interior design graduate and i should really be fixing my stuff in a very, very nice way but i'm struggling. I've been trying to clean too but a day or a week is never enough. :( i hope we'll be able to solve this problem of ours. :) anyway, i really wish you all the best with walking and your health Launna. Get well soon! God bless!

    xoxo, rae

  41. I love decluttering too, so many unused stuff just occupying space! I feel light and focus when I'm done doing this. I wish you all the best in your healthy journey!

  42. I see you very positive right now, great decisions, keep it up!!
    Btw decluttering is so hard! I never know what to throw away...

  43. Lau querida passando para ti desejar um belo dia

  44. Launna, good luck on your house cleaning. I find it rather therapeutic myself. But best of luck to finding a new love. Stay inspiring.

  45. I'm the same way - I need to declutter to be able to breathe sometimes. I love the positivity in this post - made me smile!

  46. I have been procrastinating decluttering for weeks now. Your post has motivated me to get on with it. Weekend task!
    Thank you, beautiful! :)
    Enjoy your weekend.

  47. House cleaning is not always fun but necessary. I love to declutter and organize! Happiness has to come from inside ourselves and it is when we depend on outside sources (people, events or things) to make us happy we end up being miserable.

  48. Dear Launna, I should do the same, get rid of everything unnecessary to understand my life better...
    I wish you a lovely weekend and thanks for your great help :)

  49. 'Happiness will find you when you stop hiding', made me smile and is oh so true. Guess what Launna? You just inspired me to declutter my house too. I feel like i'm out of control with things all over especially clothes as my closet is bursting at the seams. Glad I'm a teacher and have 33 days of school left then I can do my summer (not spring) cleaning. I'm not a big TV watcher but Trump and the happenings in politics have me drawn to the box nonstop. Happy that you are working towards your goals and I know for sure you will achieve them. Cheering you on always.

  50. Good start, Launna. You are an inspiration...

    I love the quote "Happiness will find you when you stop hiding". Yes, it's within us, its all about how we are bringing it out from the hidden space.

  51. I was stopping by in anticipation of a new post, so I will keep checking in the week, but I wanted to say I hope you had a wonderful weekend, Launna and I hope you're well! xx.

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  52. Launna,
    It's been a while, and I've certainly missed your posts!
    Decluttering can seem almost overwhelming, but I like to think back to how happy I feel when my house is organized. It can be hard to let go of things, but whenever I decide to donate furniture or anything else, I also try to keep in mind that there is someone out there who can make better use of that object..if it will be more important to them than it currently may be to me.

    Walking is such a good habit to have. I think it's wonderful that you gain motivation from how you felt in the past. When falling back into old habits, it's important to remember how much better you felt when your ways had changed. I'm so happy that you're planning on exercising more often, because I know how difficult commitment can be.

    Yes, yes, and yes to this post--if we're hiding away, we're not facing our issues and we can never experience any happiness. I must admit, sometimes I do run away from responsibility. I'm sure that we all sometimes wish that we could do so without any consequences, but that isn't the case. We all have a purpose in life, and having a positive mindset of what impact you are making on the world, on a person, on a heart, by following through with responsibility definitely helps.

    Thank you for checking in on my blog with your encouraging comments whenever I do find time to post! It always brings a smile to my face. Lots of love, and I hope you're doing well! xx

  53. Seems like somehow many different aspects of your life are falling in place, Launna. It's great to see that you're doing productive things like start decluttering your house (which remined me I should do it, too. For real, there are so many unnesessary things around). I also hope you're doing well on your walking challenges. I know you'll be able to resume physical activity little by little, just keep those positive energies up! <3

  54. Nice photos!
    Love your blog! I am a new follower <3

  55. great post dear,i love reading that you are back to exercising and i wish you all the best dear

  56. I'm good at de cluttering my closet. I donate clothes I have not used for more than six months.Happy you are back at exercising.

  57. Passando para ti desejar uma que tenha uma semana maravilhosa.

  58. Eu nunca tive problemas com câmeras! Desde criança adorava aparecer em filmagens. Quando cresci decidi ir pra área do Jornalismo, e mais uma vez tive que ficar em frente às câmeras! É algo divertido pra mim.

    Ótima segunda, Launna!

    Beijo! ^^

  59. Launna, I can relate to you very much!

    I'm still figuring out a way to declutter my house! I know how hard it can get sometimes. I lately realized how I had developed sentimental values to most of the unused things that lay around and this makes me feel bad throwing them away. But still with a very stubborn mind, I managed to pack 4 full boxes of unused items and a few trashbags, containing broken/rusty utensils from the kitchen. I knew I could not do it all in one day. Not even a month! It will at least take two months for me. I admit my house is a mess now. And it reflects my mood so much!

    So last week, I arranged the things in order - Things I'll use, things I wont be using, at least for the next three months and things I WON'T use at all. I now either want to throw them away or donate them. Selling is out of the question because I've less to no time for that. I also don't think I have 'valuable' clutter to sell and make money out of it. If at all, doing so will affect my work. I already spent too much time on decluttering leaving all my blogging/business works.

    I know the feel after organizing things/kicking unwanted trash out. Whenever I do that, I feel very relaxed, positive. I feel like breathing fresh air after the declutter. Do you feel the same way too?

    My work-productively also increases, when house turns neat and clean!

    I wish you good luck to get rid of the unwanted things very soon! :)

  60. Hi Launna! It’s such a pleasure to visit your blog again. I’m so glad to hear you’ve taken positive steps towards decluttering, and really assessing what you want and need. It’s not an easy process. I can relate to your post, as I embarked on a major decluttering operation myself a couple of years ago, and it alarmed me to see how many things I’d amassed! Your goals of organising your living space, and getting back on track in terms of fitness, are very positive, and you’re approaching them in a realistic way as well! I wish you the best of luck and I’m certain you will get there!

    Saba xx


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